Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 9 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
The Vernon Lodge , No . 819 , Dudley , have adopted the following bye-law : — '" That an intermediate or committee meeting of the members of this Lodge shall be held between the regular Lodge nights , without the customary formalities , to discuss all matters relating to projected Lodge business , or in which this Lodge has any interest , and to frame such recommendations to the Lodge as may be deemed expedient , and especially to receive the names of any candidates for
initiation or joining , previous to such candidates being proposed in open Lodge , to confer with the intended proposer or seconder on these occasions , and to determine upon such course of proceeding as shall be considered most expedient , by reference to a ballot or show of hands . " In order to insure the punctual attendance of officers at these intermediate / -meetings , the W . M . is to be
fined Is . 6 d ., the Senior and Junior Wardens Is ., and the other officers 6 c £ . each for non-attendance , unless they previously send a notice in writing of their inability to be present . The fines are to be carried to the credit of the library fund .
The Percy Lodge of Instruction has resumed its meetings at Bro . Painters , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street , thus bringing it within the reach of the members of the parent Lodge . The night of meeting has been altered to Saturday . The Athelstan Lodge of Instruction has been removed from Bro . Young ' s , Vernon-place , Bloomsbury , to Bro . Lambert ' s , Wheatsheaf Tavern , Oxford-street , opposite the Princess ' s Theatre . The Lodge meets every Sunday evening at 7 .
UNITED GRAND LODGE OE ENGLAND . Business to be Transacted on Wednesday , 3 rd March , 1858 Bead the Regulations for Business . Minutes of Quarterly Communication , 2 nd December , for confirmation . Election of M . W . Grand Master . Election of Grand Treasurer .
A communication from the M . W . Grand Master on the subject of the resignation of the R . W . Bro . T . D . Harington , late Prov . G . Master for Quebec , with copies of Bro . Harington ' s letter and his lordship ' s reply . These , for the information of the Brethren , are printed . Toronto , Canada , 9 l 7 i November , 1857 . V . W . Sir and Brother , —It is with sincere regret that I feel myself coni-Z A . Jj
We hear that a requisition is in course of signature for calling a general meeting of the subscribers to the Benevolent Institution , to consider how often it will be desirable to hold festivals in future . Of late years they have heen triennial .
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The Masonic Mirror.
The Vernon Lodge , No . 819 , Dudley , have adopted the following bye-law : — '" That an intermediate or committee meeting of the members of this Lodge shall be held between the regular Lodge nights , without the customary formalities , to discuss all matters relating to projected Lodge business , or in which this Lodge has any interest , and to frame such recommendations to the Lodge as may be deemed expedient , and especially to receive the names of any candidates for
initiation or joining , previous to such candidates being proposed in open Lodge , to confer with the intended proposer or seconder on these occasions , and to determine upon such course of proceeding as shall be considered most expedient , by reference to a ballot or show of hands . " In order to insure the punctual attendance of officers at these intermediate / -meetings , the W . M . is to be
fined Is . 6 d ., the Senior and Junior Wardens Is ., and the other officers 6 c £ . each for non-attendance , unless they previously send a notice in writing of their inability to be present . The fines are to be carried to the credit of the library fund .
The Percy Lodge of Instruction has resumed its meetings at Bro . Painters , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street , thus bringing it within the reach of the members of the parent Lodge . The night of meeting has been altered to Saturday . The Athelstan Lodge of Instruction has been removed from Bro . Young ' s , Vernon-place , Bloomsbury , to Bro . Lambert ' s , Wheatsheaf Tavern , Oxford-street , opposite the Princess ' s Theatre . The Lodge meets every Sunday evening at 7 .
UNITED GRAND LODGE OE ENGLAND . Business to be Transacted on Wednesday , 3 rd March , 1858 Bead the Regulations for Business . Minutes of Quarterly Communication , 2 nd December , for confirmation . Election of M . W . Grand Master . Election of Grand Treasurer .
A communication from the M . W . Grand Master on the subject of the resignation of the R . W . Bro . T . D . Harington , late Prov . G . Master for Quebec , with copies of Bro . Harington ' s letter and his lordship ' s reply . These , for the information of the Brethren , are printed . Toronto , Canada , 9 l 7 i November , 1857 . V . W . Sir and Brother , —It is with sincere regret that I feel myself coni-Z A . Jj
We hear that a requisition is in course of signature for calling a general meeting of the subscribers to the Benevolent Institution , to consider how often it will be desirable to hold festivals in future . Of late years they have heen triennial .