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premises , provided she does not marry , but if she marry I hereby devise unto her only the annual sum of 5 s . Item I do further give unto my said LOVLVG WIFE , certain furniture , pewtei-, linen , my silver watch & c . Item , I give to MY SON JAMES PENKETH , one bed & c . Item to MY DAUGHTER ANN NOW THE WIFE OF HENRY SEDDON or DALLOM , YEOMAN , £ 15 . and to JOHN SEDDON their son £ 15 . to be paid out of the profits of my said messuage & c within 3 years after my decease , To all the children of MY SON RICHARD PENKETH living after my decease 5 s apiece , and to tho children of MY SON NICHOLAS PENKETH . 2 s . 6 d . apiece , and to the
child of MY BROTHER-IN-LAW WILLIAM LOMAS 2 S . 6 d . To MY SON RICHARD PENKETH and the said W ILLIAM LOMAS , my Executors hereinafter mentioned 20 s . apiece , and to MY SON NICHOLAS , the annual sum of 20 s , to be paid out of my said messuage & c , And after payment of my debts & c I give the said messuage & c unto MY SON NICHOLAS PENKETH for the term yet unexpired . And I appoint my SAID SON RICHARD PENKETH and MY BROTHER IN LAW AV ILLIAM LOMAS my Executors , hereby revoking all former wills made by me . Dated 24 . Nov . 1705 . ( signed ) RICHARD PENKETH .
Signed Sealed & e in the presence of Josh . Stockton , his mark , John Barrow . Proved . 25 . Oct . 1706 .
IN THE NAME 01 ? GOD , AMEN , This is my last will and testament , My body to th earth to be decently buried there , To MY WIFE ELLEN C 0 LLIAR my house & c . and land in the township of Newton . All that is remaining at her death , to MY BROTHER WILLIAM POW KLL and his issue male , in default , then to the next kinsman I have of the Colliars , [ He appoints his wife sole executrix-. ] . " I charge you not to trust YOUR BROTHER BRETHERTON nor any of his , for yon and I have found them bad , God forgive them , so with my dear love to you I rest yours . Signed JAMES COLLIAR [ good signature ] . ¦ [ Small red seal : A cross croslet fitchee , a martlet in dexter chief . Grest : A cross croselet fifcchee between two wings . ] WITNESSES
Peter Leigh , John . Wilson . ENDORSED Captin . James Colliers Last Will and Testament . Aprill the ISth , 1668 . Proved . 21 . March 1673- [ 4 ] . [ Avery long Inventory " of-the goods of MR . JAMES COLLIAR late of Newton . " The total is not given , and it contains no items of interest . ] ( The 7 th day of September . Ano . Dom 1667 .
IN THE NAME of God Amen , I RICHARD ELLOM of LYME [ LYMME ] co CHESTER FREEMiSON . being sick and weak of body . My body to the earth to be buried in Christian Burial at my Parish Church of Lyme , or otherwise it shall please God to appoint the same . Whereas I have an estate of the messuage and tenement wherein I now dwell b y foree of one Indenture of Lease heretofore made by Richard and Maria Domvill late of Lyme aforesaid Esq . deceased , bearing date 16 Feb . 16 . Charles II . [ 1664 ] for the term of 99 years , if the said RICHARD ELLOM and WILLIAM ELLOM HIS SON or either of them , so long live . I assign all my said messuage & c immediately after my decease , unto MY
BROTHERS JOHN ELLOM and PETER ELLOM for the use , education & c of ALL MY CHILDREN until the youngest is IS years of age . My will is that MY ELDEST SON WILLIAM shull have all my said messuage & c for his life , paying unto MY SAID BROTHERS JOHN ELLOM and PETER ELLOM or their Executors £ 10 within 2 years after he shall enter the said messuage & c , and the said £ 10 to be employed to the use of the youngest child or children of the said Riohavd Elloni then living , All my goods , cattle , & c , I give unto MY SAID BROTHERS JOHN ELLOM and PETER ELLOM , for the bringing up of my said children And I ordain MY AVELL BELOVED BROTHERS JOHN ELLOM and PETER ELLOM Executorsand
, desire my well beloved friend William Leigh of Rushgreen and MY LOVING BROTHER IN LAW RICHARD RATLIFE to assist my said Executors . Dated ' 7 Sep . 19 . Charles II . 1667 . ( Signed ) RICHARD ELLOM [ in a shaky hand ] . Before the sealing of the within written deed THE SAID RICHARD ELLOM DID GIVE TO HIS SON WILLIAM the dishboard in the house to stand as an heirloom , and then signed and sealed in the presence of Margaret Moose her A William Leigh .
PROVED 17 Jan . 1669- [ 70 ] The Inventory was taken on 10 Oct . 1667 by John Leigh and Peter Martin . Total 771 i . 165 00 « . E 2
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premises , provided she does not marry , but if she marry I hereby devise unto her only the annual sum of 5 s . Item I do further give unto my said LOVLVG WIFE , certain furniture , pewtei-, linen , my silver watch & c . Item , I give to MY SON JAMES PENKETH , one bed & c . Item to MY DAUGHTER ANN NOW THE WIFE OF HENRY SEDDON or DALLOM , YEOMAN , £ 15 . and to JOHN SEDDON their son £ 15 . to be paid out of the profits of my said messuage & c within 3 years after my decease , To all the children of MY SON RICHARD PENKETH living after my decease 5 s apiece , and to tho children of MY SON NICHOLAS PENKETH . 2 s . 6 d . apiece , and to the
child of MY BROTHER-IN-LAW WILLIAM LOMAS 2 S . 6 d . To MY SON RICHARD PENKETH and the said W ILLIAM LOMAS , my Executors hereinafter mentioned 20 s . apiece , and to MY SON NICHOLAS , the annual sum of 20 s , to be paid out of my said messuage & c , And after payment of my debts & c I give the said messuage & c unto MY SON NICHOLAS PENKETH for the term yet unexpired . And I appoint my SAID SON RICHARD PENKETH and MY BROTHER IN LAW AV ILLIAM LOMAS my Executors , hereby revoking all former wills made by me . Dated 24 . Nov . 1705 . ( signed ) RICHARD PENKETH .
Signed Sealed & e in the presence of Josh . Stockton , his mark , John Barrow . Proved . 25 . Oct . 1706 .
IN THE NAME 01 ? GOD , AMEN , This is my last will and testament , My body to th earth to be decently buried there , To MY WIFE ELLEN C 0 LLIAR my house & c . and land in the township of Newton . All that is remaining at her death , to MY BROTHER WILLIAM POW KLL and his issue male , in default , then to the next kinsman I have of the Colliars , [ He appoints his wife sole executrix-. ] . " I charge you not to trust YOUR BROTHER BRETHERTON nor any of his , for yon and I have found them bad , God forgive them , so with my dear love to you I rest yours . Signed JAMES COLLIAR [ good signature ] . ¦ [ Small red seal : A cross croslet fitchee , a martlet in dexter chief . Grest : A cross croselet fifcchee between two wings . ] WITNESSES
Peter Leigh , John . Wilson . ENDORSED Captin . James Colliers Last Will and Testament . Aprill the ISth , 1668 . Proved . 21 . March 1673- [ 4 ] . [ Avery long Inventory " of-the goods of MR . JAMES COLLIAR late of Newton . " The total is not given , and it contains no items of interest . ] ( The 7 th day of September . Ano . Dom 1667 .
IN THE NAME of God Amen , I RICHARD ELLOM of LYME [ LYMME ] co CHESTER FREEMiSON . being sick and weak of body . My body to the earth to be buried in Christian Burial at my Parish Church of Lyme , or otherwise it shall please God to appoint the same . Whereas I have an estate of the messuage and tenement wherein I now dwell b y foree of one Indenture of Lease heretofore made by Richard and Maria Domvill late of Lyme aforesaid Esq . deceased , bearing date 16 Feb . 16 . Charles II . [ 1664 ] for the term of 99 years , if the said RICHARD ELLOM and WILLIAM ELLOM HIS SON or either of them , so long live . I assign all my said messuage & c immediately after my decease , unto MY
BROTHERS JOHN ELLOM and PETER ELLOM for the use , education & c of ALL MY CHILDREN until the youngest is IS years of age . My will is that MY ELDEST SON WILLIAM shull have all my said messuage & c for his life , paying unto MY SAID BROTHERS JOHN ELLOM and PETER ELLOM or their Executors £ 10 within 2 years after he shall enter the said messuage & c , and the said £ 10 to be employed to the use of the youngest child or children of the said Riohavd Elloni then living , All my goods , cattle , & c , I give unto MY SAID BROTHERS JOHN ELLOM and PETER ELLOM , for the bringing up of my said children And I ordain MY AVELL BELOVED BROTHERS JOHN ELLOM and PETER ELLOM Executorsand
, desire my well beloved friend William Leigh of Rushgreen and MY LOVING BROTHER IN LAW RICHARD RATLIFE to assist my said Executors . Dated ' 7 Sep . 19 . Charles II . 1667 . ( Signed ) RICHARD ELLOM [ in a shaky hand ] . Before the sealing of the within written deed THE SAID RICHARD ELLOM DID GIVE TO HIS SON WILLIAM the dishboard in the house to stand as an heirloom , and then signed and sealed in the presence of Margaret Moose her A William Leigh .
PROVED 17 Jan . 1669- [ 70 ] The Inventory was taken on 10 Oct . 1667 by John Leigh and Peter Martin . Total 771 i . 165 00 « . E 2