Article THE VOICE OF NATURE. ← Page 2 of 2
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The Voice Of Nature.
Nothing naturally , for certain . But the unnatural influences of society and of custom , which introduce luxuries ancl set up Epicureanism as the most refined and exalted order of the clay , propagate the doctrines of Bacchus allied to those of Adepbagia and Comns , as the acme of civilization , with a resalt at once debasing , making men effeminate and women bold ; falsely giving a rosy hue to the evanescent pleasures of the rich , so that the reality of their
hollowness is not seen by the participators , truly affirming the fact of a " gilded vice , " aptly illustrated by the picture of "Death and the Lady . " Man being a reasonable creature—i . e ., able to reason , knows b y innate conscientiousness whether his acts are right or wrong . He "mayknow the right , but still the wrong pursue . " This departure from the natural or ri ght course bringeth manifold disasters , yet the first evil step is found to be so easy that the
dire consequences following defection from what is right , if foreseen or thought of , are but little heeded . Thus mankind are continuall y plunging in a " sea of trouble" merely to gratify the feeling of the moment or the whims and passions of the hour . Here , then , that unerring voice of nature , which is commonly called " conscience , " stands boldly out , asserting right , a true guide , warning men of the peril of apostacy , ancl dictating a safer course . Alas ! how few men are morally guided by their innermost thoughts of right ; not many argue out the superficial character of impulsive ideas or first impressions , or they would not "take their pleasures so sadly , " and even badly , filling the
world with misery , ancl often bringing the innocent to ruin . A great many troubles are born of the so-called pleasure-taking ancl holiday-making , in and out of season , yet what avast amount of good , physically as well as mentally , change of . air and scene brings about when taken apart from the concomitant drawbacks which excess in one or all the phases of life engenders . Without enumerating the various ways b y which substance , health , food , clothing , and even life itself are wastedI venture to hope the cesthetic students of better
, education will show such an example to their less fortunate brethren that ere long we shall see the mass of the people seeking pure enjoyments and rational amusements , making health their first care , ancl taking kindly to sobriety and moderation , living a long ancl peaceful life and d ying happy . This pleasant and much-to-be-wishecl-for consummation can onl y be arrived at by strict observation of and conformity to nature ' s laws . To some people simple things
seem to be difficult . The habit of proper self-denial should be practised by free-willed , unthinking , and careless persons , they always remembering that to take a little less food than that which satisfies hunger is better than repletion , taking care to have pure air to breathe ancl plenty of it , comfortable clothing to wear on a well-washed body , ancl thus making life ' s circumstances agreeable ; stud ying nature until trees ancl lants rocksstones and sandsthe denizens
p , , of the sea and earth , ancl things celestial , as well as things terrestial , become as " familiar as household words , " reminding man that he is part of the wonderful whole for whose delectation the creation , with all its abounding beauty , was especially ancl providentially designed .
What more has man to do than to express with all humilit y his gratitude to the Most High for such beneficent favours , and strive with all his might and all his soul to live in peace with all men , to render daily praise and thanksgiving to the Great Architect of the Universe . So mote it be !
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The Voice Of Nature.
Nothing naturally , for certain . But the unnatural influences of society and of custom , which introduce luxuries ancl set up Epicureanism as the most refined and exalted order of the clay , propagate the doctrines of Bacchus allied to those of Adepbagia and Comns , as the acme of civilization , with a resalt at once debasing , making men effeminate and women bold ; falsely giving a rosy hue to the evanescent pleasures of the rich , so that the reality of their
hollowness is not seen by the participators , truly affirming the fact of a " gilded vice , " aptly illustrated by the picture of "Death and the Lady . " Man being a reasonable creature—i . e ., able to reason , knows b y innate conscientiousness whether his acts are right or wrong . He "mayknow the right , but still the wrong pursue . " This departure from the natural or ri ght course bringeth manifold disasters , yet the first evil step is found to be so easy that the
dire consequences following defection from what is right , if foreseen or thought of , are but little heeded . Thus mankind are continuall y plunging in a " sea of trouble" merely to gratify the feeling of the moment or the whims and passions of the hour . Here , then , that unerring voice of nature , which is commonly called " conscience , " stands boldly out , asserting right , a true guide , warning men of the peril of apostacy , ancl dictating a safer course . Alas ! how few men are morally guided by their innermost thoughts of right ; not many argue out the superficial character of impulsive ideas or first impressions , or they would not "take their pleasures so sadly , " and even badly , filling the
world with misery , ancl often bringing the innocent to ruin . A great many troubles are born of the so-called pleasure-taking ancl holiday-making , in and out of season , yet what avast amount of good , physically as well as mentally , change of . air and scene brings about when taken apart from the concomitant drawbacks which excess in one or all the phases of life engenders . Without enumerating the various ways b y which substance , health , food , clothing , and even life itself are wastedI venture to hope the cesthetic students of better
, education will show such an example to their less fortunate brethren that ere long we shall see the mass of the people seeking pure enjoyments and rational amusements , making health their first care , ancl taking kindly to sobriety and moderation , living a long ancl peaceful life and d ying happy . This pleasant and much-to-be-wishecl-for consummation can onl y be arrived at by strict observation of and conformity to nature ' s laws . To some people simple things
seem to be difficult . The habit of proper self-denial should be practised by free-willed , unthinking , and careless persons , they always remembering that to take a little less food than that which satisfies hunger is better than repletion , taking care to have pure air to breathe ancl plenty of it , comfortable clothing to wear on a well-washed body , ancl thus making life ' s circumstances agreeable ; stud ying nature until trees ancl lants rocksstones and sandsthe denizens
p , , of the sea and earth , ancl things celestial , as well as things terrestial , become as " familiar as household words , " reminding man that he is part of the wonderful whole for whose delectation the creation , with all its abounding beauty , was especially ancl providentially designed .
What more has man to do than to express with all humilit y his gratitude to the Most High for such beneficent favours , and strive with all his might and all his soul to live in peace with all men , to render daily praise and thanksgiving to the Great Architect of the Universe . So mote it be !