Article PROVINCIAL, ← Page 21 of 21 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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D . Prov . G . M . The business of the evening commenced by Bro . Louis Bramson , after giving convincing proofs of his proficiency as a F . C ., being raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . Bro . Hanson was then passed to a F . C . ; after which our esteemed Bro . Walter Matthews on was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , according to the ancient usages and established customs of our Order . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . P . M . Hardy , whose talents as a , Working Mason are so well known as to render any remark superfluous ; suffice it to say , that on this occasion he ( if possible ) excelled himself . The W . M . then
Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . —The installation of the W . M . of tins Lodge took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwiliiam-street , on Friday evening , Dec . 5 th . Amongst the Past Masters present we noticed , of this Lodge , Bros . Kilner , P . Prov . G . S . Works ; J . T . V . Hardy , B . A ., London University ; John Sykes , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; Thomas Robinson ; Geo . Wright , Prov . G . S . D . : from No . 251 , Bro . Nelson , Prov . G . S . "; No . 342 , Bros . T . Wigney , P . Prov . G . R . ; W . S . Thornton , W . M . Prov . G . S . ; No . 365 , Bros . Hainsworth , J . Cliff , J . Shear , W . Smith , Prov . G . D . C ; Thompson , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; Thomas , Prov . G . P ., and Lee . There were also present the W . M . ' s elect of each of the other Lodges in the town , and W . Scott , M . D ., J . W . of the Lodge of Harmony , and a number of other visitors . All the Brethren w ere clothed in deep mourning for our late
appointed and invested the following Brethren as officers : Bros . Dyson , S . W . ; Benton , J . W . ; the Rev . W . K . Robinson , B . A ., St . John ' s College , Cambridge , Chaplain ; Thomas Robinson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Tempest , Hon . Sec . ; Thomas Learoyd , and Edward Clavequin , Dirs . Cers . ; Karl Demmann , Dr . Phil ., of Hanover , Organist ; R . H . Robinson , S . D . ; Samuel Hardy , J . D . ; M . H . Hirst , J . Coates , Roberts , Purv . ; Elam , Willis , Bramson , Hare , Stewards . A resolution w as unanimously passed , requesting Bro . W . Kilner , the first W . M . of this Lodge , to allow his portrait to be taken in oil colours , by Bro . Howell , P . M ., Nos . 342 and 763 , for the Lodge .
Bro . J . R . Dore then brought before the notice of the Brethren the claims of the Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror to their support as the organ of the Craft , celebrated for its fearless advocacy of the best and truest interest of the Order . As the business for the evening could not be completed by a reasonable hour , the Lodge was , in accordance with its by laws , adjourned to the Monday following , on which occasion the W . M . initiated Mr . John McKean into Masonry in a very board
able manner . The usual charge and tracing- in the 1 st Decree were given able manner , ± ne usual cnarge ana tracing-ooara in trie ist uegree were given by Bro . P . M . Hardy . The appointment by the R . W . Prov . G . M . the Earl of Mexborough of Bro . Dr . Fearnley as D . Prov . G . M . has given great satisfaction to the Brethren of this Lodge , as was evinced by the enthusiastic reception of his name ( for the first time in the province ) at the festive board .
Royal Arch.
JtfTMiSAL 7 <] M Ciiaptkh ( No . 218 ) . —A . convocation of this Chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Soutbwark , on Tuesday , December 9 th , Comp . Newsom , P . Z ., presiding , in the absence through illness of tho M . E . Z . There was no regular business before the Chapter , but wc are led to expect a large accession of Brethren to its ranks during the ensuing season . Resolutions expressive of sympathy and condolence were passed in reference to the late Comps . . Browne and Risen , who have been called away from us since the last monthly meeting of tho Chapter .
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D . Prov . G . M . The business of the evening commenced by Bro . Louis Bramson , after giving convincing proofs of his proficiency as a F . C ., being raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . Bro . Hanson was then passed to a F . C . ; after which our esteemed Bro . Walter Matthews on was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , according to the ancient usages and established customs of our Order . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . P . M . Hardy , whose talents as a , Working Mason are so well known as to render any remark superfluous ; suffice it to say , that on this occasion he ( if possible ) excelled himself . The W . M . then
Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . —The installation of the W . M . of tins Lodge took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwiliiam-street , on Friday evening , Dec . 5 th . Amongst the Past Masters present we noticed , of this Lodge , Bros . Kilner , P . Prov . G . S . Works ; J . T . V . Hardy , B . A ., London University ; John Sykes , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; Thomas Robinson ; Geo . Wright , Prov . G . S . D . : from No . 251 , Bro . Nelson , Prov . G . S . "; No . 342 , Bros . T . Wigney , P . Prov . G . R . ; W . S . Thornton , W . M . Prov . G . S . ; No . 365 , Bros . Hainsworth , J . Cliff , J . Shear , W . Smith , Prov . G . D . C ; Thompson , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; Thomas , Prov . G . P ., and Lee . There were also present the W . M . ' s elect of each of the other Lodges in the town , and W . Scott , M . D ., J . W . of the Lodge of Harmony , and a number of other visitors . All the Brethren w ere clothed in deep mourning for our late
appointed and invested the following Brethren as officers : Bros . Dyson , S . W . ; Benton , J . W . ; the Rev . W . K . Robinson , B . A ., St . John ' s College , Cambridge , Chaplain ; Thomas Robinson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Tempest , Hon . Sec . ; Thomas Learoyd , and Edward Clavequin , Dirs . Cers . ; Karl Demmann , Dr . Phil ., of Hanover , Organist ; R . H . Robinson , S . D . ; Samuel Hardy , J . D . ; M . H . Hirst , J . Coates , Roberts , Purv . ; Elam , Willis , Bramson , Hare , Stewards . A resolution w as unanimously passed , requesting Bro . W . Kilner , the first W . M . of this Lodge , to allow his portrait to be taken in oil colours , by Bro . Howell , P . M ., Nos . 342 and 763 , for the Lodge .
Bro . J . R . Dore then brought before the notice of the Brethren the claims of the Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror to their support as the organ of the Craft , celebrated for its fearless advocacy of the best and truest interest of the Order . As the business for the evening could not be completed by a reasonable hour , the Lodge was , in accordance with its by laws , adjourned to the Monday following , on which occasion the W . M . initiated Mr . John McKean into Masonry in a very board
able manner . The usual charge and tracing- in the 1 st Decree were given able manner , ± ne usual cnarge ana tracing-ooara in trie ist uegree were given by Bro . P . M . Hardy . The appointment by the R . W . Prov . G . M . the Earl of Mexborough of Bro . Dr . Fearnley as D . Prov . G . M . has given great satisfaction to the Brethren of this Lodge , as was evinced by the enthusiastic reception of his name ( for the first time in the province ) at the festive board .
Royal Arch.
JtfTMiSAL 7 <] M Ciiaptkh ( No . 218 ) . —A . convocation of this Chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Soutbwark , on Tuesday , December 9 th , Comp . Newsom , P . Z ., presiding , in the absence through illness of tho M . E . Z . There was no regular business before the Chapter , but wc are led to expect a large accession of Brethren to its ranks during the ensuing season . Resolutions expressive of sympathy and condolence were passed in reference to the late Comps . . Browne and Risen , who have been called away from us since the last monthly meeting of tho Chapter .