Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 9 of 15 →
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we knew but little , but it is evident that during his comparatively short career he had endeared himself to all with whom he was acquainted , and over whom he had been called to preside . To perpetuate his memory , and to evince the estimation in which he was held , it was unanimously resolved that a monument should be erected , and subscriptions for that purpose were at once entered into , which amounted to £ 24 . The chair was ably filled by Bro . Henry Lyons , P . M .,
who initiated two gentlemen into the Order , passed two Brethren to the 2 nd , and raised two others to the 3 rd Degree . Bro . Lewis Alexander , P . S . W ., was elected W . M . for the year ensuing , and Bro . Moses re-elected Treasurer . The customary banquet , it is almost needless to say , was dispensed with , and the officers of the Benevolent Fund attached to the Lodge having been chosen , the proceedings of the evening were brought to a close . The visitors were Bros . F . Binckes , W . M ., No . 11 ' ; 0 . Yangoor , W . M ., No . 218 ; H . A . Isaacs , W . M ., No . 247 ; Ansell , No . 218 ; Cartmore , No . 266 ; Jacob , & c .
Lodge of Confidence ( No , 228 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge at Anderton s Hotel , on Monday , December 8 th , Bro . Footit , W . M ., passed a Brother to the 2 nd Degree , and raised four . Bro . J . Jackson was then duly installed W . M . by Bro . Watson , P . M ., No . 23 ; and the following * Brethren invested with the jewels of their respective offices : —Cummins , S . W ., Brewer , J . W ., Newnham , S . D ., Spencer , J . D ., Johnson , I . G . At the conclusion of the business the Brethren supped together , and passed a most social evening .
Jerusalem Lodge ( No . 233 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , held at the Ireemasons ' Tavern , December 3 rd , Bro . Saunders was most ahly installed as W . M . by Bro . Crew , P . M ., No . 1 ; thus succeeding Bro . A . B . Frend , whose year of office has given the utmost satisfaction to the Brethren . Bro . Simpson was re-elected Treasurer . At the conclusion of the business about thirty of the Brethren dined together .
Jordan Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , Dec . 19 , Bro . Young , W . M ., presiding , who proceeded to initiate Mr . Hurst into the mystic Order . Bros . Arliss , J . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Scambler , P . M ., was re-elected Treas . ; and Dawes , Tyler . The business of the Lodge being completed , the Brethren retired to a well-spread banquet . The visitors present were Bro . Boutclier , No . 816 ; and Bro . Giraud , Lodge Esperance , Berne , Switzerland .
Lodgie of Israel ( No . 247 ) .- —The Brethren of this Lodge , to the number of nearly sixty , assembled at Bro . Seyd ' s , Finsbury-square , on Tuesday , Dec . 9 , to do honour to the last meeting under the rule of their present excellent W . M ., Bro . H . A . Isaacs . Ballots were taken for six : gentlemen , of whom three were initiated , and two Brethren were passed to the 2 nd Degree . To those who know Bro . Isaacs , it is useless to say one word in commendation of the mariner in which the ceremonies were conducted ; to those to whom his name is unknown—if indeed there be any
such—we can safely assert that the whole of the business was conducted most admirabl y and efficiently . To mark the estimation in which Bro . Isaacs is held , it was unanimously resolved that a Past Master ' s jewel should be presented by the Lod ge ; in addition to which a subscription was at once commenced to provide a suitable testimonial as a token of regard from the members of the Lodge individuall y , which at once realized the sum of £ 2 L Bro . J . Isaacs , S . W ., was
unanimousl y elected W . M . for the year ensiling , who acknowledged , in very feeling terms the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Seniors , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer . The list of visitors comprised the names of Bros . F . Binckes , W . M ., No . 11 ; W . Paas , W . M ., No . 30 ; Gardner , W . M ! ., No . 112 ; Jephson , P . M ., No . " 107 ; Hart and Froscant , No . 218 ; Schwabe , No . 223 ; ( Uashmore , No . 265 , ? vydney . The customary " refreshment" followed "labour , " and everything passed of most agreeably .
Lodge of United Stkunoth ( No . 276 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place at the Gun Tavern , Pimlico , on Tuesday , the 9 th ult ., when Bro Henry Cartel " , the W . M ., presided , and initiated a Brother into the Order ,
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we knew but little , but it is evident that during his comparatively short career he had endeared himself to all with whom he was acquainted , and over whom he had been called to preside . To perpetuate his memory , and to evince the estimation in which he was held , it was unanimously resolved that a monument should be erected , and subscriptions for that purpose were at once entered into , which amounted to £ 24 . The chair was ably filled by Bro . Henry Lyons , P . M .,
who initiated two gentlemen into the Order , passed two Brethren to the 2 nd , and raised two others to the 3 rd Degree . Bro . Lewis Alexander , P . S . W ., was elected W . M . for the year ensuing , and Bro . Moses re-elected Treasurer . The customary banquet , it is almost needless to say , was dispensed with , and the officers of the Benevolent Fund attached to the Lodge having been chosen , the proceedings of the evening were brought to a close . The visitors were Bros . F . Binckes , W . M ., No . 11 ' ; 0 . Yangoor , W . M ., No . 218 ; H . A . Isaacs , W . M ., No . 247 ; Ansell , No . 218 ; Cartmore , No . 266 ; Jacob , & c .
Lodge of Confidence ( No , 228 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge at Anderton s Hotel , on Monday , December 8 th , Bro . Footit , W . M ., passed a Brother to the 2 nd Degree , and raised four . Bro . J . Jackson was then duly installed W . M . by Bro . Watson , P . M ., No . 23 ; and the following * Brethren invested with the jewels of their respective offices : —Cummins , S . W ., Brewer , J . W ., Newnham , S . D ., Spencer , J . D ., Johnson , I . G . At the conclusion of the business the Brethren supped together , and passed a most social evening .
Jerusalem Lodge ( No . 233 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , held at the Ireemasons ' Tavern , December 3 rd , Bro . Saunders was most ahly installed as W . M . by Bro . Crew , P . M ., No . 1 ; thus succeeding Bro . A . B . Frend , whose year of office has given the utmost satisfaction to the Brethren . Bro . Simpson was re-elected Treasurer . At the conclusion of the business about thirty of the Brethren dined together .
Jordan Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , Dec . 19 , Bro . Young , W . M ., presiding , who proceeded to initiate Mr . Hurst into the mystic Order . Bros . Arliss , J . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Scambler , P . M ., was re-elected Treas . ; and Dawes , Tyler . The business of the Lodge being completed , the Brethren retired to a well-spread banquet . The visitors present were Bro . Boutclier , No . 816 ; and Bro . Giraud , Lodge Esperance , Berne , Switzerland .
Lodgie of Israel ( No . 247 ) .- —The Brethren of this Lodge , to the number of nearly sixty , assembled at Bro . Seyd ' s , Finsbury-square , on Tuesday , Dec . 9 , to do honour to the last meeting under the rule of their present excellent W . M ., Bro . H . A . Isaacs . Ballots were taken for six : gentlemen , of whom three were initiated , and two Brethren were passed to the 2 nd Degree . To those who know Bro . Isaacs , it is useless to say one word in commendation of the mariner in which the ceremonies were conducted ; to those to whom his name is unknown—if indeed there be any
such—we can safely assert that the whole of the business was conducted most admirabl y and efficiently . To mark the estimation in which Bro . Isaacs is held , it was unanimously resolved that a Past Master ' s jewel should be presented by the Lod ge ; in addition to which a subscription was at once commenced to provide a suitable testimonial as a token of regard from the members of the Lodge individuall y , which at once realized the sum of £ 2 L Bro . J . Isaacs , S . W ., was
unanimousl y elected W . M . for the year ensiling , who acknowledged , in very feeling terms the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Seniors , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer . The list of visitors comprised the names of Bros . F . Binckes , W . M ., No . 11 ; W . Paas , W . M ., No . 30 ; Gardner , W . M ! ., No . 112 ; Jephson , P . M ., No . " 107 ; Hart and Froscant , No . 218 ; Schwabe , No . 223 ; ( Uashmore , No . 265 , ? vydney . The customary " refreshment" followed "labour , " and everything passed of most agreeably .
Lodge of United Stkunoth ( No . 276 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place at the Gun Tavern , Pimlico , on Tuesday , the 9 th ult ., when Bro Henry Cartel " , the W . M ., presided , and initiated a Brother into the Order ,