Article provincial. ← Page 2 of 8 →
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Appointments . —Lodges . —Thursday , February 25 th , Royal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons ' Hall , Southampton , at 7 ; Thursday , 25 th , the Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 ; Monday , March 1 st , Oakley ( Q ^ Black Boy , Basingstoke , at 6 . Chapters . — Wednesday , March 3 rd , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton ¦ , at 7 ; Thursday , 4 th , Royal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton * at 7 .
HERTEORDSHIKE . Appointments . —Lodge .- —Tuesday , March 2 nd , Hertford ( 5 / 3 ) , Shire Hall , Hertford , at 7-ISLE OP WIGHT . Appointments . —Lodge . —Wednesday , March 3 rd , Yarborough ( 80 Q ) , High-street , Ventnor , at 7 . KENT .
Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , March 1 st , Peace and Harmony ( 235 )^ Royal Oak , Dover , at 74 ; Tuesday , 2 nd , Adams ( 184 ) , Masonic Hall , Mile Town , Sheerness , at o . Mark Lodge . —Florence Nightingale ( Scottish Constitution , 10 ) , Crown and Anchor , Woolwich , at 7 . Chatham . — -itoyaZ Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled together on the 17 th hist . / under the presidency of their W . M ., Bro . Charles Isaacs , when Bros . Morris and Morley were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons , the latter having received his first two degrees in the Phcenix Xiodge , Portsmouth . The Lodge was then resumed to the 1 st
Degree , when Mr . J . I . Solomon , Dr . A . G . Power , and Mr . F . Gr . Sly , were initiated into the '¦ mysteries- of the Craft . Two gentlemen were also proposed for initiation at the next Lodge meeting . Nothing further being offered , the Lodge was closed with due form . The Brethren afterwards sat down , about twenty in number , to supper , when after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the W . M . proposed "The health of the newly initiated Brethren , " which was replied to in a very able speech by Bro . Solomon , who informed the Brethren .
that he had long looked forward to the day that he was to be initiated into Freemasonry ; he hoped to prove himself a worthy member , and to obtain all the honours attached to it . Several other toasts followed , concluding with u All Poor and Distressed Masons . " The Brethren separated , highly pleased with the evening ' s proceedings . We were pleased to see a goodly muster of the Past Masters present , and think it is the least they can do to support their present W . M ., whose whole study is to revive the Lodge , and again bring it to the proud
position of being the most numerous and influential Lodge in the province . Hamsgate . —Royal Navy Lodge ( No . 621 ) . —This Lodge met at the Boyal Hotel , on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., Bro . G . Hodge , W . M ., presiding . The Lodge was opened in the 1 st Degree . Bro . Anderson , of Deal , was examined in due form , and afterwards passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft . Mr . Walter G . Smith was balloted for as a candidate for initiation , and unanimously approved . The
W . M . very kindly permitted Bro . B . F . Hiscocks , P . M . and Sec , to initiate , and give the charge to the candidate . The Poyal Navy Lodge is making great advances ; and it may with truth be said that its Officers are endeavouring to do their duty in a most creditable manner . Bro . J . P . Jenson officiated as Steward , and is quite equal to his duties . The Brethren afterwards enjoyed themselves in a most pleasant manner . The proceedings of the evening finished by Bro . G . Stevens , S . W ., giving the toast of " All poor and distressed Masons . "
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) ArpoiNTMKN ^ TS . —Lo ^ es . —Thursday , February 25 th , Samaritan ( 358 ) , Green Man , Bacup , at 7 j Perseverance ( 432 ) , Old Bull , Blackburn at 8 ; Monday , March 1 st , Cheetham and Crumpsall , CrumpsalL Hotel , Manchester , at 6 ; Tudor ( 688 ) , Red Lion , Oldham , at 6 £ . Chapter . -Friday , March 5 th , Concord ( 44 ) , Swan Hotel , Bolton , at G .
LANCASHIEE ( WEST . ) Ai » poiNTMKMTS . —^ r ?^ c . ? - —Thursday , February 25 th , Dvvwnshire ( 864 ) , the Crown , Limestreet , Liverpool , at <) j Derby ( I 0 i 6 ) , Derby Arms , B mth , at 5 ; Monday , March 1 st , Harmony ( 267 ) , Wellington Hotel , Qarston , at 7- Mark , —Thursday , February 25 th , Keystone ( Scot ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 7 . Chapter . — Wednesday , March 3 rd , Unity and Perseverance ( 815 ) . Wheatsheaf , Ormsldrk , at 5 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Appointments . —Lodges . —Thursday , February 25 th , Royal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons ' Hall , Southampton , at 7 ; Thursday , 25 th , the Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 ; Monday , March 1 st , Oakley ( Q ^ Black Boy , Basingstoke , at 6 . Chapters . — Wednesday , March 3 rd , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton ¦ , at 7 ; Thursday , 4 th , Royal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton * at 7 .
HERTEORDSHIKE . Appointments . —Lodge .- —Tuesday , March 2 nd , Hertford ( 5 / 3 ) , Shire Hall , Hertford , at 7-ISLE OP WIGHT . Appointments . —Lodge . —Wednesday , March 3 rd , Yarborough ( 80 Q ) , High-street , Ventnor , at 7 . KENT .
Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , March 1 st , Peace and Harmony ( 235 )^ Royal Oak , Dover , at 74 ; Tuesday , 2 nd , Adams ( 184 ) , Masonic Hall , Mile Town , Sheerness , at o . Mark Lodge . —Florence Nightingale ( Scottish Constitution , 10 ) , Crown and Anchor , Woolwich , at 7 . Chatham . — -itoyaZ Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled together on the 17 th hist . / under the presidency of their W . M ., Bro . Charles Isaacs , when Bros . Morris and Morley were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons , the latter having received his first two degrees in the Phcenix Xiodge , Portsmouth . The Lodge was then resumed to the 1 st
Degree , when Mr . J . I . Solomon , Dr . A . G . Power , and Mr . F . Gr . Sly , were initiated into the '¦ mysteries- of the Craft . Two gentlemen were also proposed for initiation at the next Lodge meeting . Nothing further being offered , the Lodge was closed with due form . The Brethren afterwards sat down , about twenty in number , to supper , when after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the W . M . proposed "The health of the newly initiated Brethren , " which was replied to in a very able speech by Bro . Solomon , who informed the Brethren .
that he had long looked forward to the day that he was to be initiated into Freemasonry ; he hoped to prove himself a worthy member , and to obtain all the honours attached to it . Several other toasts followed , concluding with u All Poor and Distressed Masons . " The Brethren separated , highly pleased with the evening ' s proceedings . We were pleased to see a goodly muster of the Past Masters present , and think it is the least they can do to support their present W . M ., whose whole study is to revive the Lodge , and again bring it to the proud
position of being the most numerous and influential Lodge in the province . Hamsgate . —Royal Navy Lodge ( No . 621 ) . —This Lodge met at the Boyal Hotel , on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., Bro . G . Hodge , W . M ., presiding . The Lodge was opened in the 1 st Degree . Bro . Anderson , of Deal , was examined in due form , and afterwards passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft . Mr . Walter G . Smith was balloted for as a candidate for initiation , and unanimously approved . The
W . M . very kindly permitted Bro . B . F . Hiscocks , P . M . and Sec , to initiate , and give the charge to the candidate . The Poyal Navy Lodge is making great advances ; and it may with truth be said that its Officers are endeavouring to do their duty in a most creditable manner . Bro . J . P . Jenson officiated as Steward , and is quite equal to his duties . The Brethren afterwards enjoyed themselves in a most pleasant manner . The proceedings of the evening finished by Bro . G . Stevens , S . W ., giving the toast of " All poor and distressed Masons . "
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) ArpoiNTMKN ^ TS . —Lo ^ es . —Thursday , February 25 th , Samaritan ( 358 ) , Green Man , Bacup , at 7 j Perseverance ( 432 ) , Old Bull , Blackburn at 8 ; Monday , March 1 st , Cheetham and Crumpsall , CrumpsalL Hotel , Manchester , at 6 ; Tudor ( 688 ) , Red Lion , Oldham , at 6 £ . Chapter . -Friday , March 5 th , Concord ( 44 ) , Swan Hotel , Bolton , at G .
LANCASHIEE ( WEST . ) Ai » poiNTMKMTS . —^ r ?^ c . ? - —Thursday , February 25 th , Dvvwnshire ( 864 ) , the Crown , Limestreet , Liverpool , at <) j Derby ( I 0 i 6 ) , Derby Arms , B mth , at 5 ; Monday , March 1 st , Harmony ( 267 ) , Wellington Hotel , Qarston , at 7- Mark , —Thursday , February 25 th , Keystone ( Scot ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 7 . Chapter . — Wednesday , March 3 rd , Unity and Perseverance ( 815 ) . Wheatsheaf , Ormsldrk , at 5 .