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Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
His slaves are those who act ; they work his will , And gladden in the glory they fulfil ; And so this night may SHAKSPERE make them strong , To keep the heights of his immortal Song Part now , ye clouds , and to our gaze unfold
Sword-bearing Albion in the clays of old Fair Kings and Queens , ' mid pageants bright as flame , Rise , I conjure you , in my Master ' s name !"
The beautiful passage beginning ( lino 15 ) with " King of immortal Song , " and ending ( line 24 ) "The kingliest King that ever England bred , " are worth whole volumes of the rubbish mis-ealled poetry which too often disgraces the columns of our
fashionable magazines . Into the liberty taken in altering Shakspere for tho stage , I do not wish here to enter . It is a subject requiring much spaco , much careful thought , and much thorough disinterestedness . My own hopes are that the drama will in time come
to he regarded as a great educational auxiliary , and not be in the hands of mere speculators , who of necessity seek principally to make their fortunes . Mr . Joseph Gould—an experienced working printer , who practised his art for the British army during the Crimean war at head-quarters before Sebastopol , and who
has now been for several years a successful master-printer at Middlesbrough , working hard with hands and brain—has just compiled , printed , and published , complete for half-a-crown , far-away the best manual for the typographer that has hitherto appeared .
It is entitled " The Letter-Press Printer , " and is really a complete guide to this important art , giving useful instructions for working at case , press , and machine , how to impose pages of every size , to manage bookwork or jobbing , to make and work in
coloured inks , to make rollers , & c , the quantities of paper to be given out for various jobs , journeyman ' s wages both by piecework and by time in various parts of the country , general prices charged for all sorts of work , and . everything almost that master , overseer , journeyman , or apprentice is likely to need to become thoroughly master of his trade . It ought to be in the
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
possession of every printer , young or old being certainly the cheapest and m 0 st complete practical work on the important art of printing ever offered to the public . Rose Cottage , Stokeley .
Are The Children At Home.
EACH day when the glow of sunset Fades in the western sky , And the wee ones , tired of playing , Go tripping lightly by , I steal away from my husband , Asleep in his easy-chair , And watch from the open doorway Their faces fresh and fair .
Alone in the dear old . homestead That once was full of life , Ringing with girlish laughter , Echoing boyish strife , We two are waiting together ; And oft , as the shadows come , With tremulous voice he calls me , "It is ni ght ! are the children home ?"
" Yes , love , " I answer him gently , " They ' re all home long ago ;" And I sing , in my quivering treble , A song so soft and low , Till he drops to dreamy slumber , With his head upon his hand , And I tell to myself the number Home in the better land .
Home where never a sorrow Shall dim their eyes with tears 1 Where the smile of God is on them Through all the summer years ! Sometimes , in the dusk of evening , I only shut my eyes , And the children are all about me , A vision from the skies .
A breath , and the vision is lifted Away on wings of light , And again we two are together , And alone in the night . They tell me his mind is failing , But I smile at idle fears ; He is only back with the children , In the dear and peaceful years .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
His slaves are those who act ; they work his will , And gladden in the glory they fulfil ; And so this night may SHAKSPERE make them strong , To keep the heights of his immortal Song Part now , ye clouds , and to our gaze unfold
Sword-bearing Albion in the clays of old Fair Kings and Queens , ' mid pageants bright as flame , Rise , I conjure you , in my Master ' s name !"
The beautiful passage beginning ( lino 15 ) with " King of immortal Song , " and ending ( line 24 ) "The kingliest King that ever England bred , " are worth whole volumes of the rubbish mis-ealled poetry which too often disgraces the columns of our
fashionable magazines . Into the liberty taken in altering Shakspere for tho stage , I do not wish here to enter . It is a subject requiring much spaco , much careful thought , and much thorough disinterestedness . My own hopes are that the drama will in time come
to he regarded as a great educational auxiliary , and not be in the hands of mere speculators , who of necessity seek principally to make their fortunes . Mr . Joseph Gould—an experienced working printer , who practised his art for the British army during the Crimean war at head-quarters before Sebastopol , and who
has now been for several years a successful master-printer at Middlesbrough , working hard with hands and brain—has just compiled , printed , and published , complete for half-a-crown , far-away the best manual for the typographer that has hitherto appeared .
It is entitled " The Letter-Press Printer , " and is really a complete guide to this important art , giving useful instructions for working at case , press , and machine , how to impose pages of every size , to manage bookwork or jobbing , to make and work in
coloured inks , to make rollers , & c , the quantities of paper to be given out for various jobs , journeyman ' s wages both by piecework and by time in various parts of the country , general prices charged for all sorts of work , and . everything almost that master , overseer , journeyman , or apprentice is likely to need to become thoroughly master of his trade . It ought to be in the
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
possession of every printer , young or old being certainly the cheapest and m 0 st complete practical work on the important art of printing ever offered to the public . Rose Cottage , Stokeley .
Are The Children At Home.
EACH day when the glow of sunset Fades in the western sky , And the wee ones , tired of playing , Go tripping lightly by , I steal away from my husband , Asleep in his easy-chair , And watch from the open doorway Their faces fresh and fair .
Alone in the dear old . homestead That once was full of life , Ringing with girlish laughter , Echoing boyish strife , We two are waiting together ; And oft , as the shadows come , With tremulous voice he calls me , "It is ni ght ! are the children home ?"
" Yes , love , " I answer him gently , " They ' re all home long ago ;" And I sing , in my quivering treble , A song so soft and low , Till he drops to dreamy slumber , With his head upon his hand , And I tell to myself the number Home in the better land .
Home where never a sorrow Shall dim their eyes with tears 1 Where the smile of God is on them Through all the summer years ! Sometimes , in the dusk of evening , I only shut my eyes , And the children are all about me , A vision from the skies .
A breath , and the vision is lifted Away on wings of light , And again we two are together , And alone in the night . They tell me his mind is failing , But I smile at idle fears ; He is only back with the children , In the dear and peaceful years .