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DURHAM . South Shields . —St . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency was held December 17 , 1856 , for the installation of Bro . Henry Hewison , P . S . W . and Treas ., whose election to fill the chair appears to have given the utmost satisfaction , if we may judge from the unanimous way in which he has been elected . The Brethren mustered very strong on the occasion ; and amongst the visitors we noticed P . Ms . Fenwick aiidTulloch , and the W . M . of St . George ' s , No . 624 ,
North Shields . The Lodge having passed through the several Degrees , the retiring W . M ., Bro . Ridley , in a neat address , thanked the Brethren , especially his Officers , for their attention and able support , and proceeded to the business of the installation . Bro . Hewison , having been led forward , was duly installed in the chair . The W . M . elected his Officers in the following order : —R . S . Forster , S . W . ; J . J . Oliver , J . W . ; J . D . Leister , Treas . ; J . Roddam ; Sec . ; J . Hedington , S . D . : J . Hinde _ , J . D . ; R . H . Evans , I . G . ; J . Snowdan and T . G . Buchanan , Stewards ; J . Docchar , Tyler . The Lodge having been called to refreshment ,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and responded to with enthusiasm . The beautiful and impressive ceremony of the installation was conducted and given by P . M . Ridley , in a very efficient and forcible manner . We cannot conclude without congratulating the Brethren of this ancient Lodge on its present satisfactory state , whether as regards the number of subscribing members or the state of its funds , which augurs for the Lodge , under the sway of the newlyelected and respected W . M ., a year of unprecedented prosperity ,
ESSEX . Chelmsford . —Lodge of Good Fellowship ( No . 343 ) . —The annual meeting of his Lodge took place on the 11 th December , at the White Hart Hotel , instead of he Shire Hall ( the assize occurring at the time fixed ) , the W . M . Bro . Webb in he chair . Amongst those present were Eros . J . R . Bagshaw , Prov . G . M . of Essex ; and Major Skinner , 11 . A ., D . Prov . G . M . of Essex . Bro . Webb was installed by Bro . Peter Matthews , of Enoch Lodee , as W . M . for the ensuing
year , and appointed his Officers as follows : —Bros . Rev . C . W . Arnold , S . W . : Andrew Durant , J . W . ; Joshua Burton , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Wakeling , IMS ! ., Sec . ; Henry Huish , and Joseph Bott , Deacons ; and John Myers , I . G . About fift y members , including some visitors from other Lodges , afterwards sat down to a sumptuous banquet provided by Bro . Durrant , the W . M . occupying the chair .
ISLE OF WIGHT . Newport , —1 Ibany Lodge ( No . 170 ) . —On Wednesday , the 17 th Dec , the Brethren held a Lodge of Emergency , for the installation of Bro . Broadley Wilson Way as their W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed by the RAY . Dep . Prov . G . M . of the Islo of Wight , Hyde Pullcn ; and the addresses io the W . M . and his Officers were delivered by him in his usual eloquent and impressive manner . The W . M . invested the following Brethren as his Officers : ¦¦¦
-Robert Stratton , S . W . ; Philip Bright , J . W . ; the Kev . Allan Wallace , Gimp , and Treas . ; Robert Read , Dir . of Cor . ; David Way , S . D . ; Henry Bright , J . l > . ; Joseph Poor , 0 . and A . T . ; Edmund Braithwaite , Org . ; W . Williams , Almoner ; Jan . White , See . ; Thos . Kentfield , R < g . ; W . W . Way and J . \ l . M ' . Pom cry , Stewards ; 0 . S . Bannon , I . ( b ; S . Wathoridge , Tyler . The business of the Lodge being closed , tho Brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Bugle I nn , provided by Bros . I lenry and Richard Mew in their usual style of excellence . The newly - -installed WM . was zealously supported by the R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Pullcn ; Bros . Roscoe , Shedden , Or . iloffineihster , P . M ., No . 41 ; J . Gait , W . JVI ., and E . Gait , W . M . elect , No . 71 7 ; and numerous visiting Brethren . The usual loyal and M usoiiic toasts were proposed and duly honoured in succession , and the harmony of the evening was promoted by many appropriate soiu »\ s .
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DURHAM . South Shields . —St . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency was held December 17 , 1856 , for the installation of Bro . Henry Hewison , P . S . W . and Treas ., whose election to fill the chair appears to have given the utmost satisfaction , if we may judge from the unanimous way in which he has been elected . The Brethren mustered very strong on the occasion ; and amongst the visitors we noticed P . Ms . Fenwick aiidTulloch , and the W . M . of St . George ' s , No . 624 ,
North Shields . The Lodge having passed through the several Degrees , the retiring W . M ., Bro . Ridley , in a neat address , thanked the Brethren , especially his Officers , for their attention and able support , and proceeded to the business of the installation . Bro . Hewison , having been led forward , was duly installed in the chair . The W . M . elected his Officers in the following order : —R . S . Forster , S . W . ; J . J . Oliver , J . W . ; J . D . Leister , Treas . ; J . Roddam ; Sec . ; J . Hedington , S . D . : J . Hinde _ , J . D . ; R . H . Evans , I . G . ; J . Snowdan and T . G . Buchanan , Stewards ; J . Docchar , Tyler . The Lodge having been called to refreshment ,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and responded to with enthusiasm . The beautiful and impressive ceremony of the installation was conducted and given by P . M . Ridley , in a very efficient and forcible manner . We cannot conclude without congratulating the Brethren of this ancient Lodge on its present satisfactory state , whether as regards the number of subscribing members or the state of its funds , which augurs for the Lodge , under the sway of the newlyelected and respected W . M ., a year of unprecedented prosperity ,
ESSEX . Chelmsford . —Lodge of Good Fellowship ( No . 343 ) . —The annual meeting of his Lodge took place on the 11 th December , at the White Hart Hotel , instead of he Shire Hall ( the assize occurring at the time fixed ) , the W . M . Bro . Webb in he chair . Amongst those present were Eros . J . R . Bagshaw , Prov . G . M . of Essex ; and Major Skinner , 11 . A ., D . Prov . G . M . of Essex . Bro . Webb was installed by Bro . Peter Matthews , of Enoch Lodee , as W . M . for the ensuing
year , and appointed his Officers as follows : —Bros . Rev . C . W . Arnold , S . W . : Andrew Durant , J . W . ; Joshua Burton , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Wakeling , IMS ! ., Sec . ; Henry Huish , and Joseph Bott , Deacons ; and John Myers , I . G . About fift y members , including some visitors from other Lodges , afterwards sat down to a sumptuous banquet provided by Bro . Durrant , the W . M . occupying the chair .
ISLE OF WIGHT . Newport , —1 Ibany Lodge ( No . 170 ) . —On Wednesday , the 17 th Dec , the Brethren held a Lodge of Emergency , for the installation of Bro . Broadley Wilson Way as their W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed by the RAY . Dep . Prov . G . M . of the Islo of Wight , Hyde Pullcn ; and the addresses io the W . M . and his Officers were delivered by him in his usual eloquent and impressive manner . The W . M . invested the following Brethren as his Officers : ¦¦¦
-Robert Stratton , S . W . ; Philip Bright , J . W . ; the Kev . Allan Wallace , Gimp , and Treas . ; Robert Read , Dir . of Cor . ; David Way , S . D . ; Henry Bright , J . l > . ; Joseph Poor , 0 . and A . T . ; Edmund Braithwaite , Org . ; W . Williams , Almoner ; Jan . White , See . ; Thos . Kentfield , R < g . ; W . W . Way and J . \ l . M ' . Pom cry , Stewards ; 0 . S . Bannon , I . ( b ; S . Wathoridge , Tyler . The business of the Lodge being closed , tho Brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Bugle I nn , provided by Bros . I lenry and Richard Mew in their usual style of excellence . The newly - -installed WM . was zealously supported by the R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Pullcn ; Bros . Roscoe , Shedden , Or . iloffineihster , P . M ., No . 41 ; J . Gait , W . JVI ., and E . Gait , W . M . elect , No . 71 7 ; and numerous visiting Brethren . The usual loyal and M usoiiic toasts were proposed and duly honoured in succession , and the harmony of the evening was promoted by many appropriate soiu »\ s .