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The Attack Of The Church Of Rome On Freemasons And Freemasonry.
Tis our Will that the present Edict , when affixed in the usual placesin Romeandits District , and from the Term of twenty Days after , the whole Ecclesiastical State , comprehendingeventheLegations and Cities of Bologna , Ferrara , and Benevento , in the same Manner , as if they had been personally
notified to each of them . Given in Rome this 14 th Day of January , 1738 . JOSEPH CARDINAL F . KIIAO , Jerome de Bardi , Secretary , Rome , In the Printing-Office of the Reverend Apostolick Chamber . 1739 .
DECREE The 18 th Day of Feb . 1739 . The Sacred Congregation of the most Eminent , and most Reverend Cardinals of the Holy Roman See , and Inquisitors-Generals in the Christian Republick against heretical Pravityheld in the Convent of
, St . Mary Supra Minervam , thoroughly weighing that a certain Book , written in French , small in its Size ; but most ivicked in Regard to its bad Subject , intitled , The History of , and an Apology for the Society of Free-masons , by J . G . D . M . F . M .
printed at Dublin , for Patrick Odoroko , 1739 , has been published to the great Scandal of all the Faithful in Christ , in ivhich Book there is an Apology for the Society of Freemasons , already-justly condemned by the Holy See : A fter a mature
Examination thereof , a Censure , and that published by our most Holy Lord , Pope Clement XII . together with the suffrages of the most Eminent and most Reverend
Lords , the Cardinals , by the Command of his Holiness , condemns and prohibits , by the present Decree , the said Book , as containing Propositions and wicked Principles . Wherefore , that so hurtful and wicked a AVork may be abolished , as much as possible it canor at least that it may not
, continue without a perpetual Note of Infamy , the same sacred Congregation , by Command as above , has ordered that the said Work shall be burnt publickl y by the Minister of Justice in the Street of St . Mary Supra Minervam , on the 25 th of the
current Month , at the same Time , the Congregation shall be held iu the Convent of the same St . Mary . Moreover , this same sacred Congregation , by the Command of bis Holiness , positively forbids and prohibits all the Faithful in Christ , that no one dare bv any Means , and under any Pretence whatsoever , copy , print , or cause to be copied or printed , or retain
The Attack Of The Church Of Rome On Freemasons And Freemasonry.
or presume to read the said Book , in any Language , aud Version now published , or ( which God forbid ) may be published hereafter , aud now condemned by this Decree , under the Pain of Excommunication to be incurred ipso Facto by those that shall offend therein ; but that they
presently and effectually deliver it up to the Ordinaries of such Places , or to the Inquisitors of heretical Pravity , who shall burn it , or cause it to be burnt , without Delay . Tweuty-fith of Februrary , 1739 . Paul Antimus
CapelloriusNotary-Pub-, lick of the Holy Roman and Uuiversal Inquisition . The Place t of the Seal . Upon the 25 th of February , 1739 , the above cited Decree was fixed and published at the Gates of the Church of the Prince
of the Apostles , at the Palace of the Holy Office , and at the other accustomary Places within the City , by me Peter Romolatins , Officer of the Holy Inquisition . At Rome , from the Printing-Office of the Reverend Apostolick-Chamber 1739 .
, AVe hope to continue the papers until we have published all the existent Papal edicts against our tolerant , forbearing , and always loyal and peaceable order .
The Mystic Temple.
North , South , East , AVest , the world around , In every clime are Masons found , On hill tops high , in valleys IOAV , In Torrid Zone , ' mid Greenland ' s snow , Her altars rise , her Avorkmen meet , The Mystic Temple to complete .
To each true brother is assigned The task to cultivate his mind , To learn his passions to subdue , To love the good , the pure and true , And learn this lesson , meant for all : The equal ri g hts of great and small .
Then ply with skill your tools of trade ; To every stone let plumb be laid ; AVith square and compass , rule and line , Make every block , a block divine , A true , tried stone , with chiseled face , And fitted for its projier place .
So let the Mystic Temple rise , Its base on earth , its top in sky , Faith , Hope and Love , the ladder brig ht , That leads us up to realms of light , Till Hiram ' s foe is met and passed , And all , o ' er Death triumph at last . Keystone , Philadelp hia .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Attack Of The Church Of Rome On Freemasons And Freemasonry.
Tis our Will that the present Edict , when affixed in the usual placesin Romeandits District , and from the Term of twenty Days after , the whole Ecclesiastical State , comprehendingeventheLegations and Cities of Bologna , Ferrara , and Benevento , in the same Manner , as if they had been personally
notified to each of them . Given in Rome this 14 th Day of January , 1738 . JOSEPH CARDINAL F . KIIAO , Jerome de Bardi , Secretary , Rome , In the Printing-Office of the Reverend Apostolick Chamber . 1739 .
DECREE The 18 th Day of Feb . 1739 . The Sacred Congregation of the most Eminent , and most Reverend Cardinals of the Holy Roman See , and Inquisitors-Generals in the Christian Republick against heretical Pravityheld in the Convent of
, St . Mary Supra Minervam , thoroughly weighing that a certain Book , written in French , small in its Size ; but most ivicked in Regard to its bad Subject , intitled , The History of , and an Apology for the Society of Free-masons , by J . G . D . M . F . M .
printed at Dublin , for Patrick Odoroko , 1739 , has been published to the great Scandal of all the Faithful in Christ , in ivhich Book there is an Apology for the Society of Freemasons , already-justly condemned by the Holy See : A fter a mature
Examination thereof , a Censure , and that published by our most Holy Lord , Pope Clement XII . together with the suffrages of the most Eminent and most Reverend
Lords , the Cardinals , by the Command of his Holiness , condemns and prohibits , by the present Decree , the said Book , as containing Propositions and wicked Principles . Wherefore , that so hurtful and wicked a AVork may be abolished , as much as possible it canor at least that it may not
, continue without a perpetual Note of Infamy , the same sacred Congregation , by Command as above , has ordered that the said Work shall be burnt publickl y by the Minister of Justice in the Street of St . Mary Supra Minervam , on the 25 th of the
current Month , at the same Time , the Congregation shall be held iu the Convent of the same St . Mary . Moreover , this same sacred Congregation , by the Command of bis Holiness , positively forbids and prohibits all the Faithful in Christ , that no one dare bv any Means , and under any Pretence whatsoever , copy , print , or cause to be copied or printed , or retain
The Attack Of The Church Of Rome On Freemasons And Freemasonry.
or presume to read the said Book , in any Language , aud Version now published , or ( which God forbid ) may be published hereafter , aud now condemned by this Decree , under the Pain of Excommunication to be incurred ipso Facto by those that shall offend therein ; but that they
presently and effectually deliver it up to the Ordinaries of such Places , or to the Inquisitors of heretical Pravity , who shall burn it , or cause it to be burnt , without Delay . Tweuty-fith of Februrary , 1739 . Paul Antimus
CapelloriusNotary-Pub-, lick of the Holy Roman and Uuiversal Inquisition . The Place t of the Seal . Upon the 25 th of February , 1739 , the above cited Decree was fixed and published at the Gates of the Church of the Prince
of the Apostles , at the Palace of the Holy Office , and at the other accustomary Places within the City , by me Peter Romolatins , Officer of the Holy Inquisition . At Rome , from the Printing-Office of the Reverend Apostolick-Chamber 1739 .
, AVe hope to continue the papers until we have published all the existent Papal edicts against our tolerant , forbearing , and always loyal and peaceable order .
The Mystic Temple.
North , South , East , AVest , the world around , In every clime are Masons found , On hill tops high , in valleys IOAV , In Torrid Zone , ' mid Greenland ' s snow , Her altars rise , her Avorkmen meet , The Mystic Temple to complete .
To each true brother is assigned The task to cultivate his mind , To learn his passions to subdue , To love the good , the pure and true , And learn this lesson , meant for all : The equal ri g hts of great and small .
Then ply with skill your tools of trade ; To every stone let plumb be laid ; AVith square and compass , rule and line , Make every block , a block divine , A true , tried stone , with chiseled face , And fitted for its projier place .
So let the Mystic Temple rise , Its base on earth , its top in sky , Faith , Hope and Love , the ladder brig ht , That leads us up to realms of light , Till Hiram ' s foe is met and passed , And all , o ' er Death triumph at last . Keystone , Philadelp hia .