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Social Problems And Their Peaceful Solution.
jredients which would better become the Llette than the palate ? Besides , one step tads to another , and a fictitious standard of appearance being thus got up and the „ ood article dressed in its artificial coat , ° vhat is to hinder the bad from finding a
ready market when presented under the same deceptive garb , and thus whilst satisfying the buyer yield the seller a still more handsome profit than he could otherwise obtain ? One other fault of purchasers may here
he fitly commented on , which is that one man sees another using an article , and he must forthwith , whether he can afford it or not , possess himself of the same ; but he sticks at the price of the genuine article and so one must be manufactured to meet his demand ; who is here the most to blame ?
Yet , once again , in these days of cuttingout and contracts , the purchaser , grasping to get more than his money ' s-worth for his money , encourages a class of reckless and unscrupulous traders , to whom honesty is a laughing-stock and bankruptcy a fortune .
If , then , in conclusion , we desire a really good article , let us remember that as price is regulated by supply and demand , every article has a definite worth , and that we must therefore pay a proper price for what we need .
Bo we want to be dealt with fairly ? Let us deal fairly ourselves ! We do not want to be cheated ? then let us not ourselves be over-reaching ! Let us , in short , always remember that money ' s worth is worth money ! and let us never forget that , hi all things , the best is , in the long-run , the cheapest !
The Women Of Our Time.
BY CELEBS . CONCLUDING CHAPTER . 1 AM come to the last of my essays on this interesting subject , and I am like the ^ aveller at the end of his journev
looking aek on the road he has traversed ; and 'eel strong ly how imperfect these lucueations of mine are after all—how scant J stice they do to a most important subject ;
for what can be so important as that portion of society , which so contributes to the general happiness and domestic welfare of humankind ? Therefore as one who has a deep regard and respect for the woman , as
contradistinguished from the man , I think it right to point out what her many virtues are , and what her great value to us all alike is ; and where we often , in my opinion , are very hard on women , —how , in short , we often appear to overlook their intense
importance and prevailing blessedness in the social arrangements of the world . If , indeed , you were to judge by the contemptuous language in which some foolish men like sometimes to indulge , as regards women generally , you would have to
suppose that woman was an altogether inferior creature , hardly endowed with the same capacities , and certainl y not equal in intellect with man . Some have actually contended that women have " no souls , " and often have liked to treat them as if there was a marked difference in every respect between them and the " Lords of the Creation . "
We need not go into , to-day , the old sarcasms of other days , of the heavy wit of would-be facetious writers , because I , for one , hold that all such attacks on women are as puerile as they are pitiful . A good deal must be allowed for fair fun , for
innocent chaff , as regards the weaknesses and failings of our " clear sisters , " for even they have weaknesses and failings it must be admitted ; but the habitual abuse of the ignorant , or the frivolous sneer of emptyheaded coxcombsare neither subjects for
, laughter or approval . He is either radically bad or habitually profligate who seriously assails either the character or the goodness of woman . I do not even think we need notice such
amusing incriminations as those which aver that " There ' s nothing true they say ; there ' s nothing good they do . " Neither need we deal now with the charge , that "their principal concerns are dress and fashion ; " that a woman can ' t "hold her
tongue , can ' t keep a secret , can ' t understand business ; " that , as Lord Beaconsfield pictures so well in " Lothair , " the onl y season when they are really veracious in the twenty-four hours when they have " let down their back hair and are in dressing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Social Problems And Their Peaceful Solution.
jredients which would better become the Llette than the palate ? Besides , one step tads to another , and a fictitious standard of appearance being thus got up and the „ ood article dressed in its artificial coat , ° vhat is to hinder the bad from finding a
ready market when presented under the same deceptive garb , and thus whilst satisfying the buyer yield the seller a still more handsome profit than he could otherwise obtain ? One other fault of purchasers may here
he fitly commented on , which is that one man sees another using an article , and he must forthwith , whether he can afford it or not , possess himself of the same ; but he sticks at the price of the genuine article and so one must be manufactured to meet his demand ; who is here the most to blame ?
Yet , once again , in these days of cuttingout and contracts , the purchaser , grasping to get more than his money ' s-worth for his money , encourages a class of reckless and unscrupulous traders , to whom honesty is a laughing-stock and bankruptcy a fortune .
If , then , in conclusion , we desire a really good article , let us remember that as price is regulated by supply and demand , every article has a definite worth , and that we must therefore pay a proper price for what we need .
Bo we want to be dealt with fairly ? Let us deal fairly ourselves ! We do not want to be cheated ? then let us not ourselves be over-reaching ! Let us , in short , always remember that money ' s worth is worth money ! and let us never forget that , hi all things , the best is , in the long-run , the cheapest !
The Women Of Our Time.
BY CELEBS . CONCLUDING CHAPTER . 1 AM come to the last of my essays on this interesting subject , and I am like the ^ aveller at the end of his journev
looking aek on the road he has traversed ; and 'eel strong ly how imperfect these lucueations of mine are after all—how scant J stice they do to a most important subject ;
for what can be so important as that portion of society , which so contributes to the general happiness and domestic welfare of humankind ? Therefore as one who has a deep regard and respect for the woman , as
contradistinguished from the man , I think it right to point out what her many virtues are , and what her great value to us all alike is ; and where we often , in my opinion , are very hard on women , —how , in short , we often appear to overlook their intense
importance and prevailing blessedness in the social arrangements of the world . If , indeed , you were to judge by the contemptuous language in which some foolish men like sometimes to indulge , as regards women generally , you would have to
suppose that woman was an altogether inferior creature , hardly endowed with the same capacities , and certainl y not equal in intellect with man . Some have actually contended that women have " no souls , " and often have liked to treat them as if there was a marked difference in every respect between them and the " Lords of the Creation . "
We need not go into , to-day , the old sarcasms of other days , of the heavy wit of would-be facetious writers , because I , for one , hold that all such attacks on women are as puerile as they are pitiful . A good deal must be allowed for fair fun , for
innocent chaff , as regards the weaknesses and failings of our " clear sisters , " for even they have weaknesses and failings it must be admitted ; but the habitual abuse of the ignorant , or the frivolous sneer of emptyheaded coxcombsare neither subjects for
, laughter or approval . He is either radically bad or habitually profligate who seriously assails either the character or the goodness of woman . I do not even think we need notice such
amusing incriminations as those which aver that " There ' s nothing true they say ; there ' s nothing good they do . " Neither need we deal now with the charge , that "their principal concerns are dress and fashion ; " that a woman can ' t "hold her
tongue , can ' t keep a secret , can ' t understand business ; " that , as Lord Beaconsfield pictures so well in " Lothair , " the onl y season when they are really veracious in the twenty-four hours when they have " let down their back hair and are in dressing