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which can alone cause our sun to travel in a sphere of genial warmth and heathful influence , by chasing away the clouds of restricted efficiency . We shall not be—we have not been—wanting to the Brethren ; let them not be wanting to us . We have gone beyond
our legitimate self-sacrifice to promote their interests , and we thankfully record the testimonials so largely given to our labours by the press and the public . We have been freely quoted and applauded by the most respectable papers , and we have even enjoyed the dull vituperation of the Weekly Dispatch , —no one would desire more . But , —
" Omnes eodem cogimur : omnium Yersatur urna , serius , ocyus Sors exitura , et nos in aeternnm Exilium impositura cymbEe . " There is after all , something of melancholy , more of hope , in the spectacle of the Old Tear , looking into the cradle of her
new-born child . Friends may have disappeared , but enmities have been buried also ; 365 days' worth of care and disappointment and painful pity for the neglected or bereaved have been mowed down by the silent scythe of the early and late Gatherer , who wipes away our tears , like the dew-drops , with his feet ! Well for us if we could imitate the veriest fly , who springs at
once into activity , and dies with harness on his back ; who loses no time in preparation for hours he may never see , nor in forebodings of evils he may never endure ; who does not allow infancy , with its helplessness—manhood , with its disappointments , —old age , with its regrets , to substract the minutes of his vitality , which are so precious because they are so few ! In a few more revolving periods , the game will be
closed , and kings , knights , pawns , bishops , will be shut up in their common receptacle , regardless of what position they occupied on the board . The puppets who represented the several parts will shift their pageantry at the fall of the curtain , and it will signify little whether we were loved or hated , patronized or slighted , by the audience
before whom we shall appear no more ! But two things certainly affect us , the one the unspeakable glory of a state of painless freedom from corporeal infirmity or social injustice , and the other the necessity of abounding increasingly in that love to God which He can alone engender upon earth , Whose spirit of love , shining through His Son , irradiates and constitutes Heaven !
Notes Oe A Yacht's Cruise To Balaklava.
I HAD been loitering in Paris till the middle of July , uncertain where next to direct my steps , and somewhat weary of encountering all the bores I thought I had left behind mo in . England , poring over their catalogues in the " Beaux arts , " or gazing after the Empress in the Champs Elysees . My indecision was therefore very agreeably converted into prompt and energetic action by the receipt of a few
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
which can alone cause our sun to travel in a sphere of genial warmth and heathful influence , by chasing away the clouds of restricted efficiency . We shall not be—we have not been—wanting to the Brethren ; let them not be wanting to us . We have gone beyond
our legitimate self-sacrifice to promote their interests , and we thankfully record the testimonials so largely given to our labours by the press and the public . We have been freely quoted and applauded by the most respectable papers , and we have even enjoyed the dull vituperation of the Weekly Dispatch , —no one would desire more . But , —
" Omnes eodem cogimur : omnium Yersatur urna , serius , ocyus Sors exitura , et nos in aeternnm Exilium impositura cymbEe . " There is after all , something of melancholy , more of hope , in the spectacle of the Old Tear , looking into the cradle of her
new-born child . Friends may have disappeared , but enmities have been buried also ; 365 days' worth of care and disappointment and painful pity for the neglected or bereaved have been mowed down by the silent scythe of the early and late Gatherer , who wipes away our tears , like the dew-drops , with his feet ! Well for us if we could imitate the veriest fly , who springs at
once into activity , and dies with harness on his back ; who loses no time in preparation for hours he may never see , nor in forebodings of evils he may never endure ; who does not allow infancy , with its helplessness—manhood , with its disappointments , —old age , with its regrets , to substract the minutes of his vitality , which are so precious because they are so few ! In a few more revolving periods , the game will be
closed , and kings , knights , pawns , bishops , will be shut up in their common receptacle , regardless of what position they occupied on the board . The puppets who represented the several parts will shift their pageantry at the fall of the curtain , and it will signify little whether we were loved or hated , patronized or slighted , by the audience
before whom we shall appear no more ! But two things certainly affect us , the one the unspeakable glory of a state of painless freedom from corporeal infirmity or social injustice , and the other the necessity of abounding increasingly in that love to God which He can alone engender upon earth , Whose spirit of love , shining through His Son , irradiates and constitutes Heaven !
Notes Oe A Yacht's Cruise To Balaklava.
I HAD been loitering in Paris till the middle of July , uncertain where next to direct my steps , and somewhat weary of encountering all the bores I thought I had left behind mo in . England , poring over their catalogues in the " Beaux arts , " or gazing after the Empress in the Champs Elysees . My indecision was therefore very agreeably converted into prompt and energetic action by the receipt of a few