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Grand Stewards' Lodge . —On the evening of the 19 th ult ., the public meeting of the season was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , when the several sections of the second and third lectures were ably worked in the following order : —Second lecture—1 st section , Bro . Watson ; 2 nd , Bro , Johnson ; 3 rd , Bro . Hewlett ; 4 th , Bro . Watson •; 5 th , Bro . Burgess . Thir 4 lecture—1 st section , Bro . Watson ; 2 nd , Bro . Burgess ; 3 rd , Bro . Johnson . Among the visiting Brethren were Bros . . Queely , Barrett , Blackburn , Williams , & c . & c . Bro . Tomkins , G . S . D ., acted as W . M . on the occasion .
Grand Masters' Lodge ( No . 1 ) . —The last meeting of this Lodge for the year 1855 was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 17 th December , when there was a large attendance of the brethren . The chair was occupied by the W . M . Bro . G . W . K .. Potter . The usual business having been concluded , Bro . Harris , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the year 1856 . The Brethren , to the number of forty , afterwards dined together , there being several visitors present ; amongst them we observed Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Rose , of No . 113 ; Bro . Ledger , W . M ., No . 109 ; ¦ Bro . Slight , S . W ., No . 109 ; Bro . Palmer , P . M ., No . 109 . ; Bro . Sargood , No . 109 ; and Bro . Robinson , P . M ., No . 158 . The evening ' s entertainment was much enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros . Donald King and Jolly .
Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on the 11 th December , under the presidency of Bro . Lowe , W . M ., who initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of the Order , and passed a Brother to the Second Degree . Bro . Shackelton , the S . W ., was then elected W . M . for the ensuing year . British Lodge ( No . 8 ) . —This distinguished Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Monday , December 17 th , when Bro . Cotterell , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Noke , P . M ., re-elected as treasurer . The visitors were Bro . John Harvey , P . G . S . D . ; Moore , No . 30 ; Filer , No . 30 ; Gabert , No . 275 ; and Capt . Roberts , No . 319 .
Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —The last meeting for 1855 , was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on the 4 th December , when a gentleman was initiated into . the Order , a Brother passed to the Second Degree , and another raised to the Third , the whole of the ceremonies being most impressively performed by the W . M ., Bro . Burton . Bro . Woods , S . W ., was elected W . M ., for the year 1850 . The Brethren afterwards supped together , bringing 3 ^ ro . Burton ' s highly successful year of office to a most happy termination .
Westminster and Keystone Lodge ( No . 10 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on the 5 th December , when there were present Bro . the Rev . W . H . Lyall , W . M . ; Bro . R . J . Spiers , P . M . ; Wyndham Portal , 8 . W . ; Beach , treasurer , acting as J . W . ; Amhurst , S . l ) . ; Codringtori , J . I ) . ; Rev . G . R . Porta . 1 , P . M ., secretary ; J . A . 1 ) . Cox , P . M . ; Lord North , & c , & o . The following Brethren were elected joining members : —Hon . W . If . North , F . J . Hay ward , and Lord Vaughan , all of No . 460 . The next business consisted of the initiation of Mr . J . R . D . Tyssen and Mr . J . Ilannnerton , which was admirably performed by Brother Beach , P . M . The Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren adjourned to a dinner , which did grcjit credit to the new proprietors of the tavern ; after which , those who were qualified proceeded to Grand Lodge , where ( a . s will be seen by our report ) two important motions were unanimously adopted , on the proposal of Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , P . S . G . W . for Oxfordshire , the secretary . The Brethren then returned to the banquet-room , where tea and coffee were served , and , after a very pleasant evening , the meeting broke up .
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Grand Stewards' Lodge . —On the evening of the 19 th ult ., the public meeting of the season was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , when the several sections of the second and third lectures were ably worked in the following order : —Second lecture—1 st section , Bro . Watson ; 2 nd , Bro , Johnson ; 3 rd , Bro . Hewlett ; 4 th , Bro . Watson •; 5 th , Bro . Burgess . Thir 4 lecture—1 st section , Bro . Watson ; 2 nd , Bro . Burgess ; 3 rd , Bro . Johnson . Among the visiting Brethren were Bros . . Queely , Barrett , Blackburn , Williams , & c . & c . Bro . Tomkins , G . S . D ., acted as W . M . on the occasion .
Grand Masters' Lodge ( No . 1 ) . —The last meeting of this Lodge for the year 1855 was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 17 th December , when there was a large attendance of the brethren . The chair was occupied by the W . M . Bro . G . W . K .. Potter . The usual business having been concluded , Bro . Harris , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the year 1856 . The Brethren , to the number of forty , afterwards dined together , there being several visitors present ; amongst them we observed Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Rose , of No . 113 ; Bro . Ledger , W . M ., No . 109 ; ¦ Bro . Slight , S . W ., No . 109 ; Bro . Palmer , P . M ., No . 109 . ; Bro . Sargood , No . 109 ; and Bro . Robinson , P . M ., No . 158 . The evening ' s entertainment was much enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros . Donald King and Jolly .
Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on the 11 th December , under the presidency of Bro . Lowe , W . M ., who initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of the Order , and passed a Brother to the Second Degree . Bro . Shackelton , the S . W ., was then elected W . M . for the ensuing year . British Lodge ( No . 8 ) . —This distinguished Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Monday , December 17 th , when Bro . Cotterell , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Noke , P . M ., re-elected as treasurer . The visitors were Bro . John Harvey , P . G . S . D . ; Moore , No . 30 ; Filer , No . 30 ; Gabert , No . 275 ; and Capt . Roberts , No . 319 .
Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —The last meeting for 1855 , was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on the 4 th December , when a gentleman was initiated into . the Order , a Brother passed to the Second Degree , and another raised to the Third , the whole of the ceremonies being most impressively performed by the W . M ., Bro . Burton . Bro . Woods , S . W ., was elected W . M ., for the year 1850 . The Brethren afterwards supped together , bringing 3 ^ ro . Burton ' s highly successful year of office to a most happy termination .
Westminster and Keystone Lodge ( No . 10 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on the 5 th December , when there were present Bro . the Rev . W . H . Lyall , W . M . ; Bro . R . J . Spiers , P . M . ; Wyndham Portal , 8 . W . ; Beach , treasurer , acting as J . W . ; Amhurst , S . l ) . ; Codringtori , J . I ) . ; Rev . G . R . Porta . 1 , P . M ., secretary ; J . A . 1 ) . Cox , P . M . ; Lord North , & c , & o . The following Brethren were elected joining members : —Hon . W . If . North , F . J . Hay ward , and Lord Vaughan , all of No . 460 . The next business consisted of the initiation of Mr . J . R . D . Tyssen and Mr . J . Ilannnerton , which was admirably performed by Brother Beach , P . M . The Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren adjourned to a dinner , which did grcjit credit to the new proprietors of the tavern ; after which , those who were qualified proceeded to Grand Lodge , where ( a . s will be seen by our report ) two important motions were unanimously adopted , on the proposal of Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , P . S . G . W . for Oxfordshire , the secretary . The Brethren then returned to the banquet-room , where tea and coffee were served , and , after a very pleasant evening , the meeting broke up .