Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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< . . ' -.. '¦ ¦ r ____ ¦ - ' l » to the case ; this was cheerfully responded to by all present . The Grand Master ' s Lodge has given £ 50 to this charitable object . All business ended , the Brethren adjourned to banquet , and the pleasures of the evening were much enhanced by the musical talent of Bros . Smale , John Barker , Prov . J . G . D . of Northumberland , and Staite , P . M . No . 109 ; Bros . How , Powell , and Webb , were also visitors .
Lodge of Honoue and Generosity ( No . 194 ) . —This Lodge met at the London Tavern , on Tuesday , 26 th Fe hruary , when the W . M ., in an able manner , raised a Brother to the Sublime Degree of M . M . Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . —Bro . Jackson , W . M ., presided , for the first time since his installation , at a meeting of this Lodge , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , a large num . her of the members being present . The Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken for Messrs . Bertin and Westfield , who
Were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Bros . Sankey , Terry , and Edwards were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft , these ceremonies being performed by the new W . M . in so excellent a mariner as to warrant us in saying that the * f Old Concord " will lose none of its prestige during the present year . At a later period of the evening it was announced that the Lodge would be represented at the Boys' and Girls' anniversary festivals by the W . M ., Bro . Jackson , and Bro . Waters . Four gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next
meeting of the Lodge , and two Brothers for joining . It was further stated that the ball , on the preceding Wednesday , went off with great eclat , and the Masonic charities would be benefited by the surplus to the extent of about £ 40 . At the banqueting table the usual toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Hales , in answer to the health of the Chaplains , addressed the Brethren upon the subject of Freemasonry , taking a brief glance at the sublime doctrines , which , he said , should be the pride of all to study . The reverend Brother dilated at some length upon this interesting subject .
Lodge of Industry ( No . 219 ) . —This numerous Lodge held the installation meeting at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick ' s Coffee-house , on the 26 th ult ., a large number of Brethren greeting this important occasion by their presence , Bro . Orelli , W . M ., presiding for the last time , having passed through a very satisfactory year of office , Mr . David Lunnun received the honour of initiation , and Bros . Sutton and Gate were raised to the 3 rd Degree , the W . M . performing the 1 st Degree , and
Bro . Suter , P . M ., the raising ; after which , Bro . Orelh , assisted by Bro . Cooper , P . M . No . 752 , proceeded with the installation , which was well performed , and elicited encomiums from all present . Bro . Guy , the late S . W ., being duly installed , invested the following Brethren with the collars of the various offices : — Bros . H . Baker , S . W . ; Cotterell , J . W . ; Piatt , S . D . ; Woodstock , J . D . ; H . J . Lake , I . G . ; Lescombe , the father of the Lodge , iVeas ., whose name , it was said , appeared on the books of the Lodge as far back as 1833 , as then holding the same office . Bro . H . Carpenter , who is next in seniority , was re-appointed Secretary .
The visitors were , Bros . Brett , W . M . No . 206 ; Cooper , P . M . No . 752 ; Jiinckes , £ . M . No . 11 ; Figg , W . M . No . 318 ; W . Watson , Grand Steward's Lodge , Davis , No . 201 ; Eves , No . 29 ; and Beuler , No . 115 . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , Bro . Quelch being highly praised for his catering . The usual complimentary toasts and speeches followed , and a happy evening resulted , the Brethren retiring at an early hour in peace and harmony .
Panmure Lodge ( No . 1017 . )—An emergency meeting of this newly constituted Lodge was held , on Saturday , Feb . 6 , at the Pembury Arms Tavern , Lower Clapton . The W . M , Bro . Henry Muggeridge , presided . All his Officers wore in attendance , and , we were pleased to see , most perfect in their duties . Mr , C . J . Brightman , and Capt . Bobert Johnson , were initiated ; Bros . Courtenay , Dewar , and Paddle , were passed to the 2 nd Degree ; and Bro . Abbot ( the worthy host of the Tavern ) was raised to the degree of M . M . The Brethren present
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< . . ' -.. '¦ ¦ r ____ ¦ - ' l » to the case ; this was cheerfully responded to by all present . The Grand Master ' s Lodge has given £ 50 to this charitable object . All business ended , the Brethren adjourned to banquet , and the pleasures of the evening were much enhanced by the musical talent of Bros . Smale , John Barker , Prov . J . G . D . of Northumberland , and Staite , P . M . No . 109 ; Bros . How , Powell , and Webb , were also visitors .
Lodge of Honoue and Generosity ( No . 194 ) . —This Lodge met at the London Tavern , on Tuesday , 26 th Fe hruary , when the W . M ., in an able manner , raised a Brother to the Sublime Degree of M . M . Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . —Bro . Jackson , W . M ., presided , for the first time since his installation , at a meeting of this Lodge , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , a large num . her of the members being present . The Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken for Messrs . Bertin and Westfield , who
Were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Bros . Sankey , Terry , and Edwards were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft , these ceremonies being performed by the new W . M . in so excellent a mariner as to warrant us in saying that the * f Old Concord " will lose none of its prestige during the present year . At a later period of the evening it was announced that the Lodge would be represented at the Boys' and Girls' anniversary festivals by the W . M ., Bro . Jackson , and Bro . Waters . Four gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next
meeting of the Lodge , and two Brothers for joining . It was further stated that the ball , on the preceding Wednesday , went off with great eclat , and the Masonic charities would be benefited by the surplus to the extent of about £ 40 . At the banqueting table the usual toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Hales , in answer to the health of the Chaplains , addressed the Brethren upon the subject of Freemasonry , taking a brief glance at the sublime doctrines , which , he said , should be the pride of all to study . The reverend Brother dilated at some length upon this interesting subject .
Lodge of Industry ( No . 219 ) . —This numerous Lodge held the installation meeting at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick ' s Coffee-house , on the 26 th ult ., a large number of Brethren greeting this important occasion by their presence , Bro . Orelli , W . M ., presiding for the last time , having passed through a very satisfactory year of office , Mr . David Lunnun received the honour of initiation , and Bros . Sutton and Gate were raised to the 3 rd Degree , the W . M . performing the 1 st Degree , and
Bro . Suter , P . M ., the raising ; after which , Bro . Orelh , assisted by Bro . Cooper , P . M . No . 752 , proceeded with the installation , which was well performed , and elicited encomiums from all present . Bro . Guy , the late S . W ., being duly installed , invested the following Brethren with the collars of the various offices : — Bros . H . Baker , S . W . ; Cotterell , J . W . ; Piatt , S . D . ; Woodstock , J . D . ; H . J . Lake , I . G . ; Lescombe , the father of the Lodge , iVeas ., whose name , it was said , appeared on the books of the Lodge as far back as 1833 , as then holding the same office . Bro . H . Carpenter , who is next in seniority , was re-appointed Secretary .
The visitors were , Bros . Brett , W . M . No . 206 ; Cooper , P . M . No . 752 ; Jiinckes , £ . M . No . 11 ; Figg , W . M . No . 318 ; W . Watson , Grand Steward's Lodge , Davis , No . 201 ; Eves , No . 29 ; and Beuler , No . 115 . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , Bro . Quelch being highly praised for his catering . The usual complimentary toasts and speeches followed , and a happy evening resulted , the Brethren retiring at an early hour in peace and harmony .
Panmure Lodge ( No . 1017 . )—An emergency meeting of this newly constituted Lodge was held , on Saturday , Feb . 6 , at the Pembury Arms Tavern , Lower Clapton . The W . M , Bro . Henry Muggeridge , presided . All his Officers wore in attendance , and , we were pleased to see , most perfect in their duties . Mr , C . J . Brightman , and Capt . Bobert Johnson , were initiated ; Bros . Courtenay , Dewar , and Paddle , were passed to the 2 nd Degree ; and Bro . Abbot ( the worthy host of the Tavern ) was raised to the degree of M . M . The Brethren present