Article PROVINCIAL, ← Page 20 of 21 →
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Riding of—Yorkshire . At six in the evening the Brethren assembled at the Woolpack Hotel , and partook of the installation banquet , which had been postponed in May last , in consequence of a banquet given at that time to the retiring W . M ., the Rev . John George Fardell , on his leaving this part of the country . The banquet was on this occasion supplied by Mr . Francis , and gave satisfaction to all . The chair was taken by Bro . George Brooke , the W . M ., who was
supported on the right by Bro . the Rev . J . G \ Fardell , P . Prov . G . C ., and P . Prov . S . W ., and on the left by Bro . Mason , P . M . The vice-chair was occupied by Bro . R . Clarke , S . W ., of the London Coffee House , Ludgate Hill . The following Brethren were also present ;—Bros . W . H . Bailes , P . M . ; Sherwin , P . M . ; Nicholson , P . M . ; Kerans ; G . S . Liddle ; Guy ; Lister ; Col linson ; Russell ; Smith ; Acaster ; and Snowden . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the W . M . proposed the health of Bro . Fardell , the Chaplain of the Lodge , who ,
although he had left this town for a distant part of the country , was still a member of the Lodge of St . George , and had come from the county of Norfolk in order to be present and take a part in the proceedings of the Lodge that afternoon . He hoped that they would often see their reverend Brother among them , and that he would have the same pleasure in meeting them as they had in seeing him present at their meetings . The toast was responded to by Bro . Fardell , who spoke of the pleasure he had always had in meeting the Brethren , and referred to the lengthened term during which he had held the office of W . M .,
and in which he had been succeeded by one who , he was glad to find , was fulfilling its duties in so satisfactory a manner . In conclusion , he had to propose , as a toast , the health of Bro . G . Brooke , the W . M . He trusted that he would continue as he had begun , and that he would , at the expiration of his office , retire with credit to himself and satisfaction to the Brethren . The W . M . having returned thanks , several Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to . The greatest good feeling and harmony prevailed , and the Brethren separated , having enjoyed a very pleasant evening .
Huddersfield . —Huddersfield Lodge ( No . 365 ) . —One of the most numerously attended Masonic meetings we have witnessed for several years was held at the Zetland Hotel , on Wednesday ,, December 10 , on the occasion of the installation of Bro . Hanson , as W . M . of this Lodge . The proceedings of the evening were conducted by the Prov . G . D . C . Bro . W .- ; Smith , P . M . of No . 635 , and Hon . Member
of No . 763 . The following Brethren were appointed Officers for the year ensuing : Bros . Jas . Hall , S . W . ; James Taylor , J . W . ; R . H . Thompson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Brook , Sec . ; B . Hutchinson , S . D . ; Henry Garton , J . D . ; C . Harding , I . G . ; Geo . Milnes , Org . ; W . Johnson , Tyler ; J . Boothroyd , S . Steward ; W . Taylor , J . Steward .
It is satisfactory to a working Mason to have good reason to anticipate on a Brother ' s taking the chair of King Solomon , that he will well rule and direct his Lodge ; but still more satisfactory , after his reign has ceased , to be able to state that his anticipations have been realized ; and this we can conscientiously say of Bro . W . II . Aston , who has just vacated the chair of this Lodge : he has happily combined the snaviter in moclo with the fortiter in re , and thereby obtained the love and respect of every member of the Lodge ; and at the same time preserved intact the ancient land-marks of the Order . No one can visit the Huddersfield
Lodge without admiring the accurate manner in which its duties are performed ; and this correctness is the result of its being made a rule to place the beat workers in office , without regard to the mere accidental circumstances of rank or fortune . If in any Lodge , that principle , of which the plumb-rule is the emblem , is tacitly ignored , and a title or a long purse considered a higher qualification for office than Masonic merit and ability , we may safely predict that the working of such a Lodge will be of a very rusty description : to such wc would
sayu Learn more reverence , Brethren , not for rank or wealth—that needs no learning : That comes quickly—quick as sin does ! ay , and culminates to sin ; But for Adam ' s seed , Man ! Trust me , ' tis a clay above your scorning , With God ' s image stamped upon it , and God ' b kindling breath within . "
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Riding of—Yorkshire . At six in the evening the Brethren assembled at the Woolpack Hotel , and partook of the installation banquet , which had been postponed in May last , in consequence of a banquet given at that time to the retiring W . M ., the Rev . John George Fardell , on his leaving this part of the country . The banquet was on this occasion supplied by Mr . Francis , and gave satisfaction to all . The chair was taken by Bro . George Brooke , the W . M ., who was
supported on the right by Bro . the Rev . J . G \ Fardell , P . Prov . G . C ., and P . Prov . S . W ., and on the left by Bro . Mason , P . M . The vice-chair was occupied by Bro . R . Clarke , S . W ., of the London Coffee House , Ludgate Hill . The following Brethren were also present ;—Bros . W . H . Bailes , P . M . ; Sherwin , P . M . ; Nicholson , P . M . ; Kerans ; G . S . Liddle ; Guy ; Lister ; Col linson ; Russell ; Smith ; Acaster ; and Snowden . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the W . M . proposed the health of Bro . Fardell , the Chaplain of the Lodge , who ,
although he had left this town for a distant part of the country , was still a member of the Lodge of St . George , and had come from the county of Norfolk in order to be present and take a part in the proceedings of the Lodge that afternoon . He hoped that they would often see their reverend Brother among them , and that he would have the same pleasure in meeting them as they had in seeing him present at their meetings . The toast was responded to by Bro . Fardell , who spoke of the pleasure he had always had in meeting the Brethren , and referred to the lengthened term during which he had held the office of W . M .,
and in which he had been succeeded by one who , he was glad to find , was fulfilling its duties in so satisfactory a manner . In conclusion , he had to propose , as a toast , the health of Bro . G . Brooke , the W . M . He trusted that he would continue as he had begun , and that he would , at the expiration of his office , retire with credit to himself and satisfaction to the Brethren . The W . M . having returned thanks , several Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to . The greatest good feeling and harmony prevailed , and the Brethren separated , having enjoyed a very pleasant evening .
Huddersfield . —Huddersfield Lodge ( No . 365 ) . —One of the most numerously attended Masonic meetings we have witnessed for several years was held at the Zetland Hotel , on Wednesday ,, December 10 , on the occasion of the installation of Bro . Hanson , as W . M . of this Lodge . The proceedings of the evening were conducted by the Prov . G . D . C . Bro . W .- ; Smith , P . M . of No . 635 , and Hon . Member
of No . 763 . The following Brethren were appointed Officers for the year ensuing : Bros . Jas . Hall , S . W . ; James Taylor , J . W . ; R . H . Thompson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Brook , Sec . ; B . Hutchinson , S . D . ; Henry Garton , J . D . ; C . Harding , I . G . ; Geo . Milnes , Org . ; W . Johnson , Tyler ; J . Boothroyd , S . Steward ; W . Taylor , J . Steward .
It is satisfactory to a working Mason to have good reason to anticipate on a Brother ' s taking the chair of King Solomon , that he will well rule and direct his Lodge ; but still more satisfactory , after his reign has ceased , to be able to state that his anticipations have been realized ; and this we can conscientiously say of Bro . W . II . Aston , who has just vacated the chair of this Lodge : he has happily combined the snaviter in moclo with the fortiter in re , and thereby obtained the love and respect of every member of the Lodge ; and at the same time preserved intact the ancient land-marks of the Order . No one can visit the Huddersfield
Lodge without admiring the accurate manner in which its duties are performed ; and this correctness is the result of its being made a rule to place the beat workers in office , without regard to the mere accidental circumstances of rank or fortune . If in any Lodge , that principle , of which the plumb-rule is the emblem , is tacitly ignored , and a title or a long purse considered a higher qualification for office than Masonic merit and ability , we may safely predict that the working of such a Lodge will be of a very rusty description : to such wc would
sayu Learn more reverence , Brethren , not for rank or wealth—that needs no learning : That comes quickly—quick as sin does ! ay , and culminates to sin ; But for Adam ' s seed , Man ! Trust me , ' tis a clay above your scorning , With God ' s image stamped upon it , and God ' b kindling breath within . "