Article PEOVISTCIAL. ← Page 7 of 9 →
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Treas . ; Bro . Dickson was elected Tyler . Bro . Barker , on behalf of the W . M . elect of No . 24 , made known the desire of the Brethren of that Lodge that the annual banquet of the two Lodges should be united , and held at the George Hotel , on the 27 th inst . ; and Bro . Wilford said , it gave him great pleasure to acquiesce in the arrangement . The Lodge was then closed . Northern Counties Lodge ( No . 586 ) . —The Brethren of this old and respectable Lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Monday , December 3 . Bro . Joicey
was raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by the W . M ., Bro . Dalziel , P . G . D . C , after which two initiations took place , one of which was of more than ordinary interest—it being the son of the much-respected W . M . The ceremony was performed in the most efficient manner , and every Brother present was highly delighted . After the initiation the Brethren retired to refreshment , and spent a most harmonious evening .
SOMERSETSHIRE . Bath . —Boyal Sussex Lodge ( No . 61 . )—On Monday , December 3 , a Lodge was held , for the purpose of installing Bro . James Tunstall , M . D ., T . Z . and P . M . No . 48 , P . M . No . 420 , P . P . G . S . of W . for Somerset , and Treas . of the Lodge , the W . M . elect . The W . M ., Bro . John Broadley , P . G . J . W . for Somerset , P . M . Nos . 18 and 420 , having opened the Lodge , Bro . C . J . Vigne , P . M . and P . Z . No . 528 , and P . P . G . S . W . for Somerset , installed Bro . Tunstall , congratulating him on the complete resuscitation of this ancient Lodge , a circumstance due to his untiring energy . Bro . Tunstall then invested the following Officers : —Bros . F . Smith , S . W ; C . W . Oliver , J . W . ; C . Milsom , P . P . G . O . Somerset , Sec . ; H . James and J . Collins , Deacons ; Commans , I . G . Among the visiting Brethren
present were Bros . Major Goddard , P . G . R . Wilts ; Capt . Ponsonby Watts , of Trichinopoly ; Br . Falconer , Prov . G . Treas . for Somerset ; John Amery , P . P . G . D . C . for Essex ; Bro . Capt . Evans , P . M . Nos . 528 and 650 ; with Brethren from the Wiltshire , Somerset , and Bristol Lodges . After the ceremony the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , at Bro . Amery ' s , Christopher Hotel , to celebrate the resuscitation of the Lodge .
SUSSEX . Brighton . —Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 338 ) . —On Friday , December 21 st , the members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting and quarterly banquet . Three Brethren were passed to the Second Degree ; the next business was the election of W . M . and Treas . for the year ensuing ; the S . W . Bro . IL Smithers , Past Prov . Dir . of Cer ., was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . D . M . Folkard , P . M . and Prov . G . Reg ., was unanimously re-elected ( for the seventeenth time ) Treas .
Upwards of forty Brethren then repaired to refreshment . The visitors were Bros . Jones , P . M ., No . 394 ; Frederick Slight , No . 1 ; and Craven , No . 38 . We congratulate Bro . G . E . Pocock , the W-M . and Prov . G . Sec , on a most successful year
of office ; the work ing lias been carefully performed by W . M . and his Officers , and after paying expenses up to the present time , there is a good balance in hands of Treasurer . This Lodge contributes to several of the Local as well as the Masonic Charities . The installation of W . M . will take place on the third Friday in January ; we understand there will he a Lodge of Emergency called on a day prior to the installation , for the purpose of raising five Brethren to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason . WORCESTERSHIRE .
KumERMiNSTEK . —Lodge of Hope and Charily ( No . 523 ) . —At the next meeting of this Lodge , to be held at Bro . Yeates ' , the Black Horse Tavern , Mill Street , Bro . Fitzgerald ( organist at the new Music Hall and at the parish church ) , is to be installed as W . M . We believe the Brethren have made a worthy choice , the W . M . elect being equal to any of the Degrees , and " well up" in Masonry . IIow is it , permit us to ask , that although Drovincial Grand Lodge and other dues are regularly forwarded by the Lodges in the Province , that No . 523 , at Kidderminster , can only find a place in the Quarterly Communication ?
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Treas . ; Bro . Dickson was elected Tyler . Bro . Barker , on behalf of the W . M . elect of No . 24 , made known the desire of the Brethren of that Lodge that the annual banquet of the two Lodges should be united , and held at the George Hotel , on the 27 th inst . ; and Bro . Wilford said , it gave him great pleasure to acquiesce in the arrangement . The Lodge was then closed . Northern Counties Lodge ( No . 586 ) . —The Brethren of this old and respectable Lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Monday , December 3 . Bro . Joicey
was raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by the W . M ., Bro . Dalziel , P . G . D . C , after which two initiations took place , one of which was of more than ordinary interest—it being the son of the much-respected W . M . The ceremony was performed in the most efficient manner , and every Brother present was highly delighted . After the initiation the Brethren retired to refreshment , and spent a most harmonious evening .
SOMERSETSHIRE . Bath . —Boyal Sussex Lodge ( No . 61 . )—On Monday , December 3 , a Lodge was held , for the purpose of installing Bro . James Tunstall , M . D ., T . Z . and P . M . No . 48 , P . M . No . 420 , P . P . G . S . of W . for Somerset , and Treas . of the Lodge , the W . M . elect . The W . M ., Bro . John Broadley , P . G . J . W . for Somerset , P . M . Nos . 18 and 420 , having opened the Lodge , Bro . C . J . Vigne , P . M . and P . Z . No . 528 , and P . P . G . S . W . for Somerset , installed Bro . Tunstall , congratulating him on the complete resuscitation of this ancient Lodge , a circumstance due to his untiring energy . Bro . Tunstall then invested the following Officers : —Bros . F . Smith , S . W ; C . W . Oliver , J . W . ; C . Milsom , P . P . G . O . Somerset , Sec . ; H . James and J . Collins , Deacons ; Commans , I . G . Among the visiting Brethren
present were Bros . Major Goddard , P . G . R . Wilts ; Capt . Ponsonby Watts , of Trichinopoly ; Br . Falconer , Prov . G . Treas . for Somerset ; John Amery , P . P . G . D . C . for Essex ; Bro . Capt . Evans , P . M . Nos . 528 and 650 ; with Brethren from the Wiltshire , Somerset , and Bristol Lodges . After the ceremony the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , at Bro . Amery ' s , Christopher Hotel , to celebrate the resuscitation of the Lodge .
SUSSEX . Brighton . —Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 338 ) . —On Friday , December 21 st , the members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting and quarterly banquet . Three Brethren were passed to the Second Degree ; the next business was the election of W . M . and Treas . for the year ensuing ; the S . W . Bro . IL Smithers , Past Prov . Dir . of Cer ., was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . D . M . Folkard , P . M . and Prov . G . Reg ., was unanimously re-elected ( for the seventeenth time ) Treas .
Upwards of forty Brethren then repaired to refreshment . The visitors were Bros . Jones , P . M ., No . 394 ; Frederick Slight , No . 1 ; and Craven , No . 38 . We congratulate Bro . G . E . Pocock , the W-M . and Prov . G . Sec , on a most successful year
of office ; the work ing lias been carefully performed by W . M . and his Officers , and after paying expenses up to the present time , there is a good balance in hands of Treasurer . This Lodge contributes to several of the Local as well as the Masonic Charities . The installation of W . M . will take place on the third Friday in January ; we understand there will he a Lodge of Emergency called on a day prior to the installation , for the purpose of raising five Brethren to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason . WORCESTERSHIRE .
KumERMiNSTEK . —Lodge of Hope and Charily ( No . 523 ) . —At the next meeting of this Lodge , to be held at Bro . Yeates ' , the Black Horse Tavern , Mill Street , Bro . Fitzgerald ( organist at the new Music Hall and at the parish church ) , is to be installed as W . M . We believe the Brethren have made a worthy choice , the W . M . elect being equal to any of the Degrees , and " well up" in Masonry . IIow is it , permit us to ask , that although Drovincial Grand Lodge and other dues are regularly forwarded by the Lodges in the Province , that No . 523 , at Kidderminster , can only find a place in the Quarterly Communication ?