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selves much gratified at the cordial and truly Brotherly reception they had received from all the Members of this united Lodge . La Toleeanoe Lodge ( No . 781 ) . —The French Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Tuesday , the 11 th December , for the purpose of proceeding to the elections for the ensuing year . Bro . Caplin was re-elected W . M . ; Bro . Gratia , S . W . ; Bro . Martins , J . W . ; and Bro . Capt . Lendy , Hon . Sec , were also re-elected . These Chief Officers , well acquainted with the mysteries and the working of the Craft , have been maintained in their respective offices in order to give them the
opportunit }? - of bringing to a close various internal reforms and improvements which they have undertaken , to the great satisfaction of the Members ; and it is confidently expected that , owing to their exertions , the Lodge of La Tolerance will ere long stand second to none for the regularity and high spirit of its working . Bro . Boura , P . M ., was elected F . E . ; Bro . Han pen , Treasurer ; Bro . Schaible , S . D ., & c . Owing to the indisposition of several Officers , the meeting was postponed from the 4 th to the 11 th of this month , and ., in accordance with the general statutes of the Order , the next meeting will also be postponed till the 8 th of
January , when the Members will proceed to the installation of their Officers . A raising and an initiation will give to visitors a good opportunity of witnessing the French rite .
Yarborough Lodg-e ( No . 812 ) . —At a numerous meeting of this most influential Lodge , on Thursday , December 6 th , Bro . Edinger , W . M ., presiding , Bro . William Vesper , S . W ., was unanimously elected Master for the year ensuing , and Bro . W . Wentworth Davis , P . M ., Treasurer . The unanimity and true Masonic feeling that governs the Yarborough Lodge , combined with the excellent management of its Secretary , Bro . Thomas Yesper , contributes much to the prosperity of No . 812 . / A
Lodge of Emulation . —The annual meeting of this Lodge , holding under authority from the Lodge of Union ( No . 318 ) , was held in the temple , adjoining Freemasons' Hall , on the 30 th November , when there was a very full muster of the Brethren . Bro . Herbert Lloyd , G . S . D ., occupied the chair as W . M . The Lodge having been opened , the first lecture was worked in sections , the questions being put by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , sen . The sections were worked as follows : —1 st , Bro . Louis Artus ; 2 nd , Bro . S . B . Wilson , jun . ; 3 rd , Bro . Watson ; 4 th , Bro . Palmer ; 5 th , Bro . Absoion ; 6 th , Bro . Binekes ; and 7 th , Bro . John Hervey . Several joining members having been elected , the Lodge was closed in
due form . The Brethren to the number of close upon two hundred then adjourned to a very elegant supper laid out in the hall . We would remark that , in future , it would tend more to the comfort of the Brethren if the supper was served up cold . The chair was very ably filled by Bro . Herbert Lloyd , G . S . D . Upon the removal of the cloth , the Chairman proposed the memory of "Bro . Gilkes , " the founder of the Lod < re , which was drunk in solemn silence . "The Queen and the Craft" having been drunk , with all the honours , The Chairman gave "The Health of the M . W . G . M . the 1 light Hon . the Earl
ot Zetland ; " expressing a hope that the health of his amiable countess might be so improved that he would be enabled to he more amongst the Craft than had been the case during the past year . The next toast was "The Health of the Bight lion , the Flail of Yarborough , D . G . M . of Masons , and the rest of the Grand Olhcers . " They all knew how deep an interest the noble earl took in the prosperity of their benevolent institutions and of the Craft ( cheers ) . lie regretted that the noble earl bad been a . \ / o enng under severe illness , but he was now happy to inform them that he was rapidly recovering ( cheers ) , ' and might soon he expected to be again amongst them . As a Grand Officer himself , be was sure he might say they were all most anxious to do their duty , and he had . therefore great pleasure in proposing the toast .
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selves much gratified at the cordial and truly Brotherly reception they had received from all the Members of this united Lodge . La Toleeanoe Lodge ( No . 781 ) . —The French Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Tuesday , the 11 th December , for the purpose of proceeding to the elections for the ensuing year . Bro . Caplin was re-elected W . M . ; Bro . Gratia , S . W . ; Bro . Martins , J . W . ; and Bro . Capt . Lendy , Hon . Sec , were also re-elected . These Chief Officers , well acquainted with the mysteries and the working of the Craft , have been maintained in their respective offices in order to give them the
opportunit }? - of bringing to a close various internal reforms and improvements which they have undertaken , to the great satisfaction of the Members ; and it is confidently expected that , owing to their exertions , the Lodge of La Tolerance will ere long stand second to none for the regularity and high spirit of its working . Bro . Boura , P . M ., was elected F . E . ; Bro . Han pen , Treasurer ; Bro . Schaible , S . D ., & c . Owing to the indisposition of several Officers , the meeting was postponed from the 4 th to the 11 th of this month , and ., in accordance with the general statutes of the Order , the next meeting will also be postponed till the 8 th of
January , when the Members will proceed to the installation of their Officers . A raising and an initiation will give to visitors a good opportunity of witnessing the French rite .
Yarborough Lodg-e ( No . 812 ) . —At a numerous meeting of this most influential Lodge , on Thursday , December 6 th , Bro . Edinger , W . M ., presiding , Bro . William Vesper , S . W ., was unanimously elected Master for the year ensuing , and Bro . W . Wentworth Davis , P . M ., Treasurer . The unanimity and true Masonic feeling that governs the Yarborough Lodge , combined with the excellent management of its Secretary , Bro . Thomas Yesper , contributes much to the prosperity of No . 812 . / A
Lodge of Emulation . —The annual meeting of this Lodge , holding under authority from the Lodge of Union ( No . 318 ) , was held in the temple , adjoining Freemasons' Hall , on the 30 th November , when there was a very full muster of the Brethren . Bro . Herbert Lloyd , G . S . D ., occupied the chair as W . M . The Lodge having been opened , the first lecture was worked in sections , the questions being put by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , sen . The sections were worked as follows : —1 st , Bro . Louis Artus ; 2 nd , Bro . S . B . Wilson , jun . ; 3 rd , Bro . Watson ; 4 th , Bro . Palmer ; 5 th , Bro . Absoion ; 6 th , Bro . Binekes ; and 7 th , Bro . John Hervey . Several joining members having been elected , the Lodge was closed in
due form . The Brethren to the number of close upon two hundred then adjourned to a very elegant supper laid out in the hall . We would remark that , in future , it would tend more to the comfort of the Brethren if the supper was served up cold . The chair was very ably filled by Bro . Herbert Lloyd , G . S . D . Upon the removal of the cloth , the Chairman proposed the memory of "Bro . Gilkes , " the founder of the Lod < re , which was drunk in solemn silence . "The Queen and the Craft" having been drunk , with all the honours , The Chairman gave "The Health of the M . W . G . M . the 1 light Hon . the Earl
ot Zetland ; " expressing a hope that the health of his amiable countess might be so improved that he would be enabled to he more amongst the Craft than had been the case during the past year . The next toast was "The Health of the Bight lion , the Flail of Yarborough , D . G . M . of Masons , and the rest of the Grand Olhcers . " They all knew how deep an interest the noble earl took in the prosperity of their benevolent institutions and of the Craft ( cheers ) . lie regretted that the noble earl bad been a . \ / o enng under severe illness , but he was now happy to inform them that he was rapidly recovering ( cheers ) , ' and might soon he expected to be again amongst them . As a Grand Officer himself , be was sure he might say they were all most anxious to do their duty , and he had . therefore great pleasure in proposing the toast .