Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTERS , Bath . —Royal Cumberland Chapter ( No . 48 ) . —On Tuesday , December 16 th , 1856 , a convocation was held for the purpose of installing the three Principals Elect , when Comp . Percy Wells was installed as M . E . Z ., and Comp . Peach as H ., for the ensuing year , by Comp . Charles Haseler . The installation of Comp . Bagsliawe as J . was appointed to take place on the 20 th January inst . The M . E . Z . Comp . Wells then inducted the Scribes and P . S ., and afterwards exalted Bro . William R . Hanharn , J . G ., No . 48 ; and Bro . Francis Davis , No . 48 ; after which the Chapter was closed in harmony .
Ipswich . —Roycd Sussex Chapter ( No . 522 ) . —This distinguished Chapter held its usual quarterly meeting at the new Assembly Rooms ( the now usual place of holding- the Chapter ) , on Wednesday , the 3 rd December . This being the night of installation , Comp . S . B . King was duly installed into the chair of Z ., by Past Z . Comp . John Pitcher , Esq . ; Comp . the Rev . W . F . Freeman was installed into the chair of H . ; and Comp . Jennings , as J . The most excellent Z . then returned thanks to the Companions for having elected him to fill that high and important office , the duties of which he assured them , he would discharge to the best
of his abilities , and he trusted to give them satisfaction , as he had always the best interests of the Chapter at heart . The Companions present were W . Townsend , sen ., P . E . Z . ; W . P . Mills , P . E . Z . ; J . Franks , P . E . Z . ; G . J . Townsend , P . E . Z . ; E . Dorling , P . E . Z ., and many others . We may observe that this Chapter is one of the most flourishing in the province , and that the regalia is strictly in accordance with the principles of the Order . The principal standards and the banners are classically drawn , and are placed round the Chapter , which has a very rich and appropriate effect , more especially upon the newly-exalted Companion .
Knights Templar.
Encampment of Observance ( Time Immemorial ) . — -This Encampment took place at Thatched House Tavern , St . James ' s-street , on Thursday , December 18 th . Present—Sir Knight Robert Warner Wheeler , the eminent Commander Sir Knight Dr . Hinxman , and W . G . Smith , 1 st and 2 nd Capts . ; John Masson , the Treas . ; J . H . Law , the Prelate ; Chev . B . Herbeler , Ward , Graves , and other ^ members . Comp . Nathaniel Solomons , who is about to depart for St . Helena , of which island he is the Consul for this country , was admitted into this eminent degree ,
the ceremonial being performed by Sir Knight Wheeler , in a way that called forth the commendation of all present , Sir Knight George B . Matthew , formerly a member of this encampment , being a visitor . He has just received the appointment of British Consul at Odessa , for which city he takes his departure after Christmas . Sir Knight J . II . Lav / was unanimously elected M . E . C . for the
ensuing year , and Sir Knight Ward was appointed Register . All business being ended , the Knights assembled for refreshment in the noble banqueting-room of the hotel , the walls of which are decorated with many memorials of by-gone days , in portraits of the members of the Dilletanti Society . The Lodge-roonx has a good portrait of the Duke of York , wearing the collar of W . M . of the Prince of Wales' Lodge .
Cross of Christ Encampment . —At a meeting of this Encampment , held at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , 1 uackfriars , on Friday , the 19 th December last , Sir Knight Samuel Rawson , 1 st Capt . Prov . G . M " , and Prov . G . Sviperint . for China , was unanimously elected Eminent Commander for the ensuing year .
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Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTERS , Bath . —Royal Cumberland Chapter ( No . 48 ) . —On Tuesday , December 16 th , 1856 , a convocation was held for the purpose of installing the three Principals Elect , when Comp . Percy Wells was installed as M . E . Z ., and Comp . Peach as H ., for the ensuing year , by Comp . Charles Haseler . The installation of Comp . Bagsliawe as J . was appointed to take place on the 20 th January inst . The M . E . Z . Comp . Wells then inducted the Scribes and P . S ., and afterwards exalted Bro . William R . Hanharn , J . G ., No . 48 ; and Bro . Francis Davis , No . 48 ; after which the Chapter was closed in harmony .
Ipswich . —Roycd Sussex Chapter ( No . 522 ) . —This distinguished Chapter held its usual quarterly meeting at the new Assembly Rooms ( the now usual place of holding- the Chapter ) , on Wednesday , the 3 rd December . This being the night of installation , Comp . S . B . King was duly installed into the chair of Z ., by Past Z . Comp . John Pitcher , Esq . ; Comp . the Rev . W . F . Freeman was installed into the chair of H . ; and Comp . Jennings , as J . The most excellent Z . then returned thanks to the Companions for having elected him to fill that high and important office , the duties of which he assured them , he would discharge to the best
of his abilities , and he trusted to give them satisfaction , as he had always the best interests of the Chapter at heart . The Companions present were W . Townsend , sen ., P . E . Z . ; W . P . Mills , P . E . Z . ; J . Franks , P . E . Z . ; G . J . Townsend , P . E . Z . ; E . Dorling , P . E . Z ., and many others . We may observe that this Chapter is one of the most flourishing in the province , and that the regalia is strictly in accordance with the principles of the Order . The principal standards and the banners are classically drawn , and are placed round the Chapter , which has a very rich and appropriate effect , more especially upon the newly-exalted Companion .
Knights Templar.
Encampment of Observance ( Time Immemorial ) . — -This Encampment took place at Thatched House Tavern , St . James ' s-street , on Thursday , December 18 th . Present—Sir Knight Robert Warner Wheeler , the eminent Commander Sir Knight Dr . Hinxman , and W . G . Smith , 1 st and 2 nd Capts . ; John Masson , the Treas . ; J . H . Law , the Prelate ; Chev . B . Herbeler , Ward , Graves , and other ^ members . Comp . Nathaniel Solomons , who is about to depart for St . Helena , of which island he is the Consul for this country , was admitted into this eminent degree ,
the ceremonial being performed by Sir Knight Wheeler , in a way that called forth the commendation of all present , Sir Knight George B . Matthew , formerly a member of this encampment , being a visitor . He has just received the appointment of British Consul at Odessa , for which city he takes his departure after Christmas . Sir Knight J . II . Lav / was unanimously elected M . E . C . for the
ensuing year , and Sir Knight Ward was appointed Register . All business being ended , the Knights assembled for refreshment in the noble banqueting-room of the hotel , the walls of which are decorated with many memorials of by-gone days , in portraits of the members of the Dilletanti Society . The Lodge-roonx has a good portrait of the Duke of York , wearing the collar of W . M . of the Prince of Wales' Lodge .
Cross of Christ Encampment . —At a meeting of this Encampment , held at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , 1 uackfriars , on Friday , the 19 th December last , Sir Knight Samuel Rawson , 1 st Capt . Prov . G . M " , and Prov . G . Sviperint . for China , was unanimously elected Eminent Commander for the ensuing year .