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Summary Of News For December
On the 5 th , the Court removed from Windsor to Osborne ; and on the 16 th her Majesty visited the Resolute at Cowes , on board of which vessel she was most cordially received by the American officers in charge of her . On the 19 th , the Royal Family returned to Windsor , where they spent the Christmas amidst the usual festive rejoicings . Among the distinguished visitors entertained by her Majesty during the month were H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge , and her nephews , the Princes of Leiningen .
FOREIGN . On the 28 th of November , a Neapolitan soldier made a rash attempt on the life of the king , but was immediately arrested . His Majesty has since received the congratulations of the other European sovereigns on his escape , and the city of Naples has been illuminated to mark the joy of his subjects . The wretched criminal had the character of being the most exemplary man in the Neapolitan
army ; but had unfortunately for years past persuaded himself that when the ruler breaks a sworn compact with his people , and misgoverns them , regicide is no murder . The unhappy man was executed on the 10 th December , and bore himself throughout with the greatest dignity , calling on the Deity in his last moments to have mercy on his soul and on his country . On the 3 rd the American Senate , on being informed of the death of their
eminent countrymen Mr . Clayton , resolved to pay his memory a tribute of national respect . Generally , there are at present threatening aspects in foreign politics , and it is to be feared that Prussia will be aided in her attempt to crush the liberties of Switzerland . The state of society in Sicily may be well called volcanic . News has been received of the bombardment of Canton by the English fleet , in consequence of twelve sailors having been arrested on board an English ship , and the Governor refusing any explanation of such conduct . LEGAL .
On the 5 th there was a regular field day in Westminster Hall in the trial of two cases of libel and one of breach of promise . In the last-mentioned case tho lady plaintiff , Miss Crippin . obtained £ 400 damages against her former suitor , a Mr . Farebrother . In one of the libel cases , that of Lord Lucan against the Daily News , the freedom of the press was maintained by a verdict for the defendant . In the other case Mr . Smith , the agent of Buckmaster in the Crimea , obtained a verdict against the Illustrated News for reprinting from the Times the
para . graph for which he formerly sued that paper . On the 10 th the IJnder-Sheriff , in the case of Keays v . Harvey for crim . con ., assessed the damages at £ 100 . On the same day a verdict for £ 500 damages ; was taken by consent in a similar action brought to trial in the Queen ' s Bench . In the same Court a libel case was tried on the same day . and resulted in a verdict for the defendant , the proprietor of a newspaper at Feversham .
On the 15 th an action was tried in the Court of Exchequer , in which the plain fill ' , an officer of the ( lerman Legion , sought to recover from the colonel ol his regiment , the full value of some goods of bis sold for a trifle by the adjutant , in consequence of his having absented himself from bis regimental duties without leave .
On the 17 th V ice-Ohancellor Kindersley ruled that the vestry of St . James ' s , Ckikenwell , had the right of electing to the incumbency . The same clay , at the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summary Of News For December
On the 5 th , the Court removed from Windsor to Osborne ; and on the 16 th her Majesty visited the Resolute at Cowes , on board of which vessel she was most cordially received by the American officers in charge of her . On the 19 th , the Royal Family returned to Windsor , where they spent the Christmas amidst the usual festive rejoicings . Among the distinguished visitors entertained by her Majesty during the month were H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge , and her nephews , the Princes of Leiningen .
FOREIGN . On the 28 th of November , a Neapolitan soldier made a rash attempt on the life of the king , but was immediately arrested . His Majesty has since received the congratulations of the other European sovereigns on his escape , and the city of Naples has been illuminated to mark the joy of his subjects . The wretched criminal had the character of being the most exemplary man in the Neapolitan
army ; but had unfortunately for years past persuaded himself that when the ruler breaks a sworn compact with his people , and misgoverns them , regicide is no murder . The unhappy man was executed on the 10 th December , and bore himself throughout with the greatest dignity , calling on the Deity in his last moments to have mercy on his soul and on his country . On the 3 rd the American Senate , on being informed of the death of their
eminent countrymen Mr . Clayton , resolved to pay his memory a tribute of national respect . Generally , there are at present threatening aspects in foreign politics , and it is to be feared that Prussia will be aided in her attempt to crush the liberties of Switzerland . The state of society in Sicily may be well called volcanic . News has been received of the bombardment of Canton by the English fleet , in consequence of twelve sailors having been arrested on board an English ship , and the Governor refusing any explanation of such conduct . LEGAL .
On the 5 th there was a regular field day in Westminster Hall in the trial of two cases of libel and one of breach of promise . In the last-mentioned case tho lady plaintiff , Miss Crippin . obtained £ 400 damages against her former suitor , a Mr . Farebrother . In one of the libel cases , that of Lord Lucan against the Daily News , the freedom of the press was maintained by a verdict for the defendant . In the other case Mr . Smith , the agent of Buckmaster in the Crimea , obtained a verdict against the Illustrated News for reprinting from the Times the
para . graph for which he formerly sued that paper . On the 10 th the IJnder-Sheriff , in the case of Keays v . Harvey for crim . con ., assessed the damages at £ 100 . On the same day a verdict for £ 500 damages ; was taken by consent in a similar action brought to trial in the Queen ' s Bench . In the same Court a libel case was tried on the same day . and resulted in a verdict for the defendant , the proprietor of a newspaper at Feversham .
On the 15 th an action was tried in the Court of Exchequer , in which the plain fill ' , an officer of the ( lerman Legion , sought to recover from the colonel ol his regiment , the full value of some goods of bis sold for a trifle by the adjutant , in consequence of his having absented himself from bis regimental duties without leave .
On the 17 th V ice-Ohancellor Kindersley ruled that the vestry of St . James ' s , Ckikenwell , had the right of electing to the incumbency . The same clay , at the