Article THE NEW YEAR. ← Page 4 of 4
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The New Year.
thrown us , let us remember that evil is good to those who consider whence it comes , its purport , and who , merging the past in the present , contrast what is , with what might have been ,, Seasons vary , now we have too much sunshine , now too much rain , according to our shortsightedness ; let us be thankful for enough of both . The weather and the seasons , with their fruits and lessons , come always right at the year ' s end ; why then should the most constant , ay ! and sincere 3 tribute from man to his Maker be—Complaint ?
Foundation of Freemasons' Hall . — "In the year 1776 , " continued my amusing companion , " I had the gratification , under a new Master , of witnessing the most magnificent spectacle it is possible to conceive ; for it realized the gorgeous description of the Arabian Tales . I refer to the solemn dedication of Freemasons ' Hall . The numerous hand of Grand and Past Grand officers , in full Masonic
costume ; the galleries crowded with ladies of rank and fashion , presenting the appearance of a magnificent parterre decorated with a galaxy of exotic flowers dazzling to the eye ; a hundred musicians , vocal and instrumental , placed in the orchestra ; the Masters and Wardens of private Lodges arranged , like a holy Sanedriin , in order of precedency upon the benches on the floor ; added to the splendid and tasteful decorations in the Hall itself , produced a coup a" ceil which exceeds my powers of rhetoric to describe .
" It was a superb sight to behold the Brethren , invested with the badges and appendages suitable to their rank , entering the hall from the committee-room , and proceeding to the throne of Solomon , compass the room three several times to sweet music , amidst the waving of handkerchiefs and scarfs from the ladies in the galleries . The Grand Tyler led the way , then followed the Lodge , covered with white satin , borne by four serving brethren ; after which , the corn , wine , and oil , in covered vessels of gold and silver , carried by Master Masons of good standing in the Order , followed by the members of the Hall Committee , and the Brethren of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford , two and two , in their academical dress , surmounted by the insignia of their several offices .
" But it will be an unnecessary waste of time , " the Square interjected , parenthetically , " to describe the order of a procession which must be perfectly familiar to you . When the preliminary ceremonies were completed , and the Lodge placed in the centre of the hall ; when the three lesser lights , with the gold and silver pitchers containing the elements of consecration , were placed thereon ; when the three great lights , on a velvet cushion , were deposited upon the pedestal in solemn silence , then did the heart of every Brother present rebound , like the war-horse at the thrilling blast of the trumpet , on hearing the simultaneous burst of harmony from the orchestra , which introduced the opening symphonies of the
foundationstone anthem , — 1 To heaven's High Architect all praise , & c ., which was sung- by Mr . Hudson , of St . Paul ' s Cathedral , the choruses being filled up by the whole band . " The ceremony , I assure you , sir , was very imposing ; and although the eye was satiated with the gorgeous display , and the ear delighted by the sweet influence of music , yet the heart of every person in this vast assembly was carried away
by the oration of the Grand Chaplain , whose matchless eloquence of language and grace of delivery riveted the attention of his audience . And when he pronounced any particularly line passage , with all the enei'gy of enthusiasm , the acclamations were unbounded ; and the conclusion of the address , after a deep silence of a few seconds , was hailed with such peals of enthusiastic cheering , as have scarcely ever since been heard within the walls of Freemasons' Hall . The triumph of the orator was complete . — Revelations of a Square *
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The New Year.
thrown us , let us remember that evil is good to those who consider whence it comes , its purport , and who , merging the past in the present , contrast what is , with what might have been ,, Seasons vary , now we have too much sunshine , now too much rain , according to our shortsightedness ; let us be thankful for enough of both . The weather and the seasons , with their fruits and lessons , come always right at the year ' s end ; why then should the most constant , ay ! and sincere 3 tribute from man to his Maker be—Complaint ?
Foundation of Freemasons' Hall . — "In the year 1776 , " continued my amusing companion , " I had the gratification , under a new Master , of witnessing the most magnificent spectacle it is possible to conceive ; for it realized the gorgeous description of the Arabian Tales . I refer to the solemn dedication of Freemasons ' Hall . The numerous hand of Grand and Past Grand officers , in full Masonic
costume ; the galleries crowded with ladies of rank and fashion , presenting the appearance of a magnificent parterre decorated with a galaxy of exotic flowers dazzling to the eye ; a hundred musicians , vocal and instrumental , placed in the orchestra ; the Masters and Wardens of private Lodges arranged , like a holy Sanedriin , in order of precedency upon the benches on the floor ; added to the splendid and tasteful decorations in the Hall itself , produced a coup a" ceil which exceeds my powers of rhetoric to describe .
" It was a superb sight to behold the Brethren , invested with the badges and appendages suitable to their rank , entering the hall from the committee-room , and proceeding to the throne of Solomon , compass the room three several times to sweet music , amidst the waving of handkerchiefs and scarfs from the ladies in the galleries . The Grand Tyler led the way , then followed the Lodge , covered with white satin , borne by four serving brethren ; after which , the corn , wine , and oil , in covered vessels of gold and silver , carried by Master Masons of good standing in the Order , followed by the members of the Hall Committee , and the Brethren of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford , two and two , in their academical dress , surmounted by the insignia of their several offices .
" But it will be an unnecessary waste of time , " the Square interjected , parenthetically , " to describe the order of a procession which must be perfectly familiar to you . When the preliminary ceremonies were completed , and the Lodge placed in the centre of the hall ; when the three lesser lights , with the gold and silver pitchers containing the elements of consecration , were placed thereon ; when the three great lights , on a velvet cushion , were deposited upon the pedestal in solemn silence , then did the heart of every Brother present rebound , like the war-horse at the thrilling blast of the trumpet , on hearing the simultaneous burst of harmony from the orchestra , which introduced the opening symphonies of the
foundationstone anthem , — 1 To heaven's High Architect all praise , & c ., which was sung- by Mr . Hudson , of St . Paul ' s Cathedral , the choruses being filled up by the whole band . " The ceremony , I assure you , sir , was very imposing ; and although the eye was satiated with the gorgeous display , and the ear delighted by the sweet influence of music , yet the heart of every person in this vast assembly was carried away
by the oration of the Grand Chaplain , whose matchless eloquence of language and grace of delivery riveted the attention of his audience . And when he pronounced any particularly line passage , with all the enei'gy of enthusiasm , the acclamations were unbounded ; and the conclusion of the address , after a deep silence of a few seconds , was hailed with such peals of enthusiastic cheering , as have scarcely ever since been heard within the walls of Freemasons' Hall . The triumph of the orator was complete . — Revelations of a Square *