Article PROVINCIAL, ← Page 7 of 21 →
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During the last month ( December ) there have been two- Emergencies in this Lodge , and one regular meeting . The first Emergency was held on Monday evening , the 8 th inst ., when one gentleman was initiated , and one Brother duly p assed . The second was held on Monday evening , the 15 th inst ., when one gentleman was regularly initiated , and one Brother passed .
Thursday , December 18 th , being the regular night of meeting , the W . M . read a dispensation from the Prov . Grand Lodge of the province , authorizing the initiation of six gentlemen , who , all being present , were regularly initiated into the Order in solemn form . The Lodge having been opened up to the 3 rd Degree , four Brethien were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . ' s . The Lodge was then closed down to the 1 st Degree , when the principal business of the evening , the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , was proceeded with . The names of the
various Brethren eligible for that high office having been read over , the voting was commenced , and on its conclusion the W . M . was declared to be duly re-elected . Bro . Fahert , S . W ., then rose to move the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Wearing , as a mark of the high esteem in which his services had been held by the Lodge . Bro . Bromley seconded that proposition , and begged to call attention to the fact that the W . M . had never been absent on a single occasion , had given all the Decrees , and had never required the assistance of any P . M . in the performance
of his arduous labours . Bro . Wearing then returned thanks , and said that he felt highly honoured by the confidence placed in him by the Lodge , and he would have the greatest pleasure in devoting bis best abilities to the benefit of the Order . Bro . Callis was then unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The Lodge was then closed in peace and harmony . *
Oldham . —Lodge of Friendship ( No . 344 ) . —This Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , on the 10 th of December . Bro . William Blackburne was installed W . M . by Bro . J . Gaitskell , Prov . J . G . D ., of East Lancashire , after which the following Officers for the ensuing year were invested by the W . M ., viz . : —Bros . John S . Hague , P . M . ; John Jackson , L . M . ; Rev . A . II . llulton , S . W . ; A . Stott , J . W . ; Rev . J . Bumstead , Chap . ; J . Ponsonby , S . D . ; J . Gaitskell , D . C . ; J . Travis , I . G . ; U . Shaw , Tyler : the other Officers appointed were not present . The festival being held so early , the attendance wns
not so numerous as on former occasions . The usual toasts were proposed , and many of them very ably responded to . A company of Brethren from the neighbouring Lodges enlivened the proceedings with some excellent Masonic glees , & c . very well sung . The Lodge was closed about twelve o ' clock , and all retired , much pleased with the evening ' s entertainment . A correspondent writes , "It is to he hoped that in future the Lodge will see the propriety and advantage of
adhering to tho proper day , — -to hold a festival on any other is an anomalous absurdity . There are in the Lodge of Friendship , No . 844 , as in most other Podges , numbers of Brethren (?) , whose Masonic attainments are confined almost entirely to flicK . and E . Degree , and surely it is no more than reasonable and right that at least one fixed day in the year should be devoted to it . "
Masonic Benevolent , Fund .- —A Masonic assembly and ball , in connection with the Lodge of Friendship , No . 'Ml , was held in the Town-hall , Oldham , on Thursday , the 18 th Doe ., in aid of the Provincial Benevolent and Annuity Fund of East Lancashire , under the patronage of the Earl and Countess of Zetland , the Earl , and Countess of Varhoroiigh , the Earl and Countess of P'llesmeiv , Viscount and Viscountess Oomberniere , Earl Howe , Bro . Stephen Blair , It . \ V . Prov . G . M . ;
Pro . Albert II . ivoyds , U . W . J . Prov . G . JV 1 ., & o . iv . c . the company was small , but highly respectable . Among those present were---Bros . Albert IP Boyds , B W . |) Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , and his lady ; Charles llarrop , P . G . R . of WUjst York ; Hey wood Whitehead , Lawrence Newall , ami other Brethren from neighbouring Bodges . Our Oldham correspondent thus writes with regard to the Ball :--- " The assembly was strictly Masonic , and considering the object in view , a cheerful and . liberal support might reasonably have been expected ; but if any such expectation were entertained by tho promoters it wjih a vain one . Tho Brethren from the 'Lodge of Candour , No . 4 ° / J , and from the Tudor Bodge , No . n . HK iniml , ev « . * . d in strong force and it is to b *
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During the last month ( December ) there have been two- Emergencies in this Lodge , and one regular meeting . The first Emergency was held on Monday evening , the 8 th inst ., when one gentleman was initiated , and one Brother duly p assed . The second was held on Monday evening , the 15 th inst ., when one gentleman was regularly initiated , and one Brother passed .
Thursday , December 18 th , being the regular night of meeting , the W . M . read a dispensation from the Prov . Grand Lodge of the province , authorizing the initiation of six gentlemen , who , all being present , were regularly initiated into the Order in solemn form . The Lodge having been opened up to the 3 rd Degree , four Brethien were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . ' s . The Lodge was then closed down to the 1 st Degree , when the principal business of the evening , the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , was proceeded with . The names of the
various Brethren eligible for that high office having been read over , the voting was commenced , and on its conclusion the W . M . was declared to be duly re-elected . Bro . Fahert , S . W ., then rose to move the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Wearing , as a mark of the high esteem in which his services had been held by the Lodge . Bro . Bromley seconded that proposition , and begged to call attention to the fact that the W . M . had never been absent on a single occasion , had given all the Decrees , and had never required the assistance of any P . M . in the performance
of his arduous labours . Bro . Wearing then returned thanks , and said that he felt highly honoured by the confidence placed in him by the Lodge , and he would have the greatest pleasure in devoting bis best abilities to the benefit of the Order . Bro . Callis was then unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The Lodge was then closed in peace and harmony . *
Oldham . —Lodge of Friendship ( No . 344 ) . —This Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , on the 10 th of December . Bro . William Blackburne was installed W . M . by Bro . J . Gaitskell , Prov . J . G . D ., of East Lancashire , after which the following Officers for the ensuing year were invested by the W . M ., viz . : —Bros . John S . Hague , P . M . ; John Jackson , L . M . ; Rev . A . II . llulton , S . W . ; A . Stott , J . W . ; Rev . J . Bumstead , Chap . ; J . Ponsonby , S . D . ; J . Gaitskell , D . C . ; J . Travis , I . G . ; U . Shaw , Tyler : the other Officers appointed were not present . The festival being held so early , the attendance wns
not so numerous as on former occasions . The usual toasts were proposed , and many of them very ably responded to . A company of Brethren from the neighbouring Lodges enlivened the proceedings with some excellent Masonic glees , & c . very well sung . The Lodge was closed about twelve o ' clock , and all retired , much pleased with the evening ' s entertainment . A correspondent writes , "It is to he hoped that in future the Lodge will see the propriety and advantage of
adhering to tho proper day , — -to hold a festival on any other is an anomalous absurdity . There are in the Lodge of Friendship , No . 844 , as in most other Podges , numbers of Brethren (?) , whose Masonic attainments are confined almost entirely to flicK . and E . Degree , and surely it is no more than reasonable and right that at least one fixed day in the year should be devoted to it . "
Masonic Benevolent , Fund .- —A Masonic assembly and ball , in connection with the Lodge of Friendship , No . 'Ml , was held in the Town-hall , Oldham , on Thursday , the 18 th Doe ., in aid of the Provincial Benevolent and Annuity Fund of East Lancashire , under the patronage of the Earl and Countess of Zetland , the Earl , and Countess of Varhoroiigh , the Earl and Countess of P'llesmeiv , Viscount and Viscountess Oomberniere , Earl Howe , Bro . Stephen Blair , It . \ V . Prov . G . M . ;
Pro . Albert II . ivoyds , U . W . J . Prov . G . JV 1 ., & o . iv . c . the company was small , but highly respectable . Among those present were---Bros . Albert IP Boyds , B W . |) Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , and his lady ; Charles llarrop , P . G . R . of WUjst York ; Hey wood Whitehead , Lawrence Newall , ami other Brethren from neighbouring Bodges . Our Oldham correspondent thus writes with regard to the Ball :--- " The assembly was strictly Masonic , and considering the object in view , a cheerful and . liberal support might reasonably have been expected ; but if any such expectation were entertained by tho promoters it wjih a vain one . Tho Brethren from the 'Lodge of Candour , No . 4 ° / J , and from the Tudor Bodge , No . n . HK iniml , ev « . * . d in strong force and it is to b *