Article provincial. Page 1 of 8 →
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' provincial .
BRISTOL . Lodges . —Wednesday , February 3 rd , Moira ( 408 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ; Monday 8 th , Royal Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ; Tuesday gth , Jerusalem ( 986 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 - , Wednesday 10 th , Royal Sussex ( 221 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Instruction . —Friday , at 7 . Chapters . —Thursday 4 th , Hospitality ( 221 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 j Thursday ilth , Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons ' Hall , at 7 . CHESHIRE .
Lodges . —Thmsd & y , February 11 th , Mersey ( 701 ) , Angel Hotel , Birkenhead , at 5 . Chapter . — Wednesday 3 rd , Fidelity ( 701 ) , Angel Hotel , at 6 . Hyde . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 465 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Thursday , the 28 th instant , at the Norfolk Hotel , when the Lodge
was opened m form by the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Wood ; and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Mr . James Perrin , of Hyde , was balloted for , and unanimously elected . The ceremony of initiation was performed "b y the W . M . in his usual excellent style . The other business of the evening having been disposed of , and the , Lodge closed , the Brethren partook of refreshments , and separated in peace and harmony , after spending a very pleasant evening , at the hour of high twelve . This Lodge-room , which has just been refurnished at considerable expense , was , for the first time , this evening splendidly lighted by a sun-light , which , by causing a thorough ventilation , has rendered this the best and most comfortable room in the district .
Lodges . —Wednesday , February 3 rd , Perseverance ( 190 ) , London Hotel , Sidmouth , at 7 ; Monday 8 th , Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmouth , at 6 5 Wednesday 10 th , Fortitude ( 122 ) , Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , at 7 .
DORSETSHIRE . Lodges . —Wednesday , February 3 rd , Faith and Unanimity ( 605 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Dorchester , at 6 ; Thursday 4 th , Unity ( 542 ) , Town Hall , Wareham , at 6 ; Science ( 640 ) , Bourton Private Rooms , at 7 ; Montague ( 963 ) Lion Inn , Lyme Regis , at 7 . DURHAM .
Lodges . —Thursday , February 4 th , Tees ( 749 ) , Black Lion , Stockton , at 7 ; Thursday 11 th , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Sunderland , at 7 .
ESSEX . Lodges . —Monday , February 8 , Star in the East ( 935 ) , Private Rooms , Harwich , at 7 ; United ( 998 ) , George Hotel , Colchester , at 7- Chapters . —Essex ( 343 ) , George Hotel , Chelmsford , at 7 j Patriotic ( 59 ) , Cups Hotel , Colchester , at 7 . Romford . —Lodge of Hope and Unity ( No . 259 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge , held at the White Hart Inn , on Thursday , the 28 th of January , 1858 , two Brethren were passed to the 2 nd Degree . The installation of the W . M . elect ¦ w as performed by the W . Bro . W . Pulteney Scott , the immediate P . M . of the Lodge of Antiquity , in a very admirable manner , so much so that it was
resolved that a vote of thanks expressive of the feelings of the Brethren should be entered on the minutes . The W . Bro . George Augustus Addison ( P . Prov . G . Purs . ) appointed as his Officers : —Bros . . John G , Matthews , S . W . ; T . E . Dashwood , J . W . ; Frederick Adlard ( P . Prov . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ) , Treas . ; Augustus N . Tbiselton ( P . Prov . G-. Reg . ) , Sec ; Eev . W . Y . Dawson , M . A ., Chaplain ; Wm . P . Scott , S . D . ; Josiah Walker , J , D . This Lodge numbers some of the most distinguished Prov . (} . Officers amongst its members , including Bro . Frederick Pattison , Prov . J . G . W ., & c . & c . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Arthur Pattison , No . G ; Charles II . Law , P . M . No . 109 , and P ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' provincial .
BRISTOL . Lodges . —Wednesday , February 3 rd , Moira ( 408 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ; Monday 8 th , Royal Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ; Tuesday gth , Jerusalem ( 986 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 - , Wednesday 10 th , Royal Sussex ( 221 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Instruction . —Friday , at 7 . Chapters . —Thursday 4 th , Hospitality ( 221 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 j Thursday ilth , Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons ' Hall , at 7 . CHESHIRE .
Lodges . —Thmsd & y , February 11 th , Mersey ( 701 ) , Angel Hotel , Birkenhead , at 5 . Chapter . — Wednesday 3 rd , Fidelity ( 701 ) , Angel Hotel , at 6 . Hyde . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 465 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Thursday , the 28 th instant , at the Norfolk Hotel , when the Lodge
was opened m form by the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Wood ; and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Mr . James Perrin , of Hyde , was balloted for , and unanimously elected . The ceremony of initiation was performed "b y the W . M . in his usual excellent style . The other business of the evening having been disposed of , and the , Lodge closed , the Brethren partook of refreshments , and separated in peace and harmony , after spending a very pleasant evening , at the hour of high twelve . This Lodge-room , which has just been refurnished at considerable expense , was , for the first time , this evening splendidly lighted by a sun-light , which , by causing a thorough ventilation , has rendered this the best and most comfortable room in the district .
Lodges . —Wednesday , February 3 rd , Perseverance ( 190 ) , London Hotel , Sidmouth , at 7 ; Monday 8 th , Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmouth , at 6 5 Wednesday 10 th , Fortitude ( 122 ) , Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , at 7 .
DORSETSHIRE . Lodges . —Wednesday , February 3 rd , Faith and Unanimity ( 605 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Dorchester , at 6 ; Thursday 4 th , Unity ( 542 ) , Town Hall , Wareham , at 6 ; Science ( 640 ) , Bourton Private Rooms , at 7 ; Montague ( 963 ) Lion Inn , Lyme Regis , at 7 . DURHAM .
Lodges . —Thursday , February 4 th , Tees ( 749 ) , Black Lion , Stockton , at 7 ; Thursday 11 th , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Sunderland , at 7 .
ESSEX . Lodges . —Monday , February 8 , Star in the East ( 935 ) , Private Rooms , Harwich , at 7 ; United ( 998 ) , George Hotel , Colchester , at 7- Chapters . —Essex ( 343 ) , George Hotel , Chelmsford , at 7 j Patriotic ( 59 ) , Cups Hotel , Colchester , at 7 . Romford . —Lodge of Hope and Unity ( No . 259 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge , held at the White Hart Inn , on Thursday , the 28 th of January , 1858 , two Brethren were passed to the 2 nd Degree . The installation of the W . M . elect ¦ w as performed by the W . Bro . W . Pulteney Scott , the immediate P . M . of the Lodge of Antiquity , in a very admirable manner , so much so that it was
resolved that a vote of thanks expressive of the feelings of the Brethren should be entered on the minutes . The W . Bro . George Augustus Addison ( P . Prov . G . Purs . ) appointed as his Officers : —Bros . . John G , Matthews , S . W . ; T . E . Dashwood , J . W . ; Frederick Adlard ( P . Prov . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ) , Treas . ; Augustus N . Tbiselton ( P . Prov . G-. Reg . ) , Sec ; Eev . W . Y . Dawson , M . A ., Chaplain ; Wm . P . Scott , S . D . ; Josiah Walker , J , D . This Lodge numbers some of the most distinguished Prov . (} . Officers amongst its members , including Bro . Frederick Pattison , Prov . J . G . W ., & c . & c . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Arthur Pattison , No . G ; Charles II . Law , P . M . No . 109 , and P ,