Article Forgotten Stories. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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Forgotten Stories.
sweep aAvay with a hurricane all the airy illusions of the love-created Elysium . To understand hoAv all this came to pass , you must know , gentle Reader , that Tancred delighted so much in his daughter ' s company , that he very frequentl y Avent
Avithout attendants into her apartment , and Avoulcl spend many hours in conversation with her , and take great pleasure in hearing her play upon the guitar , upon Avhich instrument she Avas accounted an excellent performer . NOAV it happened
one day that the Prince , after dinner , took it into his head to pay one of these visits to his daughter ; and finding , upon entering her apartment , that she was amusing herself in the gardens Avith her maidens , he was not ivifling to call her
away from her diversion ; but perceiving the AvindoAVS all closed , and the curtains of the summer couch let CIOAVU , he sat himself at the foot of the said couch upon a cushion , and , reclining his head against the side ot the frameand drawing the
, curtains over him , ho fell sound asleep . Soon after this , Sigismunda softly entered the room without her attendants ; and , not perceiving her father , proceeded
immediately to open the door of the grotto staircase to admit Guiscard ; Avhom , as the Fates Avere determined to destroy them , she had appointed to meet her that day . Guiscard was there ; and , going to their favourite seat by the window , Avhich they opened , they Avere absorbed in fond
questions and eager answers , and indul ging in the chaste and innocent endearments of nuptial love , until upon Guiscarcl ' s saying , Avith an animated tone of voice , " My dearest wife , let us fly from hence , and live in humble libert y ; " and accompanying the speech Avith a kiss upon her cheek , Tancred awoke , saAv the action , but heard nottheAvords , Avasstruck dumb
withastonishment ; and Avas at first upon the point of rushing forward Avith his drawn sAvord upon the couple , but the natural hesitation attending old age cheeked him , and he determined to remain concealed , and make sure of his victim by other means ; and ,
besides , he Avas anxious to spare his daughter ' s reputation as much as possible . The two lovers continued a long time in the same manner repeating their caresses , until , upon its groAving dark , they separated ; Cmisoard to the grotto , and
Sigismunda to call her maidens . In this interval Tancred emerged from his hiclincplace ; and , being willing to escape observation , he let himself into the garden from a small AvindoAV Avhich communicated very nearly with the ground , by a fli ght
of steps , to another AvindoAV below . Upon his return to his chamber he gave loose to his restrained indignation and deadl y SOITOAV ; for it seemed to him certain that his daughter had dishonoured herself , and that Avith one of such low and ignoble
condition , as aggravated the disgrace . Inflamed with rage , he gave orders tnat two of his guards should Avatch the egress of the grotto , through which he immediately conjectured that Guiscard must make his escape , and strictly enjoined
them , at all hazards , to bring him alive in his presence , which was shortly after accomplished : for though Guiscard was strong and brave , yet , being taken unexpectedly , Avith such odds , and encumbered with his leathern dresshe could make no
, effectual resistance . Upon being brought into his presence , Tancred gazed upon the prisoner ; ancl , hardly refraining from tears , from the recollection of his past
affection for the youth , and the fate which now aAvaited him , said— " Guiscard , my kindness towards you did not , methinks , deserve the outrage and the shame which yon have inflicted upon me , and of which , alas ! I myself have this clay been an agonized Avitness" To Avhich Guiscard
. replied nothing but this : " Love ivas more poAverful than either you or myself . " Tancred upon this ordered him to be removed quietly into some inner chamber , and guarded until further orders ; Avhich w » instantl performed . The next day
y ( Sigismunda all this Avhile knowing nothing of the fate of her husband ) , Tancred ruminated for many hours upon m future conduct toAvards his daug hter ; Avhich ended at length in his going about the same hour as in the preceding evenn'o tho
to her apartment ; ancl . having closed door , and called her to him , he took h « 1 ' hand for a moment in silence , then let i go ; and , withdraAving himself some *' * from her , burst into a passionate fit ° weeping , to the amazement of Sig ismunda j in a few minutes , however , he recoveie himself , and Avith a distressed , yet » " ' tone of voice , he began thus ;— "W
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Forgotten Stories.
sweep aAvay with a hurricane all the airy illusions of the love-created Elysium . To understand hoAv all this came to pass , you must know , gentle Reader , that Tancred delighted so much in his daughter ' s company , that he very frequentl y Avent
Avithout attendants into her apartment , and Avoulcl spend many hours in conversation with her , and take great pleasure in hearing her play upon the guitar , upon Avhich instrument she Avas accounted an excellent performer . NOAV it happened
one day that the Prince , after dinner , took it into his head to pay one of these visits to his daughter ; and finding , upon entering her apartment , that she was amusing herself in the gardens Avith her maidens , he was not ivifling to call her
away from her diversion ; but perceiving the AvindoAVS all closed , and the curtains of the summer couch let CIOAVU , he sat himself at the foot of the said couch upon a cushion , and , reclining his head against the side ot the frameand drawing the
, curtains over him , ho fell sound asleep . Soon after this , Sigismunda softly entered the room without her attendants ; and , not perceiving her father , proceeded
immediately to open the door of the grotto staircase to admit Guiscard ; Avhom , as the Fates Avere determined to destroy them , she had appointed to meet her that day . Guiscard was there ; and , going to their favourite seat by the window , Avhich they opened , they Avere absorbed in fond
questions and eager answers , and indul ging in the chaste and innocent endearments of nuptial love , until upon Guiscarcl ' s saying , Avith an animated tone of voice , " My dearest wife , let us fly from hence , and live in humble libert y ; " and accompanying the speech Avith a kiss upon her cheek , Tancred awoke , saAv the action , but heard nottheAvords , Avasstruck dumb
withastonishment ; and Avas at first upon the point of rushing forward Avith his drawn sAvord upon the couple , but the natural hesitation attending old age cheeked him , and he determined to remain concealed , and make sure of his victim by other means ; and ,
besides , he Avas anxious to spare his daughter ' s reputation as much as possible . The two lovers continued a long time in the same manner repeating their caresses , until , upon its groAving dark , they separated ; Cmisoard to the grotto , and
Sigismunda to call her maidens . In this interval Tancred emerged from his hiclincplace ; and , being willing to escape observation , he let himself into the garden from a small AvindoAV Avhich communicated very nearly with the ground , by a fli ght
of steps , to another AvindoAV below . Upon his return to his chamber he gave loose to his restrained indignation and deadl y SOITOAV ; for it seemed to him certain that his daughter had dishonoured herself , and that Avith one of such low and ignoble
condition , as aggravated the disgrace . Inflamed with rage , he gave orders tnat two of his guards should Avatch the egress of the grotto , through which he immediately conjectured that Guiscard must make his escape , and strictly enjoined
them , at all hazards , to bring him alive in his presence , which was shortly after accomplished : for though Guiscard was strong and brave , yet , being taken unexpectedly , Avith such odds , and encumbered with his leathern dresshe could make no
, effectual resistance . Upon being brought into his presence , Tancred gazed upon the prisoner ; ancl , hardly refraining from tears , from the recollection of his past
affection for the youth , and the fate which now aAvaited him , said— " Guiscard , my kindness towards you did not , methinks , deserve the outrage and the shame which yon have inflicted upon me , and of which , alas ! I myself have this clay been an agonized Avitness" To Avhich Guiscard
. replied nothing but this : " Love ivas more poAverful than either you or myself . " Tancred upon this ordered him to be removed quietly into some inner chamber , and guarded until further orders ; Avhich w » instantl performed . The next day
y ( Sigismunda all this Avhile knowing nothing of the fate of her husband ) , Tancred ruminated for many hours upon m future conduct toAvards his daug hter ; Avhich ended at length in his going about the same hour as in the preceding evenn'o tho
to her apartment ; ancl . having closed door , and called her to him , he took h « 1 ' hand for a moment in silence , then let i go ; and , withdraAving himself some *' * from her , burst into a passionate fit ° weeping , to the amazement of Sig ismunda j in a few minutes , however , he recoveie himself , and Avith a distressed , yet » " ' tone of voice , he began thus ;— "W