Article METROPOLITAN, ← Page 4 of 11 →
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particularly aljuded to his predecessor , Bro . Ashwell , to whose indefatigable zeal the present prosperous state of the Lodge was mainly owing , he having initiated thirteen Brethren during his year of office- The Treasurer and Secretary were especially noticed by the W . M ., the good suit and service of both those officers entitling
them to the warmest thanks of the members of the Lodge . The harmony of the evening was enlivened by the imitative talent of Bro . Osmond , the Secretary , one of his efforts to amuse we particularly admired—a travestie of the "Seven Ages " of Shakspeare , in which he traced a Mason ' s career , first , " as seeking reputation , even from the Tyler ' s mouth , " and , in his progress , becoming the Master " full of
wise saws ; ' and , at last , subsiding into the Past Master " with jewel on breast , and his manly voice subdued in sound , " and so progressing to " forgetfulness , out of office , sans everything . " Several visitors were present , including Bros . Daws , Ebs worth , Hill , Hogg , How > Jackson , Lamond , Hill , Manuelle , and Perry .
Old King ' s Arms Lodge ( No . 30 . )—The regular meeting happening to fall on the 25 th , the day fixed for the celebration of the Royal Nuptials , it had been decided to postpone the usual assembly , in order to afford the members an opportunity of participating in the various festivities held in honour of the auspicious event . Thursday the 28 th was the substituted day , and , accordingly , the Brethren mustered at half-past four , at the Freemasons' Tavern , for the despatch of business , which , however , consisted only of the installation of W . M . for the ensuing
period of twelve months . The respected P . M ., Treas ., and father of the Lodge , Bro . John Barnes , was , to the regret of all , unavoidably prevented from attending until a late hour ; in consequence of which , the duties he in general so admirably discharged were undertaken by Bro . P . Binckes , P . M . No . II , by whom Bro . Marsh , S . W ., was installed into the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . This done , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follows : — Bros . F . Playford , S . W . ; E . S . Phillips , J . W . ; John Barnes , P . M ., Treas . ; Jaques ,
Sec ; Mazzetti , S . D . ; Williams , J . D . ; W . Paas , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; I . G . left open . The office of Tyler having become vacant by the death of Bro . Longstaff , was filled by the election of Bio . Crawley . Bro . F . Playford , the newly-appointed S . W ., kindly volunteered to represent the Lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival in aid of the funds of the Girls' School . The Lodge having been closed , the members and their friends , in number sixteen , adjourned to the banquet . The King ' s Arms has lately suffered the loss of some of its oldest members , and does not meet very numerously , but it still retains in its rank some worthy
and distinguished Brethren , maintains its character for hospitality , and . is distinguished for its constant and liberal support of . the charities . The excellent social qualities of many of its members always insure an evening of pleasurable enjoyment , and amongst them we cannot help pointedly alluding to Bro . Paas , Dir . of Cer ., who , by his genial warmth of disposition , kindness of manner , and courteous attention , contributes so materially to the comfort and happiness of all within his circle . The visitors were Bros . F . Binckes , P . M . No . 11 ; Potts , P . M . No . 201 ; Powell , P . M . No . 225 ; Dr . Croft , No . 329 .
Mount Mortah Lodge ( No . 40 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge on the 27 th of January , Bro . Braune was most ably installed as W . M . by Bro . Absolon , P . M . The W . M . appointed Bros . Ebburne , S . W . ; and Geo . El wood , J . W . Gihon Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —This Lodge had an emergency meeting on the 21 st of January , when Bro . Sowden , W . M ., initiated two gentlemen into the Order ; Bro . Sheriff , P . M ., raised one Brother , and Bro . England , P . M ., a second to the Degree of M . M .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren ( No . 169 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 26 th January , the W . M ., Bro . Blackburn , presiding , when Bro . Thorpe was duly passed to the 2 nd Degree . Under ordinary circumstances , this should have been the night of installation , but the J . W . ( Bro . C . Hart ) , who , owing to the ill health of the . S . W ., was elected W . M . in his absence , declined the office on tho honourable ground that he , as a young Mason , did not as yet feci himself competent to the proper discharge of tho duties of the chair , and without which he could not conscientiously undertake
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particularly aljuded to his predecessor , Bro . Ashwell , to whose indefatigable zeal the present prosperous state of the Lodge was mainly owing , he having initiated thirteen Brethren during his year of office- The Treasurer and Secretary were especially noticed by the W . M ., the good suit and service of both those officers entitling
them to the warmest thanks of the members of the Lodge . The harmony of the evening was enlivened by the imitative talent of Bro . Osmond , the Secretary , one of his efforts to amuse we particularly admired—a travestie of the "Seven Ages " of Shakspeare , in which he traced a Mason ' s career , first , " as seeking reputation , even from the Tyler ' s mouth , " and , in his progress , becoming the Master " full of
wise saws ; ' and , at last , subsiding into the Past Master " with jewel on breast , and his manly voice subdued in sound , " and so progressing to " forgetfulness , out of office , sans everything . " Several visitors were present , including Bros . Daws , Ebs worth , Hill , Hogg , How > Jackson , Lamond , Hill , Manuelle , and Perry .
Old King ' s Arms Lodge ( No . 30 . )—The regular meeting happening to fall on the 25 th , the day fixed for the celebration of the Royal Nuptials , it had been decided to postpone the usual assembly , in order to afford the members an opportunity of participating in the various festivities held in honour of the auspicious event . Thursday the 28 th was the substituted day , and , accordingly , the Brethren mustered at half-past four , at the Freemasons' Tavern , for the despatch of business , which , however , consisted only of the installation of W . M . for the ensuing
period of twelve months . The respected P . M ., Treas ., and father of the Lodge , Bro . John Barnes , was , to the regret of all , unavoidably prevented from attending until a late hour ; in consequence of which , the duties he in general so admirably discharged were undertaken by Bro . P . Binckes , P . M . No . II , by whom Bro . Marsh , S . W ., was installed into the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . This done , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follows : — Bros . F . Playford , S . W . ; E . S . Phillips , J . W . ; John Barnes , P . M ., Treas . ; Jaques ,
Sec ; Mazzetti , S . D . ; Williams , J . D . ; W . Paas , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; I . G . left open . The office of Tyler having become vacant by the death of Bro . Longstaff , was filled by the election of Bio . Crawley . Bro . F . Playford , the newly-appointed S . W ., kindly volunteered to represent the Lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival in aid of the funds of the Girls' School . The Lodge having been closed , the members and their friends , in number sixteen , adjourned to the banquet . The King ' s Arms has lately suffered the loss of some of its oldest members , and does not meet very numerously , but it still retains in its rank some worthy
and distinguished Brethren , maintains its character for hospitality , and . is distinguished for its constant and liberal support of . the charities . The excellent social qualities of many of its members always insure an evening of pleasurable enjoyment , and amongst them we cannot help pointedly alluding to Bro . Paas , Dir . of Cer ., who , by his genial warmth of disposition , kindness of manner , and courteous attention , contributes so materially to the comfort and happiness of all within his circle . The visitors were Bros . F . Binckes , P . M . No . 11 ; Potts , P . M . No . 201 ; Powell , P . M . No . 225 ; Dr . Croft , No . 329 .
Mount Mortah Lodge ( No . 40 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge on the 27 th of January , Bro . Braune was most ably installed as W . M . by Bro . Absolon , P . M . The W . M . appointed Bros . Ebburne , S . W . ; and Geo . El wood , J . W . Gihon Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —This Lodge had an emergency meeting on the 21 st of January , when Bro . Sowden , W . M ., initiated two gentlemen into the Order ; Bro . Sheriff , P . M ., raised one Brother , and Bro . England , P . M ., a second to the Degree of M . M .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren ( No . 169 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 26 th January , the W . M ., Bro . Blackburn , presiding , when Bro . Thorpe was duly passed to the 2 nd Degree . Under ordinary circumstances , this should have been the night of installation , but the J . W . ( Bro . C . Hart ) , who , owing to the ill health of the . S . W ., was elected W . M . in his absence , declined the office on tho honourable ground that he , as a young Mason , did not as yet feci himself competent to the proper discharge of tho duties of the chair , and without which he could not conscientiously undertake