Article RETURN OF THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article RETURN OF THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION. Page 2 of 2 Article A MEMORY. Page 1 of 1
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Return Of The Arctic Expedition.
weakening men , the available force to pull the sledge constantly decreasing , and the weight to be dragged as steadily increasing , as one after another the invalids were stricken down and had to be carried by their weakened comrades . Lieutenant Parr setting out for a lonel y heroic walk
of 35 miles , over soft snow and the heavy broken-up ice , guiding himself in the mist by the fresh track of a roaming wolf , brought intelligence to the Alert of the prostration of the Northern division . Relief was immediately sent out , officers
and men alike dragging the sledges ; but , unfortunately , the parties did not meet in time to save the life of the man who died , and who had been buried by the roadside in the thick ice only a few hours previously . The Greenland and Western divisions
not returning on the day appointed , relief was sent to meet them , and on each occasion it arrived j ust in the nick of time . In the Western party , Lieutenant Aldrich and one man , Adam Ayles , out of a crew of seven , remained at the drag ropes . In the Greenland divisionwhen met b
, y Lieutenant llawson and Dr . Coppinger , Lieutenant Beaumont , Alexander Grey , ice quartermaster , and Frank Jones , stoker , were dragging forward their helpless comrades , two at a time , thankful if they advanced only half-a-mile a clay .
Before arrival at the Polaris dep 6 t , Grey and Jones were obliged to fall out , leaving the three officers alone at the drag ropes ; the clog sledge , under Hans , the Eskimo , who has been of the utmost service to the
Expedition , helping to advance the invalids onward two at a time . The two who died , just succeeded in reaching Polaris Bay and sighting the hills above their Arctic home , on the opposite side of the channel , before their spirits were called away . They were
buried near Hall ' s grave . On arriving on board , out of the original 17 men , five only—the two officers and three men , hadmore , Joliffe , andMaskellwere able to work ; three others , Laurence , Harley , and Winstoncheerfully but
pain-, fully struggled on with alpenstocks , and were just able to walk on board ; the remainder , being perfectly helpless , were carried on sledges . However vivid the description may be , it is difficult to a stranger to the surround-
Return Of The Arctic Expedition.
mg cu'cumstances and scenery to realize the condition and appearance of these prostrated bands of men . Separated by long distances , their sufferings were totall y unknown to each other or at head-quarters on board their respective ships ; and yet and all
one displayed the same courageous pluck , and , in spite of their general collapse , remained faithful to their dut y , resolutely struggling onwards , determined to hold to each other to the last , their ardour in no way checked as the difficulties
of the journey increased , and their manful determination increasing as greater sacrifices were demanded . " As Freemasons we congratulate Captains Nares and Stephenson ( we have many brethren in the Expedition ) and their
officers and crews on their noble valour , their high discipline , their brave endurance , and above all , on their safe and happy return to Old England .
A Memory.
IF he had come in the early dawn , When the sunrise flushed the earth , I would have given him all my heart , Whatever the heart was worth . If he had come at the noontide hour , He would not have come too
late—I would have given him patient faith , For then I had learned to wait . If he had come in the after-glow , In the peace of the even-tide , I would have given him hands and brain ,
And worked for him till I died . If he comes now—the sun is set , And the light has died away—I will not give him a broken life , But will turn and say him '' Nay . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Return Of The Arctic Expedition.
weakening men , the available force to pull the sledge constantly decreasing , and the weight to be dragged as steadily increasing , as one after another the invalids were stricken down and had to be carried by their weakened comrades . Lieutenant Parr setting out for a lonel y heroic walk
of 35 miles , over soft snow and the heavy broken-up ice , guiding himself in the mist by the fresh track of a roaming wolf , brought intelligence to the Alert of the prostration of the Northern division . Relief was immediately sent out , officers
and men alike dragging the sledges ; but , unfortunately , the parties did not meet in time to save the life of the man who died , and who had been buried by the roadside in the thick ice only a few hours previously . The Greenland and Western divisions
not returning on the day appointed , relief was sent to meet them , and on each occasion it arrived j ust in the nick of time . In the Western party , Lieutenant Aldrich and one man , Adam Ayles , out of a crew of seven , remained at the drag ropes . In the Greenland divisionwhen met b
, y Lieutenant llawson and Dr . Coppinger , Lieutenant Beaumont , Alexander Grey , ice quartermaster , and Frank Jones , stoker , were dragging forward their helpless comrades , two at a time , thankful if they advanced only half-a-mile a clay .
Before arrival at the Polaris dep 6 t , Grey and Jones were obliged to fall out , leaving the three officers alone at the drag ropes ; the clog sledge , under Hans , the Eskimo , who has been of the utmost service to the
Expedition , helping to advance the invalids onward two at a time . The two who died , just succeeded in reaching Polaris Bay and sighting the hills above their Arctic home , on the opposite side of the channel , before their spirits were called away . They were
buried near Hall ' s grave . On arriving on board , out of the original 17 men , five only—the two officers and three men , hadmore , Joliffe , andMaskellwere able to work ; three others , Laurence , Harley , and Winstoncheerfully but
pain-, fully struggled on with alpenstocks , and were just able to walk on board ; the remainder , being perfectly helpless , were carried on sledges . However vivid the description may be , it is difficult to a stranger to the surround-
Return Of The Arctic Expedition.
mg cu'cumstances and scenery to realize the condition and appearance of these prostrated bands of men . Separated by long distances , their sufferings were totall y unknown to each other or at head-quarters on board their respective ships ; and yet and all
one displayed the same courageous pluck , and , in spite of their general collapse , remained faithful to their dut y , resolutely struggling onwards , determined to hold to each other to the last , their ardour in no way checked as the difficulties
of the journey increased , and their manful determination increasing as greater sacrifices were demanded . " As Freemasons we congratulate Captains Nares and Stephenson ( we have many brethren in the Expedition ) and their
officers and crews on their noble valour , their high discipline , their brave endurance , and above all , on their safe and happy return to Old England .
A Memory.
IF he had come in the early dawn , When the sunrise flushed the earth , I would have given him all my heart , Whatever the heart was worth . If he had come at the noontide hour , He would not have come too
late—I would have given him patient faith , For then I had learned to wait . If he had come in the after-glow , In the peace of the even-tide , I would have given him hands and brain ,
And worked for him till I died . If he comes now—the sun is set , And the light has died away—I will not give him a broken life , But will turn and say him '' Nay . "