Article PROVINCIAL, ← Page 3 of 21 →
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KENT . Chatham . — JRoyal Lodge of Antiqwity ( No . 20 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met on Wednesday , December 17 th , for the purpose of installing their W . M . Elect , Bro . Charles Isaacs , P . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Sec . for Kent . After the
installation , the W . M . had the pleasure of initiating three gentlemen into the mysteries of the Order , which bids fair as a commencement of his year of office . There were also five joining members to the Lodge : so that we hope again to see it in its once proud position in the province . The W . M . then appointed Bro . Thomas Hills , P . M ., S . W . ; and Bro . Henry Somerville , J . W . The assistant Offices were kept open to enable the new members in due course to be invested .
The Lodge being closed , nearly thirty Brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , provided by the landlord of the Sun Hotel . Among the visitors were Bros . Joseph Ashley , P . D . G . M . ; F . P . Campbell , P . S . G . W . ; Frank Southgate , P . S . G . W . ; Saul Isaacs , P . J . G . W . ; J . J . Nicholls , G . Reg . ; Watson , W . M ., Lodge of Freedom , No . 91 ; Cooke , W . M . ; and several Brethren of the Belvedere Lodge , No . 741 . After the usual toasts , the health of the W . M . was proposed in a most eloquent manner by Bro . x \ shley , the P . D . G . M . of the Province , who stated that he had
known the W . M . since his first admittance into the Order , in fact , was present at his initiation ; he had watched his progress in Masonry , and had appointed him , many years since , his Grand Secretary , when the Province was under his direction . Continuing the interest he took in the Craft , he had since then served under two Grand Masters , and as a proof of his services being recognized , they were about to present him with a testimonial of their esteem and respect . He congratulated the Lodge on the selection they" had again made , and he had no doubt that under his able guidance the Lodge would again be in a flourishing x" > osition .
The W . M ., in reply , thanked the Brethren for the kindness he had at all times met with at their hands , more particularly for the kind manner in which they had received the toast from Bro . Ashley ; he assured them , the only motive he had for again taking the chair , was to endeavour to raise the Lodge to its former proud position , lie had seen with regret during the past year , they had , on several occasions , been unable , for the want of members , to open their Lodge . He had no doubt whatever now , that , with the assistance of the neighbouring Lodge , and the newly-initiated members , he should be able to discharge his duties to the satisfaction of the Brethren .
The health of the visitors was responded to by Bro . Campbell , who again congratulated the Lodge on their selection , wishing them every success . The Brethren did not separate until the last train informed them it was time to go : and thus the evening was spent in every feeling of brotherly love .
Ckavesknd . —Lodge of Freedom ( No , 91 ) . —On the 15 th of December the Brethren of this highly-respectable and excellently-worked Lodge met together at Bro . AVates ' s . The Brethren present were Bros . Watson , W . M . ; Dobson , P . Prov . G . S . W . of Kent ; Southgate , P . Prov . G . S . W . of Kent ; L . Briveau , P . Prov . G . R . of Kent ; Nickoll , Prov . G . R . of Kent ; Spencer ; John Mott Thearle , Prov . G . J ' . D . of Hertfordshire ; Evans ; Wales ; J . Johnson ; Pearson ;
Crittenden ; Grundy ; Cook ; Sinnnonds ; Strafford ; J . M . Briveau ; Hills ; Olive ; NOrris ; Pottingor ' ; G . A . Everist ; W . If . Everist ; J . J . Everist ; A . Francis ; Cooke , and many more worthy Brethren . The business of the evening was ably gone through by Bro . Watson performing the ceremonies of initiation , and , with the assistance of Bro . N . Spencer , a raising with great ability . After the initiation of Bros . It . Johnson and Turner , and the raining of Bro . Thomas , Bro .
Watson , the W . M . ' ., proposed , and Bro . Spencer seconded , the proposition that Ihc sum of ten guineas be contributed by the Bodge of Freedom towards the bind collected for the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . Isaacs , Prov . G . S . of vent . After some discussion an amendment , proposed by Bro . Wales , and seconded by Bro . Poftinger , that the amount should be live guineas , was carried . On the ( dosing of the Lodge , the Brethren adjourned to the long room to partake ol a supper provided , with his usual consideration for tho creature comforts of hid
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KENT . Chatham . — JRoyal Lodge of Antiqwity ( No . 20 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met on Wednesday , December 17 th , for the purpose of installing their W . M . Elect , Bro . Charles Isaacs , P . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Sec . for Kent . After the
installation , the W . M . had the pleasure of initiating three gentlemen into the mysteries of the Order , which bids fair as a commencement of his year of office . There were also five joining members to the Lodge : so that we hope again to see it in its once proud position in the province . The W . M . then appointed Bro . Thomas Hills , P . M ., S . W . ; and Bro . Henry Somerville , J . W . The assistant Offices were kept open to enable the new members in due course to be invested .
The Lodge being closed , nearly thirty Brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , provided by the landlord of the Sun Hotel . Among the visitors were Bros . Joseph Ashley , P . D . G . M . ; F . P . Campbell , P . S . G . W . ; Frank Southgate , P . S . G . W . ; Saul Isaacs , P . J . G . W . ; J . J . Nicholls , G . Reg . ; Watson , W . M ., Lodge of Freedom , No . 91 ; Cooke , W . M . ; and several Brethren of the Belvedere Lodge , No . 741 . After the usual toasts , the health of the W . M . was proposed in a most eloquent manner by Bro . x \ shley , the P . D . G . M . of the Province , who stated that he had
known the W . M . since his first admittance into the Order , in fact , was present at his initiation ; he had watched his progress in Masonry , and had appointed him , many years since , his Grand Secretary , when the Province was under his direction . Continuing the interest he took in the Craft , he had since then served under two Grand Masters , and as a proof of his services being recognized , they were about to present him with a testimonial of their esteem and respect . He congratulated the Lodge on the selection they" had again made , and he had no doubt that under his able guidance the Lodge would again be in a flourishing x" > osition .
The W . M ., in reply , thanked the Brethren for the kindness he had at all times met with at their hands , more particularly for the kind manner in which they had received the toast from Bro . Ashley ; he assured them , the only motive he had for again taking the chair , was to endeavour to raise the Lodge to its former proud position , lie had seen with regret during the past year , they had , on several occasions , been unable , for the want of members , to open their Lodge . He had no doubt whatever now , that , with the assistance of the neighbouring Lodge , and the newly-initiated members , he should be able to discharge his duties to the satisfaction of the Brethren .
The health of the visitors was responded to by Bro . Campbell , who again congratulated the Lodge on their selection , wishing them every success . The Brethren did not separate until the last train informed them it was time to go : and thus the evening was spent in every feeling of brotherly love .
Ckavesknd . —Lodge of Freedom ( No , 91 ) . —On the 15 th of December the Brethren of this highly-respectable and excellently-worked Lodge met together at Bro . AVates ' s . The Brethren present were Bros . Watson , W . M . ; Dobson , P . Prov . G . S . W . of Kent ; Southgate , P . Prov . G . S . W . of Kent ; L . Briveau , P . Prov . G . R . of Kent ; Nickoll , Prov . G . R . of Kent ; Spencer ; John Mott Thearle , Prov . G . J ' . D . of Hertfordshire ; Evans ; Wales ; J . Johnson ; Pearson ;
Crittenden ; Grundy ; Cook ; Sinnnonds ; Strafford ; J . M . Briveau ; Hills ; Olive ; NOrris ; Pottingor ' ; G . A . Everist ; W . If . Everist ; J . J . Everist ; A . Francis ; Cooke , and many more worthy Brethren . The business of the evening was ably gone through by Bro . Watson performing the ceremonies of initiation , and , with the assistance of Bro . N . Spencer , a raising with great ability . After the initiation of Bros . It . Johnson and Turner , and the raining of Bro . Thomas , Bro .
Watson , the W . M . ' ., proposed , and Bro . Spencer seconded , the proposition that Ihc sum of ten guineas be contributed by the Bodge of Freedom towards the bind collected for the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . Isaacs , Prov . G . S . of vent . After some discussion an amendment , proposed by Bro . Wales , and seconded by Bro . Poftinger , that the amount should be live guineas , was carried . On the ( dosing of the Lodge , the Brethren adjourned to the long room to partake ol a supper provided , with his usual consideration for tho creature comforts of hid