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The Attack Of The Church Of Rome On Freemasons And Freemasonry.
of the Sacred Office of the Prince of the Apostles , and in other usual and accustomed Places of the City , by me Peter Romolatius , Cursitor of the most Holy Inquisition . EDICT . Joseph Cardinal Firrao , of the Title St .
Thomas in Famine , and of the Sacred Roman College Cardinal Priest AVhereas the Holiness of our Sovereign Lord Pope Clement XII . happily reigning , in his Bull of the 28 th of April last , beginning In eminent ! , condemned , under Pain of Excommunication reserved to
himself , certain Companies , Societies , and Meetings , under the Title of Freemasons , more proper to be called Conventicles , ivhich , under the Pretext of Civil Society , admit Men of any Sect and Reli gion , with a strict Tie of Secrecy , confiined by Oath
on the Sacred Bible , as to all that is transacted or done in the said Meetings , and Conventicles : And whereas such Societies , Meetings and Conventicles are not only suspected of occult Heresy , but even dangerous to publick Peace , and the Safety
of the Ecclesiastical State ; since if they did not contain Matters contrary to orthodox Faith , to the State , and to the Peace of the Commonwealth , so many and strict Ties of Secrecy would not be required as it is widely taken Notice of in the aforesaid Bull ; and it being the Will of the Holiness of our said Lord that such Societies , Meetings , and Conventicles , totally cease and be
dissolved , and that they who are not constrained b y the Fear of Censures , be curbed at least b y temporal Punishments . Therefore , it is the express Order of his Holine .-s , by this Edict to prohibit all Persons , of any Sex , State , or Condition
soever , whether Ecclesistical , Secular , or Regular , of whatever Institute , Degree , or Dignit y , though ordinarily or extraordinaril y privileged , even such as require special and express Mention to be made of them , comprehending the four Legations of
Bologna , Ferrara , Romagna , Urbino , aud the City and Dukedom of Benevento ; and it is hereb y forbidden that any do presume to meet , assemble , or associate in any Place under the said Societies , or Assemblies of freemasons or under other Title
, any or Uoak whatsover or even be present at such Meetings and Assemblies , under Pain 01 JJeath and Confiscation of their Effects , to be irremissibl y incurred without Hopes 01 Grace . ! t is likewise prohibited , as above , to
any Person soever to seek or tempt any one to associate with any such Societies , Meetings , or Assemblies , or to advise , aid or abet to the like Purpose the said Meetings or Assemblies , under the Penalties abovesaid ; and they who shall furnish or provide a Houseor any other Place for such
Meet-, ings or Conventicles to be held , though under Pretext of Loan , Hire , any other Contract soever , are hereby condemned , over and above the aforesaid Penalties , to have the House , or Houses , or other Places where such Meetings and Conventicles
shall be held , utterly erased and demolished ; and it is his Holiness ' s Will , that to incur the abovesaid Penalty of Demolition , any human Conjectures , Hints , or Presumptions , may and shall suffice for a Presumption of Knowledge in the Landlords of such Houses
aud Places , without Admission of any Excuse soever . Aud because it is the express Will of our said Lord , that such Meeting , Societies , and Conventicles do cease , as pernicious , and suspect of Heresy and Seditionbe
, utterly dissolved : his Holiness does hereby strictly order , that any Persons , as above , Avho shall have Notice for the Future of the holding of the said Meetings ,
Assemblies , and Conventicles , or who shall be solicited to associate with the same or are in any Manner Accomplices or Partakers with them , be obliged , under the Fine of a thousand Crowns in Gold , beside other grievous corporal Punishments , the Gallies
not to be excepted , to be inflicted at Pleasure , to denounce them to his Eminence , or to the chief Magistrate of the ordinary Tribunal of the Cities , or other Places in which the Offence shall be committed , contrary to Edict ; with Promise and
Assurance to such Denouncers , orluformers , that they shall be kept inviolably secret and safe , and shall further obtain Grace and Immunity , notwithstanding any Penalty they themselves may or shall have incurred .
And that no one may excuse himself from the Obligation of informing under the borrowed Pretext of natural Secret , or the most sacred Oath , or other stricter Tye , by order of said Holiness , Notice is hereby given to all , that such Obligation
of natural Secret or any Sort of Oath in criminal Matters , and already condemned under Pain of Excommunication , as above , neither holds nor binds in any Manner , being nui , made void , and of no Force , & c ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Attack Of The Church Of Rome On Freemasons And Freemasonry.
of the Sacred Office of the Prince of the Apostles , and in other usual and accustomed Places of the City , by me Peter Romolatius , Cursitor of the most Holy Inquisition . EDICT . Joseph Cardinal Firrao , of the Title St .
Thomas in Famine , and of the Sacred Roman College Cardinal Priest AVhereas the Holiness of our Sovereign Lord Pope Clement XII . happily reigning , in his Bull of the 28 th of April last , beginning In eminent ! , condemned , under Pain of Excommunication reserved to
himself , certain Companies , Societies , and Meetings , under the Title of Freemasons , more proper to be called Conventicles , ivhich , under the Pretext of Civil Society , admit Men of any Sect and Reli gion , with a strict Tie of Secrecy , confiined by Oath
on the Sacred Bible , as to all that is transacted or done in the said Meetings , and Conventicles : And whereas such Societies , Meetings and Conventicles are not only suspected of occult Heresy , but even dangerous to publick Peace , and the Safety
of the Ecclesiastical State ; since if they did not contain Matters contrary to orthodox Faith , to the State , and to the Peace of the Commonwealth , so many and strict Ties of Secrecy would not be required as it is widely taken Notice of in the aforesaid Bull ; and it being the Will of the Holiness of our said Lord that such Societies , Meetings , and Conventicles , totally cease and be
dissolved , and that they who are not constrained b y the Fear of Censures , be curbed at least b y temporal Punishments . Therefore , it is the express Order of his Holine .-s , by this Edict to prohibit all Persons , of any Sex , State , or Condition
soever , whether Ecclesistical , Secular , or Regular , of whatever Institute , Degree , or Dignit y , though ordinarily or extraordinaril y privileged , even such as require special and express Mention to be made of them , comprehending the four Legations of
Bologna , Ferrara , Romagna , Urbino , aud the City and Dukedom of Benevento ; and it is hereb y forbidden that any do presume to meet , assemble , or associate in any Place under the said Societies , or Assemblies of freemasons or under other Title
, any or Uoak whatsover or even be present at such Meetings and Assemblies , under Pain 01 JJeath and Confiscation of their Effects , to be irremissibl y incurred without Hopes 01 Grace . ! t is likewise prohibited , as above , to
any Person soever to seek or tempt any one to associate with any such Societies , Meetings , or Assemblies , or to advise , aid or abet to the like Purpose the said Meetings or Assemblies , under the Penalties abovesaid ; and they who shall furnish or provide a Houseor any other Place for such
Meet-, ings or Conventicles to be held , though under Pretext of Loan , Hire , any other Contract soever , are hereby condemned , over and above the aforesaid Penalties , to have the House , or Houses , or other Places where such Meetings and Conventicles
shall be held , utterly erased and demolished ; and it is his Holiness ' s Will , that to incur the abovesaid Penalty of Demolition , any human Conjectures , Hints , or Presumptions , may and shall suffice for a Presumption of Knowledge in the Landlords of such Houses
aud Places , without Admission of any Excuse soever . Aud because it is the express Will of our said Lord , that such Meeting , Societies , and Conventicles do cease , as pernicious , and suspect of Heresy and Seditionbe
, utterly dissolved : his Holiness does hereby strictly order , that any Persons , as above , Avho shall have Notice for the Future of the holding of the said Meetings ,
Assemblies , and Conventicles , or who shall be solicited to associate with the same or are in any Manner Accomplices or Partakers with them , be obliged , under the Fine of a thousand Crowns in Gold , beside other grievous corporal Punishments , the Gallies
not to be excepted , to be inflicted at Pleasure , to denounce them to his Eminence , or to the chief Magistrate of the ordinary Tribunal of the Cities , or other Places in which the Offence shall be committed , contrary to Edict ; with Promise and
Assurance to such Denouncers , orluformers , that they shall be kept inviolably secret and safe , and shall further obtain Grace and Immunity , notwithstanding any Penalty they themselves may or shall have incurred .
And that no one may excuse himself from the Obligation of informing under the borrowed Pretext of natural Secret , or the most sacred Oath , or other stricter Tye , by order of said Holiness , Notice is hereby given to all , that such Obligation
of natural Secret or any Sort of Oath in criminal Matters , and already condemned under Pain of Excommunication , as above , neither holds nor binds in any Manner , being nui , made void , and of no Force , & c ,