Article SOME ORIGINAL LETTERS. ← Page 7 of 8 →
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Some Original Letters.
given up . I believe Stump met by himself for a good while . All the rest of our world is the same as ever , except that everybody has had the influenza , and everybody thinks he has had it worse than anybody else , and gets quite angry if you don't alloAv it . Do you remember a fine ,
handsome young man , very lively , named Mr . George Peabody 1 I am thinking of falling desperately hi loA'e Avith him . He took us to the opera the other night , and treated us so magnificently and gave us such beautiful bouquetsthat Ave think he must be
, one of the princes of the ' Aiabian Nights ' revived , and reverence him accordingly . He gave a grand breakfast lately at the Star and Garter ( hi writing to a native of the II . S . I should have said Star and
G ) . We and everybody else AA'ent , and afterward Ave had Grisi ancl Mario to sing 'Yankee Doodle . ' . . . We are just noAV like a magnified ' Happy Family ' —Yankees , Turks , Rooshians , Prooshians , ChineseGermansTartarsFrenchItalians
, , , , , camels , elephants , hippopotamuses , and cardinals—all living peacefully in one cage . All London , soul and body , is absorbed in the Great Exhibition of Industry , and when , we say we haven't been , people stop talking to us as if we Avere deaf
ancl dumb , but Ave Avon't go till you come to go AA'ith us . There is to be an opposition Exhibition of Idleness , to Avhich I am soiim to send something .
" ' No Popery' is all the fashion—no one knoAvs Avhat it will come to ; but , if the Roman Catholics get the best of it and roast us all , you shall have some of the ashes of your dearest friends sifted and sent over hi a coal-scuttle . I don't mean
to be burnt , but shall join the Pope ' s party . " By the bye , Ave had such a nice lecture from Thackeray on Pope ( of England ) , and , ever since , all the family have been reading or grabbing at Pope ' s letters
, Avhich , to my shame ( and yet to my joy , for they are such a new treat ) , I have seen all my life hi the book-case and never read a word of , for two foolish reasons—one , because they are bound in a colour that most dull books ivearandthe otherthat
, , , the pictures in the beginning are of a class that I hate , namely , Roman emperors ivith hooked noses , ancl temples of learning Avith pastoral warriors in armour ivith shepherds '
crooks larger than the temples . I dai , say you have met with that kind of books ancl avoided them as I did , but , if y 0 , J don ' t knoAV Pope ' s letters , do make friend s with them very soon . . . . HaA'e you forgotten ah your poetry on that hv <\ stool 1 We shall call you as they do the
cardinal , ' His Eminence , ' if you don ' t come CIOAVU . I am sure you could not read Bums up there ; Milton , you might , pethaps , ancl , pray tell me if you think there is as much sense in ' Lycidas' as in the ' Tiva Dogs . '
" Papa looks so AA'ell in his Turkish dress ( AVMCII he had made for our fancy-dress party ) that he says he has been an ugly Englishman long enough , and IIOAV intends to go ancl live in Constantinople and ho a handsome Turk for the rest of his clays . Mamma and all send love to the poor captain , Avho has got aground at last after so many safe voyages . " H . J . L .
"Mrs . P . makes me open this to tell you that she has entirely forgotten you . 1 went with her to Mchne . Tussaud's last night , and tried to bring you to her recollection by taking her into the Napoleon room ancl shoAving her the wax-works for Avhich the catalogue says you are the
model . I Avas delighted Avith everything , ancl Ave got into a regular TOAV and were nearly taken up by the police for staring at a live man , taking him for a wax murderer and criticising him accordingly , and , though his eyes very' naturally rolled
fiercely in his head , Ave , of course , though ! that was part of his business . Mrs . P . Avon't let me Avrite any more , and , besides , I can't spell Avell with her pen , so goodlive . "
" Tell the captain that the two Chalon boys have got some new pets . A pair oi fine carp Avere sent them to eat , but Louis said , ' Oh , Mr . Alfred , they ' re not dead . ' So they put them in a tub of Avater and they revived , and now they have a Avive the
net OA er the tub to keep cats and all other Avild beasts that roam in the deserts of Winipole-street from eating them , and they feed them on minnows , and take al ' their friends to look at them . " We think our readers will agree with « s that fcAv more thoroughly Avitty letters w
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Original Letters.
given up . I believe Stump met by himself for a good while . All the rest of our world is the same as ever , except that everybody has had the influenza , and everybody thinks he has had it worse than anybody else , and gets quite angry if you don't alloAv it . Do you remember a fine ,
handsome young man , very lively , named Mr . George Peabody 1 I am thinking of falling desperately hi loA'e Avith him . He took us to the opera the other night , and treated us so magnificently and gave us such beautiful bouquetsthat Ave think he must be
, one of the princes of the ' Aiabian Nights ' revived , and reverence him accordingly . He gave a grand breakfast lately at the Star and Garter ( hi writing to a native of the II . S . I should have said Star and
G ) . We and everybody else AA'ent , and afterward Ave had Grisi ancl Mario to sing 'Yankee Doodle . ' . . . We are just noAV like a magnified ' Happy Family ' —Yankees , Turks , Rooshians , Prooshians , ChineseGermansTartarsFrenchItalians
, , , , , camels , elephants , hippopotamuses , and cardinals—all living peacefully in one cage . All London , soul and body , is absorbed in the Great Exhibition of Industry , and when , we say we haven't been , people stop talking to us as if we Avere deaf
ancl dumb , but Ave Avon't go till you come to go AA'ith us . There is to be an opposition Exhibition of Idleness , to Avhich I am soiim to send something .
" ' No Popery' is all the fashion—no one knoAvs Avhat it will come to ; but , if the Roman Catholics get the best of it and roast us all , you shall have some of the ashes of your dearest friends sifted and sent over hi a coal-scuttle . I don't mean
to be burnt , but shall join the Pope ' s party . " By the bye , Ave had such a nice lecture from Thackeray on Pope ( of England ) , and , ever since , all the family have been reading or grabbing at Pope ' s letters
, Avhich , to my shame ( and yet to my joy , for they are such a new treat ) , I have seen all my life hi the book-case and never read a word of , for two foolish reasons—one , because they are bound in a colour that most dull books ivearandthe otherthat
, , , the pictures in the beginning are of a class that I hate , namely , Roman emperors ivith hooked noses , ancl temples of learning Avith pastoral warriors in armour ivith shepherds '
crooks larger than the temples . I dai , say you have met with that kind of books ancl avoided them as I did , but , if y 0 , J don ' t knoAV Pope ' s letters , do make friend s with them very soon . . . . HaA'e you forgotten ah your poetry on that hv <\ stool 1 We shall call you as they do the
cardinal , ' His Eminence , ' if you don ' t come CIOAVU . I am sure you could not read Bums up there ; Milton , you might , pethaps , ancl , pray tell me if you think there is as much sense in ' Lycidas' as in the ' Tiva Dogs . '
" Papa looks so AA'ell in his Turkish dress ( AVMCII he had made for our fancy-dress party ) that he says he has been an ugly Englishman long enough , and IIOAV intends to go ancl live in Constantinople and ho a handsome Turk for the rest of his clays . Mamma and all send love to the poor captain , Avho has got aground at last after so many safe voyages . " H . J . L .
"Mrs . P . makes me open this to tell you that she has entirely forgotten you . 1 went with her to Mchne . Tussaud's last night , and tried to bring you to her recollection by taking her into the Napoleon room ancl shoAving her the wax-works for Avhich the catalogue says you are the
model . I Avas delighted Avith everything , ancl Ave got into a regular TOAV and were nearly taken up by the police for staring at a live man , taking him for a wax murderer and criticising him accordingly , and , though his eyes very' naturally rolled
fiercely in his head , Ave , of course , though ! that was part of his business . Mrs . P . Avon't let me Avrite any more , and , besides , I can't spell Avell with her pen , so goodlive . "
" Tell the captain that the two Chalon boys have got some new pets . A pair oi fine carp Avere sent them to eat , but Louis said , ' Oh , Mr . Alfred , they ' re not dead . ' So they put them in a tub of Avater and they revived , and now they have a Avive the
net OA er the tub to keep cats and all other Avild beasts that roam in the deserts of Winipole-street from eating them , and they feed them on minnows , and take al ' their friends to look at them . " We think our readers will agree with « s that fcAv more thoroughly Avitty letters w