Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 10 of 15 →
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This being election night , the Brethren proceeded to ballot for the W . M . and Treas . for the ensuing year , when the S . W ., Bro . Lugg , was elected W . M ., and Bro . P . M . Allen , Treas . The other business having been completed , the Brethren retired . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 281 ) . —At the last meeting of this Lodge , on the 4 th December , the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Paul , initiated two gentlemen into the Order , passed one Brother , and raised three . The Lodge continues to flourish , and to work in the utmost harmony .
Lodge of Nine Muses ( No . 286 ) . —At the meeting of this very select Lodge , on the 9 th December , Bro . Warner , W . M .,, in the chair , the S . W ., Bro . Dr . J . Stuart Tulloch , was unanimously elected W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . John Propert , P . M ., was also re-elected Treasurer . Fitzroy Lodge ( No . 830 ) . —The members of this military Lodge met at headquarters of the . Lion . Artillery Company , Friday , 28 th November . Two Brethren w ere raised to the sublime Degree of Master Mason , and Lieut . Armstrong was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . Another meeting was held , Dec . 26 , at
the head-quarters of the Honourable Artillery Company . Lieutenant Armstrong was passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft , and Quartermaster Balin was initiated into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . Woolfenger , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . P . Matthews was re-elected Treasurer . It was also proposed and carried unanimously , that a jewel be presented to the worthy Secretary , Bro . Long , for his invaluable services and unceasing attention to the interests of the Lodge . The visitors were Bros . Crue , P . M ., No , 1 ; Young , P . M ., No . 11 ; and the Bev . Mitchinner , of No . 227 .
INSTRUCTION . Emulation Lodge of Improvement ( No . 21 ) . —The Lodge was opened soon after seven , on Friday , November 28 th , R . W . Bro . W . Beadon , Prov . J . G . W . in the chair , having on his left Bro . S . B . Wilson as P . M . The officers were Bros . W . 11 . Absolon , S . W . ; Palmer , J . W . ; J . Levinson , S . D . ; F . Binckes , I . G . ; while to Bro . G . Barrett were entrusted the financial arrangements outside the Lodge .
The explanation of the first Tracing Board was given by our respected and esteemed Brother Stephen Barton Wilson , in a most able and impressive manner , and was listened to by a crowded Lodge with attention and delight . To vary the proceedings , and relieve them from the charge of monotony , Bro . Wilson , in lieu of going through the entire explanation himself , called on several of the Brethren for the different illustrations which were worked in the order named by Bros .
Artus ( Sec ) , S . P > . Wilson , J . Palmer , W . 11 . Absolon , F . Binckes , and John Hervey . This arrangement produced a happy effect , and appeared to give satisfaction to every one . After a warm and hearty expression of thanks—but certainly not more eulogistic than deserved—from the chair , to Pro . Wilson for the kindness and readiness with which his abilities were always placed at the service of the Lodge , the Brethren , to the number of nearly 200 , adjourned to
THE BANQUET . At the close of which , tho W . M . proposed , as the first toast of the evening , " the pious and immortal memory of Bro . Peter Gilkes , " which was drunk in solemn silence . The W . M . then said , the next toast he had to propose was "tho health of hei Majesty the Queen , " coupled with that of prosperity to the Craft . Of that
illustrious lady lie would say that , although she was not as yet the mother of a Mason , he hoped and trusted that she might live to see some of her posterity preside over the Grand Lodge of England . The toast was drunk with all the honours . The W . M . next rose to propose the health of " the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . of England , " and in doing so remarked that their experience of their noble Brothci
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This being election night , the Brethren proceeded to ballot for the W . M . and Treas . for the ensuing year , when the S . W ., Bro . Lugg , was elected W . M ., and Bro . P . M . Allen , Treas . The other business having been completed , the Brethren retired . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 281 ) . —At the last meeting of this Lodge , on the 4 th December , the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Paul , initiated two gentlemen into the Order , passed one Brother , and raised three . The Lodge continues to flourish , and to work in the utmost harmony .
Lodge of Nine Muses ( No . 286 ) . —At the meeting of this very select Lodge , on the 9 th December , Bro . Warner , W . M .,, in the chair , the S . W ., Bro . Dr . J . Stuart Tulloch , was unanimously elected W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . John Propert , P . M ., was also re-elected Treasurer . Fitzroy Lodge ( No . 830 ) . —The members of this military Lodge met at headquarters of the . Lion . Artillery Company , Friday , 28 th November . Two Brethren w ere raised to the sublime Degree of Master Mason , and Lieut . Armstrong was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . Another meeting was held , Dec . 26 , at
the head-quarters of the Honourable Artillery Company . Lieutenant Armstrong was passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft , and Quartermaster Balin was initiated into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . Woolfenger , S . W ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . P . Matthews was re-elected Treasurer . It was also proposed and carried unanimously , that a jewel be presented to the worthy Secretary , Bro . Long , for his invaluable services and unceasing attention to the interests of the Lodge . The visitors were Bros . Crue , P . M ., No , 1 ; Young , P . M ., No . 11 ; and the Bev . Mitchinner , of No . 227 .
INSTRUCTION . Emulation Lodge of Improvement ( No . 21 ) . —The Lodge was opened soon after seven , on Friday , November 28 th , R . W . Bro . W . Beadon , Prov . J . G . W . in the chair , having on his left Bro . S . B . Wilson as P . M . The officers were Bros . W . 11 . Absolon , S . W . ; Palmer , J . W . ; J . Levinson , S . D . ; F . Binckes , I . G . ; while to Bro . G . Barrett were entrusted the financial arrangements outside the Lodge .
The explanation of the first Tracing Board was given by our respected and esteemed Brother Stephen Barton Wilson , in a most able and impressive manner , and was listened to by a crowded Lodge with attention and delight . To vary the proceedings , and relieve them from the charge of monotony , Bro . Wilson , in lieu of going through the entire explanation himself , called on several of the Brethren for the different illustrations which were worked in the order named by Bros .
Artus ( Sec ) , S . P > . Wilson , J . Palmer , W . 11 . Absolon , F . Binckes , and John Hervey . This arrangement produced a happy effect , and appeared to give satisfaction to every one . After a warm and hearty expression of thanks—but certainly not more eulogistic than deserved—from the chair , to Pro . Wilson for the kindness and readiness with which his abilities were always placed at the service of the Lodge , the Brethren , to the number of nearly 200 , adjourned to
THE BANQUET . At the close of which , tho W . M . proposed , as the first toast of the evening , " the pious and immortal memory of Bro . Peter Gilkes , " which was drunk in solemn silence . The W . M . then said , the next toast he had to propose was "tho health of hei Majesty the Queen , " coupled with that of prosperity to the Craft . Of that
illustrious lady lie would say that , although she was not as yet the mother of a Mason , he hoped and trusted that she might live to see some of her posterity preside over the Grand Lodge of England . The toast was drunk with all the honours . The W . M . next rose to propose the health of " the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . of England , " and in doing so remarked that their experience of their noble Brothci