Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 9 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Masters command ^ Instead of concluding by stating that " Grand Lodge adjourned on the motion of Bro . H . G . Warren , " they ended by simply saying , " Grand Lodge w as then closed . " The adjourned Grand Lodge was totally ignored ; and the next minutes read were those of the Grand Lodge of Emergency , held November 19 th .
Bro . Binckes rose apparently with the view of re-opening , in some way , the question as to the power of adjourning Grand Lodge , but he was put down by the M . W . the Grand Master , who ruled that he was out of order . Bro . Gregory , on the question of the confirmation of the minutes , said : — " M . W . Sir and Brethren , I rise to move that the minutes of the Grand Lodge of Emergency be not confirmed so far as they relate to the appointment of the Colonial Committee . ( Hear , hear . ) I rise with great diffidence , for , although an
old Mason and P . M . of my Lodge , this is only the second time I have ventured to address Grand Lodge . ( Hear . ) Whether right or wrong , therefore , I trust I shall be received with indulgence . ( Cheers . ) I was present at the last Grand Lodge , and also at that meeting which preceded it , and which the head of the Craft has decided to have been illegal ; but I did not at the Grand Lodge of Emergency say anything against this Colonial Committee , lest , had we decided against it upon that occasion , it might doubtless have been said that the adjourned Lodge
was declared illegal for the purpose of throwing over this Colonial Committee . ( Hear . ) I am not alone in wishing to oppose the confirmation of this part of the minutes , although I am quite aware that it is a very unusual course to pursue ( hear , hear ) , and it is a course which I would never have taken except for very extraordinary reasons . This Colonial Committee is objectionable because it will not fulfil the duties which are expected of it , and for the performance of which it is specially appointed . ( Hear . ) The causes which led to the appointment of that
Committee had been delicately alluded to , and the M . W . the Grand Master had intimated that the Grand Secretary was about to retire . ( Hear , hear . ) That is a step I am sure which we all regret , although we see the necessity for it . ( Hear . ) That step , however , will remove all necessity for the appointment of this Colonial Committee . ( Loud cries of ' No ! no ! ' and partial cheering . ) This Colonial Committee is not a Committee which will work well , and it will certainly produce effects which the movers of this resolution by no means desire . ( Hear , hear , and
No , no . ) It will create an iniperium % n impcrio . ( No , no . ) If you agree to this Committee , you will pass a law which is contrary to existing law s . You are giving to this Colonial Board some of the powers of the Board of General Purposes . You will thus have two rival bodies in Masonry , the precise limits of whose powers and duties are not clearly defined ( hear ) , and they will be continually coming into collision with each other . ( Hear , hear , and cries of ' No ! no ! ' and 'Not necessarily . ' ) Such a Board is not needed at all . If in a regiment the
duties of an adjutant had been inefficiently performed , would a Board of General Officers be appointed 'I ( Laughter . ) Why , no , of course not : a new adjutant would be appointed ( hear ); and when your lordship appoints a successor to our respected Bro . White , you have the cure in your own hands . ( No , no . ) You will do all that is necessary by appointing as successor to Bro . White , a Brother who , though he will not have Bro . White ' s experience , will possess that energy
and activity which younger years alone can give . I believe that this is the only remedy to be applied to the evil which has justly been complained of . It seems to me , M . W . Sir , that this Committee is not a legitimate kind of remedy to be applied to such an evil . For these reasons I move , ' That the minutes be confirmed , except in so far as they relate to the appointment of this Colonial Board . '"
This amendment , having been duly seconded , was put by the M . W . the Grand Master ; on which—Bro . Mason said : "M . W . Sir and Brethren , the Brother who has just sat down , has not given us any valid reason why the resolutions which were so carefully considered at the last Grand Lodge . should now bo altered or repealed , ( Hear , hear . ) The first objection which he made was , that this Committee would he an wiper mm in impcrio ; but the ' worthy Brother himself put an end to whatever force there was in that objection , when he stated that these resolutions put an end
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The Masonic Mirror.
Masters command ^ Instead of concluding by stating that " Grand Lodge adjourned on the motion of Bro . H . G . Warren , " they ended by simply saying , " Grand Lodge w as then closed . " The adjourned Grand Lodge was totally ignored ; and the next minutes read were those of the Grand Lodge of Emergency , held November 19 th .
Bro . Binckes rose apparently with the view of re-opening , in some way , the question as to the power of adjourning Grand Lodge , but he was put down by the M . W . the Grand Master , who ruled that he was out of order . Bro . Gregory , on the question of the confirmation of the minutes , said : — " M . W . Sir and Brethren , I rise to move that the minutes of the Grand Lodge of Emergency be not confirmed so far as they relate to the appointment of the Colonial Committee . ( Hear , hear . ) I rise with great diffidence , for , although an
old Mason and P . M . of my Lodge , this is only the second time I have ventured to address Grand Lodge . ( Hear . ) Whether right or wrong , therefore , I trust I shall be received with indulgence . ( Cheers . ) I was present at the last Grand Lodge , and also at that meeting which preceded it , and which the head of the Craft has decided to have been illegal ; but I did not at the Grand Lodge of Emergency say anything against this Colonial Committee , lest , had we decided against it upon that occasion , it might doubtless have been said that the adjourned Lodge
was declared illegal for the purpose of throwing over this Colonial Committee . ( Hear . ) I am not alone in wishing to oppose the confirmation of this part of the minutes , although I am quite aware that it is a very unusual course to pursue ( hear , hear ) , and it is a course which I would never have taken except for very extraordinary reasons . This Colonial Committee is objectionable because it will not fulfil the duties which are expected of it , and for the performance of which it is specially appointed . ( Hear . ) The causes which led to the appointment of that
Committee had been delicately alluded to , and the M . W . the Grand Master had intimated that the Grand Secretary was about to retire . ( Hear , hear . ) That is a step I am sure which we all regret , although we see the necessity for it . ( Hear . ) That step , however , will remove all necessity for the appointment of this Colonial Committee . ( Loud cries of ' No ! no ! ' and partial cheering . ) This Colonial Committee is not a Committee which will work well , and it will certainly produce effects which the movers of this resolution by no means desire . ( Hear , hear , and
No , no . ) It will create an iniperium % n impcrio . ( No , no . ) If you agree to this Committee , you will pass a law which is contrary to existing law s . You are giving to this Colonial Board some of the powers of the Board of General Purposes . You will thus have two rival bodies in Masonry , the precise limits of whose powers and duties are not clearly defined ( hear ) , and they will be continually coming into collision with each other . ( Hear , hear , and cries of ' No ! no ! ' and 'Not necessarily . ' ) Such a Board is not needed at all . If in a regiment the
duties of an adjutant had been inefficiently performed , would a Board of General Officers be appointed 'I ( Laughter . ) Why , no , of course not : a new adjutant would be appointed ( hear ); and when your lordship appoints a successor to our respected Bro . White , you have the cure in your own hands . ( No , no . ) You will do all that is necessary by appointing as successor to Bro . White , a Brother who , though he will not have Bro . White ' s experience , will possess that energy
and activity which younger years alone can give . I believe that this is the only remedy to be applied to the evil which has justly been complained of . It seems to me , M . W . Sir , that this Committee is not a legitimate kind of remedy to be applied to such an evil . For these reasons I move , ' That the minutes be confirmed , except in so far as they relate to the appointment of this Colonial Board . '"
This amendment , having been duly seconded , was put by the M . W . the Grand Master ; on which—Bro . Mason said : "M . W . Sir and Brethren , the Brother who has just sat down , has not given us any valid reason why the resolutions which were so carefully considered at the last Grand Lodge . should now bo altered or repealed , ( Hear , hear . ) The first objection which he made was , that this Committee would he an wiper mm in impcrio ; but the ' worthy Brother himself put an end to whatever force there was in that objection , when he stated that these resolutions put an end