Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 5 of 15 →
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quet occasionally , not only that the amount thus saved would he better spent in supporting the Charities , especially the Benevolent Institution , but by this mode Lodges would be prevented running into debt , which is but too frequently the case .
Old Concord Lod ge ( No , 201 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , the 2 nd December , under the able presidency of the W . M . Bro , Nicholson , who initiated Messrs . G . Minnis and C . Clayton into the mysteries and privileges of the noble Order , and passed and raised some Brethren to their respective Degrees . This being the evening for electing W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Jeffries , S . W ., was unanimously elected to that distinguished office , and Bro . Kennedy , P . M ., also unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Bro . Emmens , P . M . and Sec , again called the attention of the
Brethren to the case of Mrs . Barnstorff , who is a candidate at the next election of the Widows'Fund , and begged they would use all their influence in her behalf . It is gratifying to add , that thirty-four of the members at once gave in their names to become subscribers of this charity , and thereby have an opportunity of supporting this poor widow at the election . A member , who has fallen into distress through illness , was afforded immediate relief from the Benevolent Fund of this Lodge . Some other Lodge business being ended ,
about fifty of the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , after which all the usual Masonic toasts were were given . The visitors' healths being proposed , Bro . John Gurton , W . M .., No . 211 , returned thanks in a neat and appropriate speech . TheW . M . ' s health was then proposed by Bro . G . M . Gurton , P . M . ; but previous its being drunk , Bro . Emmens , P . M ., begged to say a few words . He had the honour of introducing Bro . Nicholson into Freemasonry . It was a pleasing task
at all times to speak of an old friend whom they esteemed , but how much more was it so when that friend was " a Brother" who had become W . M . of this distinguished Lodge . It was the last night he would occupy that high position which he ( Bro . Emmens ) was happy and proud in saying he had filled with so much honour and credit to himself and so much pleasure and gratification to every member of the Lodge . Most of the Brethren knew the vast amount of business that
had been gone through during the W . M . ' s year of office , twenty-one gentlemen having been initiated by him into the Order , and every ceremony had always been performed without his once requiring the assistance of a P . M . or any other Brother . He ( Bro . Emmens ) had during his membership of this Lodge ( independently of the two years he had the honour of being W . M . ) witnessed eighteen
Brethren pass that chair , and of that large number not one had he seen excel Bro . Nicholson in fulfilling the duties , and during his ( the W . M . ' s ) year of office , it was gratifying to know that the principles of Freemasonry were carried out in perfect harmony and brotherly love . That the W . M . had the interests of his Lodge at heart he well knew , and bo long as his successors followed the example so nobly set by him , the Old Concord Lodge must continue to flourish . The toast was received with much enthusiasm . Bro . Nicholson , in reply , said :
" Brethren , most sincerely do I thank you for the kind reception given to my name , and , in expressing my thanks , can only say , that it has always been my endeavour to show my appreciation of the dignity to which I had been appointed as your W . M ,, in studying to discharge those duties to the best of my ability . When I was installed W . M . of this flourishing and highly-respectable Lodge , it was with a full determination on my part of acting up to the high trust you had reposed in me , and if I have done so to your satisfaction , I am well rewarded . I shall ever feel indebted to our Bro . Emmens for having introduced me into this noble Order in the
Old Concord Lodge , and shall ever feel indebted to you all , Brethren , for your kind support and brotherly evinced towards me during the time 1 have had the honour of being your W . M . " The W . M . then called the attention of the Brethren to one other toast he wished to introduce that evening , and said that he was quite sure they would respond to his toast with that cordiality it ho much deserved , it was the health of a Brother they all knew , and , knowing , respected him . All of you , Brethren , are aware , said Bro . N ., of the duties of Secretary to this numerous Lodge when we arc assembled for business , but few
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
quet occasionally , not only that the amount thus saved would he better spent in supporting the Charities , especially the Benevolent Institution , but by this mode Lodges would be prevented running into debt , which is but too frequently the case .
Old Concord Lod ge ( No , 201 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , the 2 nd December , under the able presidency of the W . M . Bro , Nicholson , who initiated Messrs . G . Minnis and C . Clayton into the mysteries and privileges of the noble Order , and passed and raised some Brethren to their respective Degrees . This being the evening for electing W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Jeffries , S . W ., was unanimously elected to that distinguished office , and Bro . Kennedy , P . M ., also unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Bro . Emmens , P . M . and Sec , again called the attention of the
Brethren to the case of Mrs . Barnstorff , who is a candidate at the next election of the Widows'Fund , and begged they would use all their influence in her behalf . It is gratifying to add , that thirty-four of the members at once gave in their names to become subscribers of this charity , and thereby have an opportunity of supporting this poor widow at the election . A member , who has fallen into distress through illness , was afforded immediate relief from the Benevolent Fund of this Lodge . Some other Lodge business being ended ,
about fifty of the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , after which all the usual Masonic toasts were were given . The visitors' healths being proposed , Bro . John Gurton , W . M .., No . 211 , returned thanks in a neat and appropriate speech . TheW . M . ' s health was then proposed by Bro . G . M . Gurton , P . M . ; but previous its being drunk , Bro . Emmens , P . M ., begged to say a few words . He had the honour of introducing Bro . Nicholson into Freemasonry . It was a pleasing task
at all times to speak of an old friend whom they esteemed , but how much more was it so when that friend was " a Brother" who had become W . M . of this distinguished Lodge . It was the last night he would occupy that high position which he ( Bro . Emmens ) was happy and proud in saying he had filled with so much honour and credit to himself and so much pleasure and gratification to every member of the Lodge . Most of the Brethren knew the vast amount of business that
had been gone through during the W . M . ' s year of office , twenty-one gentlemen having been initiated by him into the Order , and every ceremony had always been performed without his once requiring the assistance of a P . M . or any other Brother . He ( Bro . Emmens ) had during his membership of this Lodge ( independently of the two years he had the honour of being W . M . ) witnessed eighteen
Brethren pass that chair , and of that large number not one had he seen excel Bro . Nicholson in fulfilling the duties , and during his ( the W . M . ' s ) year of office , it was gratifying to know that the principles of Freemasonry were carried out in perfect harmony and brotherly love . That the W . M . had the interests of his Lodge at heart he well knew , and bo long as his successors followed the example so nobly set by him , the Old Concord Lodge must continue to flourish . The toast was received with much enthusiasm . Bro . Nicholson , in reply , said :
" Brethren , most sincerely do I thank you for the kind reception given to my name , and , in expressing my thanks , can only say , that it has always been my endeavour to show my appreciation of the dignity to which I had been appointed as your W . M ,, in studying to discharge those duties to the best of my ability . When I was installed W . M . of this flourishing and highly-respectable Lodge , it was with a full determination on my part of acting up to the high trust you had reposed in me , and if I have done so to your satisfaction , I am well rewarded . I shall ever feel indebted to our Bro . Emmens for having introduced me into this noble Order in the
Old Concord Lodge , and shall ever feel indebted to you all , Brethren , for your kind support and brotherly evinced towards me during the time 1 have had the honour of being your W . M . " The W . M . then called the attention of the Brethren to one other toast he wished to introduce that evening , and said that he was quite sure they would respond to his toast with that cordiality it ho much deserved , it was the health of a Brother they all knew , and , knowing , respected him . All of you , Brethren , are aware , said Bro . N ., of the duties of Secretary to this numerous Lodge when we arc assembled for business , but few