Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 9 of 9 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 15 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Bro . Aria said he hoped the Grand Master would call a Grand Lodge of Emergency to go on with the arrears of business . The M . W . the Grand Master said he would give the matter his consideration , but made no promise either way . The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , with solemn prayer .
Grand Masters Lodge ( No . 1 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met at the Freemasons'Tavern on the 15 th December . Bro . Harris , W . M ., presided , and efficiently passed a Brother to the 2 nd Degree . Bro . Samuel Rawson , S . W . and P . M ., was elected to the chair for the present year ; Bro . Giraud re-elected Treas ., and Bro . G . Smith and H . Holt , Tylers . The Brethren , to the number of twenty-six , afterwards dined together , and spent a very pleasant evening .
Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled together on the 9 th December at the Freemasons' Tavern , when Messrs . Odeli , Phillips , and Bailey Garling were duly initiated ; three Brethren passed , and one raised to their respective Degrees ; Bro . Gillespie was elected W . M ,
Royal York Lodge oe Perseverance ( No . 7 ) . —On the 17 th December this Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern in full force , there being upwards of thirty Brethren present . Bro . John Hervey , W . M ., presided , and passed two Brothers , and raised three to the respective Degrees to which they had become entitled . Bro . Isidor Levinson , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing twelve months ; Bro . Harrison , P . M ., Treas ., and Bro . Rice , Tyler . At the conclusion of the business the Brethren dined together , and spent a very pleasant evening .
British Lodge ( No . 8 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Monday , 15 th December . Two Brethren were passed to the 2 nd Degree , and one gentleman was initiated into Masonry . The Lodge was visited by Bro . Johnstone , W . M . 773 . Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , on the 2 nd December , Bro . Frend was elected W . M . for the year 1857 , and Bro . Lee re-elected Treas . Westminster and Keystone Lodge ( No . 10 ) . —The first meeting of this
distinguished Lodge for the season was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , December 3 rd . About forty Brethren were present , including several visitors from the Provinces . The Lodge being opened by Bro . P . M . Cox , as W . M . ; Bros . Lord Carnarvon , S . W . ; Benson , J . W . Six Brethren were by ballot elected joining members . The chair was then taken by Bro . P . M . the Rev . G . R . Portal ,
who most ably initiated Viscount Valletort and Mr . Nelson Rycroft into the Order . The Lodge was then adjourned , and the Brethren partook of a banquet ; after which several members left to attend Grand Lodge , and the Lodge was resumed : Bro . Cox again presiding as W . M . ; Bros . John Udall , P . M ., as S . W . ; Benson , as J . W . : when Bro . the Rev . F . A . Beckmore was passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Bro . Owen raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The ceremony in each Degree
was conducted in a very efficient manner ; and the Lodgo closed in harmony . A Lodge of Emergency was held on the 19 th November , in consequence of tho M . W . the Grand Master having called a special meeting of the Grand Lodge . The Lodge was opened in the 1 st Degree , by the W . M . Bros . Wyndham Portal ; Lord Carnarvon , S . W . ; G . R . Portal , as J . W ., and many other members : numerous Brethren from the Provinces attended as visitors , amongst whom we noticed Bros . Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . M . for Hants ; Edmund White , P . Prov . G . S . W . for Somerset ; J . H . Hearn , P . D . G . M . for the Isle of Wight , Wells , J . R . Stebbing , Edmund SJBagshawe , Hering , Sam . R . Everett , Levander , Sherry , Nash , Harder ,
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The Masonic Mirror.
Bro . Aria said he hoped the Grand Master would call a Grand Lodge of Emergency to go on with the arrears of business . The M . W . the Grand Master said he would give the matter his consideration , but made no promise either way . The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , with solemn prayer .
Grand Masters Lodge ( No . 1 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met at the Freemasons'Tavern on the 15 th December . Bro . Harris , W . M ., presided , and efficiently passed a Brother to the 2 nd Degree . Bro . Samuel Rawson , S . W . and P . M ., was elected to the chair for the present year ; Bro . Giraud re-elected Treas ., and Bro . G . Smith and H . Holt , Tylers . The Brethren , to the number of twenty-six , afterwards dined together , and spent a very pleasant evening .
Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled together on the 9 th December at the Freemasons' Tavern , when Messrs . Odeli , Phillips , and Bailey Garling were duly initiated ; three Brethren passed , and one raised to their respective Degrees ; Bro . Gillespie was elected W . M ,
Royal York Lodge oe Perseverance ( No . 7 ) . —On the 17 th December this Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern in full force , there being upwards of thirty Brethren present . Bro . John Hervey , W . M ., presided , and passed two Brothers , and raised three to the respective Degrees to which they had become entitled . Bro . Isidor Levinson , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing twelve months ; Bro . Harrison , P . M ., Treas ., and Bro . Rice , Tyler . At the conclusion of the business the Brethren dined together , and spent a very pleasant evening .
British Lodge ( No . 8 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Monday , 15 th December . Two Brethren were passed to the 2 nd Degree , and one gentleman was initiated into Masonry . The Lodge was visited by Bro . Johnstone , W . M . 773 . Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , on the 2 nd December , Bro . Frend was elected W . M . for the year 1857 , and Bro . Lee re-elected Treas . Westminster and Keystone Lodge ( No . 10 ) . —The first meeting of this
distinguished Lodge for the season was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , December 3 rd . About forty Brethren were present , including several visitors from the Provinces . The Lodge being opened by Bro . P . M . Cox , as W . M . ; Bros . Lord Carnarvon , S . W . ; Benson , J . W . Six Brethren were by ballot elected joining members . The chair was then taken by Bro . P . M . the Rev . G . R . Portal ,
who most ably initiated Viscount Valletort and Mr . Nelson Rycroft into the Order . The Lodge was then adjourned , and the Brethren partook of a banquet ; after which several members left to attend Grand Lodge , and the Lodge was resumed : Bro . Cox again presiding as W . M . ; Bros . John Udall , P . M ., as S . W . ; Benson , as J . W . : when Bro . the Rev . F . A . Beckmore was passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Bro . Owen raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The ceremony in each Degree
was conducted in a very efficient manner ; and the Lodgo closed in harmony . A Lodge of Emergency was held on the 19 th November , in consequence of tho M . W . the Grand Master having called a special meeting of the Grand Lodge . The Lodge was opened in the 1 st Degree , by the W . M . Bros . Wyndham Portal ; Lord Carnarvon , S . W . ; G . R . Portal , as J . W ., and many other members : numerous Brethren from the Provinces attended as visitors , amongst whom we noticed Bros . Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . M . for Hants ; Edmund White , P . Prov . G . S . W . for Somerset ; J . H . Hearn , P . D . G . M . for the Isle of Wight , Wells , J . R . Stebbing , Edmund SJBagshawe , Hering , Sam . R . Everett , Levander , Sherry , Nash , Harder ,