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I «/ occasion a gentleman was initiated into the Order , and three Brethren were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . Various Brethren w ere present from the Lodge of Edinburgh Mary ' s Chapel , headed by their R . W . M . Edinburgh Defensive Band ( No . 151 ) . —On Tuesday , the 25 th November , the Lodge Edinburgh Defensive Band , No . 151 , held their meeting for nomination of Office-bearers , and it affords us the greatest pleasure to record the unanimous
re-nomination of Bro . James Finlayson as R . W . M . After the nomination had been gone through , we found the unanimous vote of the Lodge recorded as follows , viz . : —Bros . James Finlayson , R . W . M . ; William Smith , P . M . ; W alter Richardson , S . M . ; James Ker , D . M . ; William Gullan and George Anderson Wardens ; James Mathison and James Kirkwood , Deacons ; James Borthwick David Hutchinson , Standardbearers ; Robert Mickle , Chap . ; David Turner ,
Treas . ; Daniel Grant , Sec . ; Thomas Harris , Jan ., Door Guard ; James Young , Bard ; Dickson Ker , Tyler . The Committee of Management to consist of Bros . Andrew Collins , John M'Clumpha , James Henderson , James Gregory , and James Young . The business of the Lodge having been quickly gone through , the Brethren resolved the Lodge into a convivial meeting , when a deputation was received from the Cannongate Kilwinning , headed by R . W . M . Bro . Dryburgh , also a very large number of visiting Brethren from various Lodges . The usual
loyal toasts w ere then given , Bro . Captain Bruce replying for the army . In his speech he referred in flattering terms to the unique and appropriate system of firing which they , as a military Lodge , had kept up since their formation in 1782 . Various other toasts w ere given , amongst which was the health . of R . W . M . Bro . James Finlayson , by Bro . Dryburgh , and in an eloquent speech , replete with true Masonic feeling , referred to the kindly and fraternal feeling that reigned
in the Edinburgh Defensive Band under the able guidance of Bro . James Finlayson . The toast was responded to with the greatest enthusiasm . Bro . Finlayson , in his reply , having thanked the R . W . M . of the Canongate Kilwinning , and the deputation that had accompanied him , he referred to the prosperous state of the Lodge in its monetary affairs , but more so to the orderly and praiseworthy
unity of action which existed . At the end of the meeting , Bros . Dryburgh , Dr . M'Vitie , and Stewart Watson , of the Cannongate Kilwilling , were affiliated full and free members of the Lodge . A vote of thanks was then given to the R . W . M ., and Office-bearers of the Lodge St . David's , for their kindness in granting their Lodge for the occasion . The evening was enlivened by several beautiful airs from the Rhenish Band led by Bro . Hcrr Lubauch .
Celtic Lodge . —On the 5 th inst ., this Lodge being duly formed at the Turf Hotel , a petition was presented in favour of a professional gentleman of Edinburgh ; being well recommended , he was entered in the 1 st Degree . On Friday , the 12 th , a meeting for nomination of office-bearers . A large assemblage of the Brethren being present , the business of nomination proceeded for the different offices .
FORFAR . The Lower Lodge of Freemasons met at Forfar on Monday , December 1 , in the Grown Hotel , to elect their office-bearers , and celebrate the anniversary ol our national saint . The following Brethren were elected to fill the several offices : —James Edwards , M . D ., R . W . M .: David Adam , D . M . ; James Ewan ,
P . M .. ; James Burns , Treas . ; John Adam , Sec . ; Alexander Forsyth , S . VV . ; James Strachan , J . W . ; George Lowson , S . D . ; Charles Kinnear , J . D . ; James Dick , Chap . ; John Taylor , G . Steward ; dames Simson and James Peacock , Assistants ; David Langlands , Tyler . After the election the Brethren spent a very happy and harmonious evening .
GLASGOW . St . Mark ' s Lodge ( No . 102 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , held on the 21 si November , Bro . Donald Campbell , D . M ., having for Wardens Bros . John U . oid and John Werge , initiated Mr . George Armitage , Birmingham , to whom instructors were as usual appointed . On the 1 st December , Bro . Campbell , assisted by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I «/ occasion a gentleman was initiated into the Order , and three Brethren were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . Various Brethren w ere present from the Lodge of Edinburgh Mary ' s Chapel , headed by their R . W . M . Edinburgh Defensive Band ( No . 151 ) . —On Tuesday , the 25 th November , the Lodge Edinburgh Defensive Band , No . 151 , held their meeting for nomination of Office-bearers , and it affords us the greatest pleasure to record the unanimous
re-nomination of Bro . James Finlayson as R . W . M . After the nomination had been gone through , we found the unanimous vote of the Lodge recorded as follows , viz . : —Bros . James Finlayson , R . W . M . ; William Smith , P . M . ; W alter Richardson , S . M . ; James Ker , D . M . ; William Gullan and George Anderson Wardens ; James Mathison and James Kirkwood , Deacons ; James Borthwick David Hutchinson , Standardbearers ; Robert Mickle , Chap . ; David Turner ,
Treas . ; Daniel Grant , Sec . ; Thomas Harris , Jan ., Door Guard ; James Young , Bard ; Dickson Ker , Tyler . The Committee of Management to consist of Bros . Andrew Collins , John M'Clumpha , James Henderson , James Gregory , and James Young . The business of the Lodge having been quickly gone through , the Brethren resolved the Lodge into a convivial meeting , when a deputation was received from the Cannongate Kilwinning , headed by R . W . M . Bro . Dryburgh , also a very large number of visiting Brethren from various Lodges . The usual
loyal toasts w ere then given , Bro . Captain Bruce replying for the army . In his speech he referred in flattering terms to the unique and appropriate system of firing which they , as a military Lodge , had kept up since their formation in 1782 . Various other toasts w ere given , amongst which was the health . of R . W . M . Bro . James Finlayson , by Bro . Dryburgh , and in an eloquent speech , replete with true Masonic feeling , referred to the kindly and fraternal feeling that reigned
in the Edinburgh Defensive Band under the able guidance of Bro . James Finlayson . The toast was responded to with the greatest enthusiasm . Bro . Finlayson , in his reply , having thanked the R . W . M . of the Canongate Kilwinning , and the deputation that had accompanied him , he referred to the prosperous state of the Lodge in its monetary affairs , but more so to the orderly and praiseworthy
unity of action which existed . At the end of the meeting , Bros . Dryburgh , Dr . M'Vitie , and Stewart Watson , of the Cannongate Kilwilling , were affiliated full and free members of the Lodge . A vote of thanks was then given to the R . W . M ., and Office-bearers of the Lodge St . David's , for their kindness in granting their Lodge for the occasion . The evening was enlivened by several beautiful airs from the Rhenish Band led by Bro . Hcrr Lubauch .
Celtic Lodge . —On the 5 th inst ., this Lodge being duly formed at the Turf Hotel , a petition was presented in favour of a professional gentleman of Edinburgh ; being well recommended , he was entered in the 1 st Degree . On Friday , the 12 th , a meeting for nomination of office-bearers . A large assemblage of the Brethren being present , the business of nomination proceeded for the different offices .
FORFAR . The Lower Lodge of Freemasons met at Forfar on Monday , December 1 , in the Grown Hotel , to elect their office-bearers , and celebrate the anniversary ol our national saint . The following Brethren were elected to fill the several offices : —James Edwards , M . D ., R . W . M .: David Adam , D . M . ; James Ewan ,
P . M .. ; James Burns , Treas . ; John Adam , Sec . ; Alexander Forsyth , S . VV . ; James Strachan , J . W . ; George Lowson , S . D . ; Charles Kinnear , J . D . ; James Dick , Chap . ; John Taylor , G . Steward ; dames Simson and James Peacock , Assistants ; David Langlands , Tyler . After the election the Brethren spent a very happy and harmonious evening .
GLASGOW . St . Mark ' s Lodge ( No . 102 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , held on the 21 si November , Bro . Donald Campbell , D . M ., having for Wardens Bros . John U . oid and John Werge , initiated Mr . George Armitage , Birmingham , to whom instructors were as usual appointed . On the 1 st December , Bro . Campbell , assisted by