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had grown gfcey in the service , and consequently lacked that buoyant energy which is generally evinced in young Masons . Latterly , there has been an accession of young blood , and from the marks of improvement already worked out , we have hope of making ourselves one of the best working Lodges in the province .
LINCOLNSHIRE . Sleaford . —The Lodge of St . Botolph ( No . 878 ) . —An adjourned meeting of this Lodge was holden in the Lodge-room at the Bristol Arms Inn , on Thursday , the 1 th December last . Present—Bros . Reynolds , W . M ., Robinson , Greeirwood , Wright , Bellamy , and Shacklock , and the following visiting Brethren : George Jackson , W . M ., and Daniel Jackson , P . M . ; Clayton , P . M ., Tewson , Waghorn , Smith , Bothamley , Kent , Lock , Young , of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 339 ,
Boston ; Hall , W . M ., Webber and Drury , of the Witham Lodge , No . 374 , Lincoln ; and Pocklington , W . M ., of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , No . 690 , Spalding ; Foster , & c , & c . The minutes of the last Lodge having been confirmed , Bro . Robinson was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , according to the ancient rite , the ceremony of installation being ably performed by Bro . Greenwood , P . M ., and Prov . G . D . C . Bros . Shacklock and Wright were appointed Wardens , and accordingly invested ; and Bro . Greenwood initiated three gentlemen of Sleaford into the mystic tie . The meeting on the 4 th December last was the first since
the permission of the G . M . and Prov . G . M ., of Lincolnshire , had been obtained for the removal of the Lodge from Boston to Sleaford , the Lodge at Boston having fallen into disuse , and only numbering about five members . The Lodge in its new locality will , we have no doubt , prosper , as there are six other gentlemen to initiate , and it will then number upwards of twenty subscribing members . After the Lodge business was terminated , twenty-four Brethren sat down to an excellent supper in the Lodge-room , provided by Bro . Bellamy ; and the cloth having been removed , the usual Masonic toasts were given and songs sung , and the Brethren passed a very happy evening together .
Spalding . —Hundred of Elloe Lodge ( No . 690 ) . —At the Lodge holden on Tuesday , the 2 nd December , Bro . Pocklington , W . M ., in the chair , Mr . Preston , of that town , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry ; after which the W . M . delivered the lecture on the E . A . Tracing Board . A gentleman was also proposed for initiation at the next Lodge night , and Bro . Wood , S . W . of 1855 , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; and Bro . Tidswell , P . M . and Prov . G . J . D ., w as unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The Lodge-rooms have been recently fitted up with very handsome gas-fittings , and otherwise decorated . The 8 th January is fixed for the installation of the W . M . elect . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE .
Noethampton . —Pomfret Lodge ( No . 463 ) .- —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 4 th December , at the George Hotel , when the chair was taken by Bro . M . A . Boeme , P . M ., in the absence of Bro . William Worster , W . M ., who was prevented from attending by severe indisposition . Bro . Henry Jackson , No . 325 , Gibraltar , was ballotted for and elected a subscribing member of the Lodge . The P . M . then , with his accustomed ability , initiated Mr . Legh Richmond , of Guilsborough Hall , into the mysteries of the Craft . After the initiation was concluded , Bro . R . T . Wartnaby , S . W ., was balloted for and unanimously elected W . M . for the year ensuing . NOTTINGHAMSHIRE .
We are informed that Colonel Wildnoan , of Newstead Abbey , Prov . G . M . for Nottinghamshire , has nominated Bro . Edmund Percy as his Deputy , OXFORDSHIRE . Oxfokd . ~ Alfred City Lodge ( No . 425 ) . — The members of the Alfred City Lodge met on Tuesday , tho 9 th of December , whom they unanimously elected Bro . II . Houghton , musicseller , to the office of Worshipful Master for the year ensiling . At the same time , the indefatigable stewards of some years' standing ,
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had grown gfcey in the service , and consequently lacked that buoyant energy which is generally evinced in young Masons . Latterly , there has been an accession of young blood , and from the marks of improvement already worked out , we have hope of making ourselves one of the best working Lodges in the province .
LINCOLNSHIRE . Sleaford . —The Lodge of St . Botolph ( No . 878 ) . —An adjourned meeting of this Lodge was holden in the Lodge-room at the Bristol Arms Inn , on Thursday , the 1 th December last . Present—Bros . Reynolds , W . M ., Robinson , Greeirwood , Wright , Bellamy , and Shacklock , and the following visiting Brethren : George Jackson , W . M ., and Daniel Jackson , P . M . ; Clayton , P . M ., Tewson , Waghorn , Smith , Bothamley , Kent , Lock , Young , of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 339 ,
Boston ; Hall , W . M ., Webber and Drury , of the Witham Lodge , No . 374 , Lincoln ; and Pocklington , W . M ., of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , No . 690 , Spalding ; Foster , & c , & c . The minutes of the last Lodge having been confirmed , Bro . Robinson was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , according to the ancient rite , the ceremony of installation being ably performed by Bro . Greenwood , P . M ., and Prov . G . D . C . Bros . Shacklock and Wright were appointed Wardens , and accordingly invested ; and Bro . Greenwood initiated three gentlemen of Sleaford into the mystic tie . The meeting on the 4 th December last was the first since
the permission of the G . M . and Prov . G . M ., of Lincolnshire , had been obtained for the removal of the Lodge from Boston to Sleaford , the Lodge at Boston having fallen into disuse , and only numbering about five members . The Lodge in its new locality will , we have no doubt , prosper , as there are six other gentlemen to initiate , and it will then number upwards of twenty subscribing members . After the Lodge business was terminated , twenty-four Brethren sat down to an excellent supper in the Lodge-room , provided by Bro . Bellamy ; and the cloth having been removed , the usual Masonic toasts were given and songs sung , and the Brethren passed a very happy evening together .
Spalding . —Hundred of Elloe Lodge ( No . 690 ) . —At the Lodge holden on Tuesday , the 2 nd December , Bro . Pocklington , W . M ., in the chair , Mr . Preston , of that town , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry ; after which the W . M . delivered the lecture on the E . A . Tracing Board . A gentleman was also proposed for initiation at the next Lodge night , and Bro . Wood , S . W . of 1855 , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; and Bro . Tidswell , P . M . and Prov . G . J . D ., w as unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The Lodge-rooms have been recently fitted up with very handsome gas-fittings , and otherwise decorated . The 8 th January is fixed for the installation of the W . M . elect . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE .
Noethampton . —Pomfret Lodge ( No . 463 ) .- —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 4 th December , at the George Hotel , when the chair was taken by Bro . M . A . Boeme , P . M ., in the absence of Bro . William Worster , W . M ., who was prevented from attending by severe indisposition . Bro . Henry Jackson , No . 325 , Gibraltar , was ballotted for and elected a subscribing member of the Lodge . The P . M . then , with his accustomed ability , initiated Mr . Legh Richmond , of Guilsborough Hall , into the mysteries of the Craft . After the initiation was concluded , Bro . R . T . Wartnaby , S . W ., was balloted for and unanimously elected W . M . for the year ensuing . NOTTINGHAMSHIRE .
We are informed that Colonel Wildnoan , of Newstead Abbey , Prov . G . M . for Nottinghamshire , has nominated Bro . Edmund Percy as his Deputy , OXFORDSHIRE . Oxfokd . ~ Alfred City Lodge ( No . 425 ) . — The members of the Alfred City Lodge met on Tuesday , tho 9 th of December , whom they unanimously elected Bro . II . Houghton , musicseller , to the office of Worshipful Master for the year ensiling . At the same time , the indefatigable stewards of some years' standing ,