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Father Foy On Secret Societies.
are perishing fatally . " He therefore declares Catholic dogma dead ; Rome , its capital , a dead town ; and clearly puts Freemasonry as the irreconcilable adversary of Catholicism . What is the fundamental
doctrine of our adversaries ? An immutable dogma . What is their capital 1 A dead town . And after this insolent assertion he goes on to say , " Paris to be the capital of Freemasonry , and the Vatican of the human race . Freemasonry , on the contrary , has established its Vatican
here in this parish , where ideas boil and purify themselves as in a furnace . " This was spoken and applauded in a general assembly of the Grand Orient . It is Freemasonry , then , which is to replace Christianity . And it can do so if it will .
" With her wonderful organizations , " says F . Felix Pyat , " Freemasonry may , if she will , replace the Christian Church . " Such are the declarations of these gentlemen . But we must proceed further . The hatred of Christianity becomes more and more
pronounced , and arrives , if I may so speak , at its paroxysm . " It wants energy to carry the scalpel into the very sanctuary of that blind faith which we have sucked from our mothers' breasts . No , the revealed God does not exist . " And at
Ghent , the Venerable Brother of La Fidelite exclaims : " We must raise altar against altar , teaching against teaching . . . We must fight , but fight with the certainty of victory . " Then he adds : " To them ( the ministers of Christ ) we leave their easy
and perverse morality , their gross fanaticism . To us , pure morals , disinterestedness self-devotion . Freemasonry rejects these idolatrous phantasmagoria . . . . Lastly : " We are our own gods . " And the Vente Supreme of the Carbonaristswhich has
, intimate affinities with Freemasonry , says frankly ; " Our final object and aim is that of Voltaire in the French Revolution , —the total annihilation for ever of Catholicity , and of all ideas of Christianity . " Those who fancy they can be at the same
time Christians and Freemasons , must begin to see that this is somewhat difficult . But Freemasonry does not restrict itself to the speeches made in its lod ges ; and the warfare which it carries on against religioD outside its walls is as rabid as its hatred . Aud now what are we to say to those Masonic confraternities in which
they enter into a formal engagement to have neither baptism nor religious marriage , nor priest at the sick bed ; where they go so far as to issue orders to the members of the confraternity to intervene in the most odious manner , at the last hourbetween the dying man aud his
, family , where the adept of Freemasonry thus deprives himself , by these sacrilegious engagements , of all possible return of conscience , or repentance at the hour of death . From whence sprung this horrible sectwhich seems to have given itself the
, mission to immolate all hope between what they call the " eternal unknown , " which precedes birth , and the " eternal nothingness , " which follows death ? From the . Masonic Lodges in Belgium , whence it passed quickly to the Masonic Lodges
in France . Very soon , in fact , one of the Paris Lodges ( L ' avenir ) , in imitation of the Belgian Freemasons , created in its bosom a committee or confraternity of this kind . The followinff is the 10 th Article
in its statutes : — " Art . 10 . Lest the freethinker should be prevented , at the moment of death , by strange influences , ( those of his own family !) from fulfilling bis obligations towards the committee , he will remit to three of the brothers ( to facilitate their mission in such a case ) a
mandate , of which there shall be at least three official copies , giving full authority to these brothers to protest loudly , if , for any reason whatever , his formal will and resolution should be disregarded , to be buried without any kind of relig ious
rite . " And they call this the rite to die in freedom ( le libre mourir )! They thus bind the will of their members . They institute of their own free will this
revolting intrusion in the very heart of their own families , so that these Freemasons , armed with a three-folded copy of the mandate , may come into a house , and say to the father , mother , wife , or children of the dying victim;—" This dying man ,
this corpse , belongs to us . Be so good as to leave us alone , and retire . " It is , then , the member of the Freemasons' committee , aud he alone , who will watch by the dy ing bed ; and when his last hour is at hand there will be for the unhappy Freemason neither father , mother , wife , nor child ; neither brother nor sister , nor any link oi family or friendshi p , or religion ; nothing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Father Foy On Secret Societies.
are perishing fatally . " He therefore declares Catholic dogma dead ; Rome , its capital , a dead town ; and clearly puts Freemasonry as the irreconcilable adversary of Catholicism . What is the fundamental
doctrine of our adversaries ? An immutable dogma . What is their capital 1 A dead town . And after this insolent assertion he goes on to say , " Paris to be the capital of Freemasonry , and the Vatican of the human race . Freemasonry , on the contrary , has established its Vatican
here in this parish , where ideas boil and purify themselves as in a furnace . " This was spoken and applauded in a general assembly of the Grand Orient . It is Freemasonry , then , which is to replace Christianity . And it can do so if it will .
" With her wonderful organizations , " says F . Felix Pyat , " Freemasonry may , if she will , replace the Christian Church . " Such are the declarations of these gentlemen . But we must proceed further . The hatred of Christianity becomes more and more
pronounced , and arrives , if I may so speak , at its paroxysm . " It wants energy to carry the scalpel into the very sanctuary of that blind faith which we have sucked from our mothers' breasts . No , the revealed God does not exist . " And at
Ghent , the Venerable Brother of La Fidelite exclaims : " We must raise altar against altar , teaching against teaching . . . We must fight , but fight with the certainty of victory . " Then he adds : " To them ( the ministers of Christ ) we leave their easy
and perverse morality , their gross fanaticism . To us , pure morals , disinterestedness self-devotion . Freemasonry rejects these idolatrous phantasmagoria . . . . Lastly : " We are our own gods . " And the Vente Supreme of the Carbonaristswhich has
, intimate affinities with Freemasonry , says frankly ; " Our final object and aim is that of Voltaire in the French Revolution , —the total annihilation for ever of Catholicity , and of all ideas of Christianity . " Those who fancy they can be at the same
time Christians and Freemasons , must begin to see that this is somewhat difficult . But Freemasonry does not restrict itself to the speeches made in its lod ges ; and the warfare which it carries on against religioD outside its walls is as rabid as its hatred . Aud now what are we to say to those Masonic confraternities in which
they enter into a formal engagement to have neither baptism nor religious marriage , nor priest at the sick bed ; where they go so far as to issue orders to the members of the confraternity to intervene in the most odious manner , at the last hourbetween the dying man aud his
, family , where the adept of Freemasonry thus deprives himself , by these sacrilegious engagements , of all possible return of conscience , or repentance at the hour of death . From whence sprung this horrible sectwhich seems to have given itself the
, mission to immolate all hope between what they call the " eternal unknown , " which precedes birth , and the " eternal nothingness , " which follows death ? From the . Masonic Lodges in Belgium , whence it passed quickly to the Masonic Lodges
in France . Very soon , in fact , one of the Paris Lodges ( L ' avenir ) , in imitation of the Belgian Freemasons , created in its bosom a committee or confraternity of this kind . The followinff is the 10 th Article
in its statutes : — " Art . 10 . Lest the freethinker should be prevented , at the moment of death , by strange influences , ( those of his own family !) from fulfilling bis obligations towards the committee , he will remit to three of the brothers ( to facilitate their mission in such a case ) a
mandate , of which there shall be at least three official copies , giving full authority to these brothers to protest loudly , if , for any reason whatever , his formal will and resolution should be disregarded , to be buried without any kind of relig ious
rite . " And they call this the rite to die in freedom ( le libre mourir )! They thus bind the will of their members . They institute of their own free will this
revolting intrusion in the very heart of their own families , so that these Freemasons , armed with a three-folded copy of the mandate , may come into a house , and say to the father , mother , wife , or children of the dying victim;—" This dying man ,
this corpse , belongs to us . Be so good as to leave us alone , and retire . " It is , then , the member of the Freemasons' committee , aud he alone , who will watch by the dy ing bed ; and when his last hour is at hand there will be for the unhappy Freemason neither father , mother , wife , nor child ; neither brother nor sister , nor any link oi family or friendshi p , or religion ; nothing