Article EEVIEWS OF HEW BOOKS. ← Page 8 of 8 Article NOTES AHD QUERIES Page 1 of 1
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Eeviews Of Hew Books.
the face ( not forgetting TsTavarino ) , can we differ from the anther that onr pharisaical cry-ont against aggression is only mealy-mouthed humbug— ¦ . '¦< e J ? or , be it understood , " Each land would be a tyrant—if it could . "
MUSIC . Ping out , Wild Bells . A Song of the New Tear . Written by Alfred Tennyson . Composed by Ellen Atkinson . Chappelh We hope the laureate is pleased with the composition his lines have
evoked . He may fairly be so , for the authoress ' s thoughts flow musically and agreeably . Her song , from appropriateness as well as merit , will command an extensive popularity ; and some purchasers w ill doubtless find even more of the second qualification in the melody than the verses to which it is united .
The New Scottish Schottische . By Francis De Tbig-otte . E . Temple , Church Street , Edge ware Boad . This , like the author ' s former composition , the Great Nugget Polka , deserves to find a place in every young lady ' s portfolio who desires to increase , as well as enjoy , the resources of the friendly ball-room she hurries to , with beating heart and nimble feet . The Schottische is essentially dansante , and as a proof of popularity will probably be upon all the street organs before many weeks are over .
Notes Ahd Queries
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS MONTHLY MAGAZINE . Dear Sir and Brother , —In answer to your correspondent "P . " I would suggest that the name " Cole Ahbey , " might be the same as ci Cold Harbour , "on winch name a very good paper was read before the " Bucks Architectural and Arch geological Society , " which is published in the " Eecords of Buckinghamshire , " No . 3 , price 2 s . Pickburn , Aylesbury ; and J . H . Parker , Oxford and London , Believe me , yours fraternally , Dee . 22 nd , 1855 . 861 .
" Masonry is one of the most sublime and perfect institutions that ever was formed for the advancement of happiness and general good to mankind ; creating , in . all its varieties , "universal benevolence and brotherly love . It teaches us those useful , wise , and instructive doctrines , upon winch alone true happiness is founded , and at the same time affords those easy paths by which to attain the rewards of virtue ; it teaches us the duties which we owe to our neighbour , never to injure him in any one situation , but to conduct ourselves with justice and impartiality ; it bids us not to divulge the mystery to the public , and it orders us to be true to
our trust , to , be above all meanness and dissimulation , and in all our avocations to perform religiously that which we ought to do . "—II . 11 . 11 . the Duke of { Sussex . — JjYom Oliver on Masonry , p . SJ > 8 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eeviews Of Hew Books.
the face ( not forgetting TsTavarino ) , can we differ from the anther that onr pharisaical cry-ont against aggression is only mealy-mouthed humbug— ¦ . '¦< e J ? or , be it understood , " Each land would be a tyrant—if it could . "
MUSIC . Ping out , Wild Bells . A Song of the New Tear . Written by Alfred Tennyson . Composed by Ellen Atkinson . Chappelh We hope the laureate is pleased with the composition his lines have
evoked . He may fairly be so , for the authoress ' s thoughts flow musically and agreeably . Her song , from appropriateness as well as merit , will command an extensive popularity ; and some purchasers w ill doubtless find even more of the second qualification in the melody than the verses to which it is united .
The New Scottish Schottische . By Francis De Tbig-otte . E . Temple , Church Street , Edge ware Boad . This , like the author ' s former composition , the Great Nugget Polka , deserves to find a place in every young lady ' s portfolio who desires to increase , as well as enjoy , the resources of the friendly ball-room she hurries to , with beating heart and nimble feet . The Schottische is essentially dansante , and as a proof of popularity will probably be upon all the street organs before many weeks are over .
Notes Ahd Queries
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS MONTHLY MAGAZINE . Dear Sir and Brother , —In answer to your correspondent "P . " I would suggest that the name " Cole Ahbey , " might be the same as ci Cold Harbour , "on winch name a very good paper was read before the " Bucks Architectural and Arch geological Society , " which is published in the " Eecords of Buckinghamshire , " No . 3 , price 2 s . Pickburn , Aylesbury ; and J . H . Parker , Oxford and London , Believe me , yours fraternally , Dee . 22 nd , 1855 . 861 .
" Masonry is one of the most sublime and perfect institutions that ever was formed for the advancement of happiness and general good to mankind ; creating , in . all its varieties , "universal benevolence and brotherly love . It teaches us those useful , wise , and instructive doctrines , upon winch alone true happiness is founded , and at the same time affords those easy paths by which to attain the rewards of virtue ; it teaches us the duties which we owe to our neighbour , never to injure him in any one situation , but to conduct ourselves with justice and impartiality ; it bids us not to divulge the mystery to the public , and it orders us to be true to
our trust , to , be above all meanness and dissimulation , and in all our avocations to perform religiously that which we ought to do . "—II . 11 . 11 . the Duke of { Sussex . — JjYom Oliver on Masonry , p . SJ > 8 .