Article SOME ORIGINAL LETTERS. ← Page 8 of 8 Article DEAR HEART MINE. Page 1 of 1 Article DEAR HEART MINE. Page 1 of 1 Article Forgotten Stories. Page 1 of 7 →
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Some Original Letters.
¦ 5 impossible to read 01 to realise , and we hall bo very g lad to know when we can rrratify alike our sense of intellectual fun and playful pleasantry with some more like them . We conclude this little but , Ave venture to think , very readable paper Avith one of Captain Morgan ' s good stories : —
" On one of Captain Morgan ' s voyages from America to England , he had under his care a very attractive young lady , AA'I IO speedily distinguished herself by reducing five young gentlemen to the verge of distraction . She was quite ready to marry
one , hut Avhat could she do AA'ith five 1 In the embarrassment of her riches she sought the captain , AVIIO , after a feAV moments ' thought , said : ' It ' s a fine calm day ; suppose , by accident , you should fall overhoard I'll have a boat loAvered ready to
; pick you up , ancl you can take the man jivho loves you well enough to jump after you . ' This novel proposition met the young lady ' s vieAA's , and the programme ivas accordingly carried out , Avith the trifling exception that four of the young
men took the plunge , ancl , being picked up by the boat , presented themselves a dripping quartette upon the ship's dock . The object of their undanipenecl ardour , no less wet than themselves , fled to her slate-room ancl sent for her adviserthe
, captain . ' Now , captain , ' cried she in despair , ' what am I to do ? ' ' Ah , my clear , ' replied the captain , ' if you Avant a sensible husband , take the dry one '—which she did . "
Dear Heart Mine.
DEAE heart mine HOAV clear to-day That form of thine With me cloth stay I What boots repeating , HOAV still for me , Fond ' s greeting
memory Seems but a Vesper sigh for thee 1 Long years roll by , Aid Time fast flown ,
Dear Heart Mine.
Speaks Avith a sigh To me alone ; For all I hear , And all I see , Does but appear Dear heart mine , a dream of thee I If fancy ' s hushed
, If faith ' s congealing , If hope is crushed , If life ' s revealing A sombre hue ; If doomed to flee Are hopes most true , Dear heart mine , I think of thee !
In tears by day , In dreams by night , Though far away , Yet fair ancl bright , Thy laughing face In winsome glee ,
In untold grace , Dear heart mine , betokens thee ! Oh , gracious sight . I HOAV much I prize AU clear and bright
Those loving eyes , Which seems to shine In words to me , "I still am thine !" Yes , clear heart mine , I dream of thee NE . HO .
Forgotten Stories.
Forgotten Stories .
( A Tale from the Italian . ) TANCRED , Prince of Salerno , was distinguished in the age in Avhich he lived for the courtesy of his manners , ancl the kindness ancl generosity of his disposition ; ancl he Avould have preserved this character
to his grave , if , in his old age , he had not , by a strange concurrence of events , become the murderer of his child and of his friend . This child , the only one he ever had , AA-as r 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Original Letters.
¦ 5 impossible to read 01 to realise , and we hall bo very g lad to know when we can rrratify alike our sense of intellectual fun and playful pleasantry with some more like them . We conclude this little but , Ave venture to think , very readable paper Avith one of Captain Morgan ' s good stories : —
" On one of Captain Morgan ' s voyages from America to England , he had under his care a very attractive young lady , AA'I IO speedily distinguished herself by reducing five young gentlemen to the verge of distraction . She was quite ready to marry
one , hut Avhat could she do AA'ith five 1 In the embarrassment of her riches she sought the captain , AVIIO , after a feAV moments ' thought , said : ' It ' s a fine calm day ; suppose , by accident , you should fall overhoard I'll have a boat loAvered ready to
; pick you up , ancl you can take the man jivho loves you well enough to jump after you . ' This novel proposition met the young lady ' s vieAA's , and the programme ivas accordingly carried out , Avith the trifling exception that four of the young
men took the plunge , ancl , being picked up by the boat , presented themselves a dripping quartette upon the ship's dock . The object of their undanipenecl ardour , no less wet than themselves , fled to her slate-room ancl sent for her adviserthe
, captain . ' Now , captain , ' cried she in despair , ' what am I to do ? ' ' Ah , my clear , ' replied the captain , ' if you Avant a sensible husband , take the dry one '—which she did . "
Dear Heart Mine.
DEAE heart mine HOAV clear to-day That form of thine With me cloth stay I What boots repeating , HOAV still for me , Fond ' s greeting
memory Seems but a Vesper sigh for thee 1 Long years roll by , Aid Time fast flown ,
Dear Heart Mine.
Speaks Avith a sigh To me alone ; For all I hear , And all I see , Does but appear Dear heart mine , a dream of thee I If fancy ' s hushed
, If faith ' s congealing , If hope is crushed , If life ' s revealing A sombre hue ; If doomed to flee Are hopes most true , Dear heart mine , I think of thee !
In tears by day , In dreams by night , Though far away , Yet fair ancl bright , Thy laughing face In winsome glee ,
In untold grace , Dear heart mine , betokens thee ! Oh , gracious sight . I HOAV much I prize AU clear and bright
Those loving eyes , Which seems to shine In words to me , "I still am thine !" Yes , clear heart mine , I dream of thee NE . HO .
Forgotten Stories.
Forgotten Stories .
( A Tale from the Italian . ) TANCRED , Prince of Salerno , was distinguished in the age in Avhich he lived for the courtesy of his manners , ancl the kindness ancl generosity of his disposition ; ancl he Avould have preserved this character
to his grave , if , in his old age , he had not , by a strange concurrence of events , become the murderer of his child and of his friend . This child , the only one he ever had , AA-as r 2