Article THE WOMEN OF OUR TIME. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE WOMEN OF OUR TIME. Page 3 of 3 Article GERARD MONTAGU; Page 1 of 4 →
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The Women Of Our Time.
jje sait en pas bien que c est vous qui les faites ? " And yet when I remember to-day the idle , profitless , baneful lives of many men , tl , e open and the secret vices which deform civilization , the want of consideration for
others , the selfishness , the sybaritism , the evil tone , the worse example , which seem to be conspicuous amongst us just now , I often ask myself by what right have we to pass judgment on women , those whom our own habits mislead , those whom
our own hearflessness betrays ? No , let us learn to be more careful more just , in fact , in our ethics , and in our disquisitions as regards women . When all is said and done , they will compare with us all well in any department of life—in the
powers which adorn , in the gifts which dominate our poor human nature . After the false teaching of ages , after the shallow philosophy of the intolerant , amid idle schemes , and garish shows , and painted shadows , as we move on through the
puppets of Vanity Fair , let us make that fair allowance for woman , which she has a right to demand at our hands . Too often , alas , woman is but the slave and plaything of man , the companion of idle or leisure hours , the purchased possession , the hired ornament , the being of inferior nature and lower sensiblilities who
is our admiration and our jest , and our privileged property , or our scorn , our contumely and our ill usage ! But , like everything else on earth , the great axiom of Divine Revelation is stamped on all the true teaching which relates to man ' s social conditionand to woman ' s
, normal state . She is a " help-meet" for man ; his companion , his friend , his adviser , hi 3 consoler , his support—not the painted toy of unhol y hours , not the passing show , thegew-gaw of fashion and frivolity , not the bedizened doll , not the hurtful idol , but a true
woman , mother , wife , sister , friend ! We have tried to forget her real status , her true mission , and we have suffered according ly . Let us be wise in time ; let "s retrace our steps . To her we are Wdebted for all that is graceful in lifefor
, a" that is benevolent in effort , for all that 8 fascinatin g in society , for all that is ennobling afni ! And while we turn from her little errors ™ li a smile of sympathy , aud are " to her
The Women Of Our Time.
virtues very kind , and to her failings very blind , " I think we may fairly say , that without her the world would be a wilderness , life a desolation , civilization an idle name , and Hope , and Love , and Trust , aud Truth but the " baseless fabric of a dream . "
Gerard Montagu;
A Winter ' s Tale . BY EMUA HOLMES . Author of "The Lady Muriel , " "Waiting foi Her , " etc : { Continued from piage 231 . )
CHAPTER III . A MAKVELLOUS day for the 5 th November , a quiet , warm , lovely autumn day , and but for its shortness it might be taken for the month of September . Some one suggested that the weather
was so fine we might all have a sail , and as Montagus stay would be short , and we ought to take advantage of every fine day , I gave myself a holiday , and we went with the party from the crescent over to Brean Down , and roamed about the part where the new fortifications are being constructed . Gerard attached himself to Lad y
Muriel , who seemed pneased with his attentions . " Do you despise trade ? " he asked her . "Despise trade ? Oh , clear no ; why should I ? Uncle ' s kindest friend , Mr . Beverley , is in trade . I think his firm are large brokers and exporters in Bristol . "
" Well , you know that some people in your Ladyship ' s class do affect to despise it . " " I daresay they do ; but I don ' t know any one in my class , as you call it ; and I am sure I don't want to if they are all as
cold aud unkind as my father was to poor Mamma ! " and her little Ladyship dashed a tear away with a haughty effort at selfcontrol and attempted concealment , as painful recollections rose up in her mind . " You do not despise business , do you ?" she presently enquired . " No ; I like it well enough when one has an object . "
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The Women Of Our Time.
jje sait en pas bien que c est vous qui les faites ? " And yet when I remember to-day the idle , profitless , baneful lives of many men , tl , e open and the secret vices which deform civilization , the want of consideration for
others , the selfishness , the sybaritism , the evil tone , the worse example , which seem to be conspicuous amongst us just now , I often ask myself by what right have we to pass judgment on women , those whom our own habits mislead , those whom
our own hearflessness betrays ? No , let us learn to be more careful more just , in fact , in our ethics , and in our disquisitions as regards women . When all is said and done , they will compare with us all well in any department of life—in the
powers which adorn , in the gifts which dominate our poor human nature . After the false teaching of ages , after the shallow philosophy of the intolerant , amid idle schemes , and garish shows , and painted shadows , as we move on through the
puppets of Vanity Fair , let us make that fair allowance for woman , which she has a right to demand at our hands . Too often , alas , woman is but the slave and plaything of man , the companion of idle or leisure hours , the purchased possession , the hired ornament , the being of inferior nature and lower sensiblilities who
is our admiration and our jest , and our privileged property , or our scorn , our contumely and our ill usage ! But , like everything else on earth , the great axiom of Divine Revelation is stamped on all the true teaching which relates to man ' s social conditionand to woman ' s
, normal state . She is a " help-meet" for man ; his companion , his friend , his adviser , hi 3 consoler , his support—not the painted toy of unhol y hours , not the passing show , thegew-gaw of fashion and frivolity , not the bedizened doll , not the hurtful idol , but a true
woman , mother , wife , sister , friend ! We have tried to forget her real status , her true mission , and we have suffered according ly . Let us be wise in time ; let "s retrace our steps . To her we are Wdebted for all that is graceful in lifefor
, a" that is benevolent in effort , for all that 8 fascinatin g in society , for all that is ennobling afni ! And while we turn from her little errors ™ li a smile of sympathy , aud are " to her
The Women Of Our Time.
virtues very kind , and to her failings very blind , " I think we may fairly say , that without her the world would be a wilderness , life a desolation , civilization an idle name , and Hope , and Love , and Trust , aud Truth but the " baseless fabric of a dream . "
Gerard Montagu;
A Winter ' s Tale . BY EMUA HOLMES . Author of "The Lady Muriel , " "Waiting foi Her , " etc : { Continued from piage 231 . )
CHAPTER III . A MAKVELLOUS day for the 5 th November , a quiet , warm , lovely autumn day , and but for its shortness it might be taken for the month of September . Some one suggested that the weather
was so fine we might all have a sail , and as Montagus stay would be short , and we ought to take advantage of every fine day , I gave myself a holiday , and we went with the party from the crescent over to Brean Down , and roamed about the part where the new fortifications are being constructed . Gerard attached himself to Lad y
Muriel , who seemed pneased with his attentions . " Do you despise trade ? " he asked her . "Despise trade ? Oh , clear no ; why should I ? Uncle ' s kindest friend , Mr . Beverley , is in trade . I think his firm are large brokers and exporters in Bristol . "
" Well , you know that some people in your Ladyship ' s class do affect to despise it . " " I daresay they do ; but I don ' t know any one in my class , as you call it ; and I am sure I don't want to if they are all as
cold aud unkind as my father was to poor Mamma ! " and her little Ladyship dashed a tear away with a haughty effort at selfcontrol and attempted concealment , as painful recollections rose up in her mind . " You do not despise business , do you ?" she presently enquired . " No ; I like it well enough when one has an object . "