Article provincial. ← Page 3 of 8 →
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v LINCOLNSHIRE . ^ Appointments . —Lodge . —Thursday , February 25 th , Shaksneare ( 617 ) , Town Hall , Spilsby , at 6 ; Thursday , March 4 th , IIundred of Elloe ( 690 ) , the Old Turret , Spalding , at 8 . NORFOLK , Appoint mkkts—Lodges . ^ - Thursday , February 25 th , Perseverance ( 258 ) , Lamb Inn , Norwich , at 8 ; Monday , March 1 st , Friendship ( 117 ) , Duke ' s Head , Great Yarmouth , at 7 .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Appointments . —Lodges . — Monday , March 1 st , St . George ' s ( 624 ) , Commercial Hotel , North Shields j Northern Counties ( 5 S 6 * V , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle-on-Tyne , at 7 - , Tuesday , 2 nd , Northumberland ( 985 ) , Central Exchange , Hewcastle-on-Tyne , at 7 ; St . David ' s ( 554 ) , Salmon Inn , Berwick , at 7 . CV ^^ r . —Thursday , 25 th , the Ogie ( 624 ) , } 7 orth Shields , at 6 Rose Croix . —Friday , 26 th ., Royal Kent Chapter , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle-on-Tyne , at . 7 .
OXFORDSHIRE . Appointments . — £ o ^ £ . —Monday , March 1 st , Chenvell ( 8 / 3 ) , Reel Lion , Banbury , at 7 . Oxford . —Apollo University Lodge ( No . 460 ) . —The fortieth anniversary -was held on Monday , Feb . 15 , when the Worshipful Master and Officers for the ensuing year were duly installed . The late W . M .,- ' the Rev . EL A .. Pickard , M . A ., of Christ Church , not only on this occasion performed the ceremonies of raising and passing , but also initiated into the mysteries of Masonry five new candidates ., and undertook the whole of the ceremony of installing the new Worshipful Master ,
Bro . W . E . Codrington , B . A ., of Brasenose College , in the chair of office . The masterly style in which he conducted these ceremonies , and the manner in which he has presided over the Lodge for the past two years , have earned for him the reputation of being one of the best Masons in the province . After the Worshipful Master was duly invested , he appointed as his officers Bro . Hozier , B . A ., Balliol College , S . W . ; Strother , Magdalen Hall , J . W . ; the Rev . A . Faber , M . A ., New College , Chap . ; Mitford , Christ Church , Sec . ; Thompson , Treas . ; Dr . Elvey , New College , Org . ; Talbot , Christ Church , S . D . ; Richardson , St . Mary Hall , J . D . ;
Mills , Christ Church , Dir . of Cer . ; Eden ; Oriel College , I . G . ; Brassey ( University College ) , Lord Hamilton ( Christ Church ) , Huddleston ( Balliol College ) ., Maxwell ( Exeter College ) , Morshead ( Brasenose College ) and Lord Skelmersdale ( Christ Church ) , Stewards . After the business of the Lodge was concluded , the Brethren , to the number of eighty , adjourned to the hall , where a banquet was provided , consisting of every delicacy of the season . We must congratulate Bro . Thompson , to , whom the Stewards confided every arrangement , on its-complete success ; indeed , he must have been most ably seconded on this occasion , as on all
hands it is admitted to have been one of the most comfortable and complete banquets ever held within the walls of the Masonic Hall . Amongst the company we noticed the Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Bowyer ) : the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Spiers ); Bros . Past Masters Sadler , Pickard , Walker , Thompson ., Wyatt , Randall , Martin , Symonds , Joy , and Foughton ; Bros . Lord Skelmersdale , Viscount Hamilton , Sir M . Beach , Bart ., Hozier , Strother , Talbot , Mills ., Llewellyn , Richardson , Brassey , Coleridge , Huddleston , Hough , St . Aubyn , Style , Harrison , Mitford , Caidicot , Baring , Butler , Johnstone , Wingfield , Bowden ,
Falconer , Fowler , Wells , Thurland , Fraser , Cartwright , Leighton , Haughton , Clegg , Morrell , Donaldson , & c , & c . After grace was said by the Chaplain , and the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave " The Queen and the Craft / ' which was duly honoured , and the national anthem sung by Bros . Randall , Houghton , arid Joy . The W . M . then gave the health of " The € rrand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland /* and alluded to the honour this province had received by his lordship paying them a visit last May . The W . M . then gave the " Deputy Grand Master , Lord Panmure , and the Officers of Grand Lodge . "
Bro . Spiers , in rising to respond to this toast , regretted no other Grand Officers were present , asliis voice was so well known to them , but as a Past Grand Officer he felt it his duty to thank the Brethren for the honour they had done the officers of Grand Lodge , and to assure them it was their earnest wish to carry out the principles and practice of Freemasonry . After remarking on the excellent man-
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v LINCOLNSHIRE . ^ Appointments . —Lodge . —Thursday , February 25 th , Shaksneare ( 617 ) , Town Hall , Spilsby , at 6 ; Thursday , March 4 th , IIundred of Elloe ( 690 ) , the Old Turret , Spalding , at 8 . NORFOLK , Appoint mkkts—Lodges . ^ - Thursday , February 25 th , Perseverance ( 258 ) , Lamb Inn , Norwich , at 8 ; Monday , March 1 st , Friendship ( 117 ) , Duke ' s Head , Great Yarmouth , at 7 .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Appointments . —Lodges . — Monday , March 1 st , St . George ' s ( 624 ) , Commercial Hotel , North Shields j Northern Counties ( 5 S 6 * V , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle-on-Tyne , at 7 - , Tuesday , 2 nd , Northumberland ( 985 ) , Central Exchange , Hewcastle-on-Tyne , at 7 ; St . David ' s ( 554 ) , Salmon Inn , Berwick , at 7 . CV ^^ r . —Thursday , 25 th , the Ogie ( 624 ) , } 7 orth Shields , at 6 Rose Croix . —Friday , 26 th ., Royal Kent Chapter , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle-on-Tyne , at . 7 .
OXFORDSHIRE . Appointments . — £ o ^ £ . —Monday , March 1 st , Chenvell ( 8 / 3 ) , Reel Lion , Banbury , at 7 . Oxford . —Apollo University Lodge ( No . 460 ) . —The fortieth anniversary -was held on Monday , Feb . 15 , when the Worshipful Master and Officers for the ensuing year were duly installed . The late W . M .,- ' the Rev . EL A .. Pickard , M . A ., of Christ Church , not only on this occasion performed the ceremonies of raising and passing , but also initiated into the mysteries of Masonry five new candidates ., and undertook the whole of the ceremony of installing the new Worshipful Master ,
Bro . W . E . Codrington , B . A ., of Brasenose College , in the chair of office . The masterly style in which he conducted these ceremonies , and the manner in which he has presided over the Lodge for the past two years , have earned for him the reputation of being one of the best Masons in the province . After the Worshipful Master was duly invested , he appointed as his officers Bro . Hozier , B . A ., Balliol College , S . W . ; Strother , Magdalen Hall , J . W . ; the Rev . A . Faber , M . A ., New College , Chap . ; Mitford , Christ Church , Sec . ; Thompson , Treas . ; Dr . Elvey , New College , Org . ; Talbot , Christ Church , S . D . ; Richardson , St . Mary Hall , J . D . ;
Mills , Christ Church , Dir . of Cer . ; Eden ; Oriel College , I . G . ; Brassey ( University College ) , Lord Hamilton ( Christ Church ) , Huddleston ( Balliol College ) ., Maxwell ( Exeter College ) , Morshead ( Brasenose College ) and Lord Skelmersdale ( Christ Church ) , Stewards . After the business of the Lodge was concluded , the Brethren , to the number of eighty , adjourned to the hall , where a banquet was provided , consisting of every delicacy of the season . We must congratulate Bro . Thompson , to , whom the Stewards confided every arrangement , on its-complete success ; indeed , he must have been most ably seconded on this occasion , as on all
hands it is admitted to have been one of the most comfortable and complete banquets ever held within the walls of the Masonic Hall . Amongst the company we noticed the Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Bowyer ) : the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . Spiers ); Bros . Past Masters Sadler , Pickard , Walker , Thompson ., Wyatt , Randall , Martin , Symonds , Joy , and Foughton ; Bros . Lord Skelmersdale , Viscount Hamilton , Sir M . Beach , Bart ., Hozier , Strother , Talbot , Mills ., Llewellyn , Richardson , Brassey , Coleridge , Huddleston , Hough , St . Aubyn , Style , Harrison , Mitford , Caidicot , Baring , Butler , Johnstone , Wingfield , Bowden ,
Falconer , Fowler , Wells , Thurland , Fraser , Cartwright , Leighton , Haughton , Clegg , Morrell , Donaldson , & c , & c . After grace was said by the Chaplain , and the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave " The Queen and the Craft / ' which was duly honoured , and the national anthem sung by Bros . Randall , Houghton , arid Joy . The W . M . then gave the health of " The € rrand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland /* and alluded to the honour this province had received by his lordship paying them a visit last May . The W . M . then gave the " Deputy Grand Master , Lord Panmure , and the Officers of Grand Lodge . "
Bro . Spiers , in rising to respond to this toast , regretted no other Grand Officers were present , asliis voice was so well known to them , but as a Past Grand Officer he felt it his duty to thank the Brethren for the honour they had done the officers of Grand Lodge , and to assure them it was their earnest wish to carry out the principles and practice of Freemasonry . After remarking on the excellent man-