Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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supped together , and the pleasures of the hour were increased by the imitative and vocal talent of Bro . Douglas Thompson . Bros . Eglese , How , Norris , and Courtena ^ were visitors . Westbotjene Lodge ( No . 1035 ) . — The consecration of this Lodge was solemnized at the Manor House Tavern , Westbonrne Terrace North , Harrow Boad , Paddington , on the 4 th inst , under most favourable auspices . As a large amount of business had to be gone through , the necessary preliminaries were commenced
punctually at the appointed time , three o clock . Before entering on our report of the proceedings , we should state that the arrangements for rendering this consecration befitting such an important occasion , were upon a grand scale . Bro . W . Watson undertook to consecrate the Lodge , and Bro . T . A . Adams to instal the first W . M . These ceremonies are always impressive when such zealous and highly-gifted Masons as Bros . Watson and Adams conduct them ; but it too often happens that the absence of musical accompaniments renders the proceedings less solemn than it is intended they should be . On this occasion , however , we are
happy to say that the Brethren of the Westbourne Lodge well knew how to inaugurate its opening in the most creditable manner . Bros . Hart , Fielding , Ford , andT . Williams , were engaged as musical Brethren , assisted by Bros . Bradley and Bower ;> twelve-stop harmonium , and an excellent piano being provided for them . After opening the Lodge with solemn prayer , an ode Ci Let there be Light , ' was admirably sung . The Brethren of the new Lodge were then presented , and the Charter or Warrant from Grand Lodge read . Another prayer , and the royal salute followed , when Bro . Watson delivered the Dedication Prayer in a very
impressive manner ; after which , the Lodge was unvailed , and the ode- —" Hail Immortal Lord ! " was sung . Again a prayer , followed by the chant \ Glory be to God . " Bro . Hart next played Mendelssohn ' s < f Wedding March , " whilst the Brethren made the usual procession round the Lodge , with corn , wine , and oil , emblematicall y diffusing the blessings of plenty , happiness , and peace upon the Westbourne Lodge amidst a flood of harmony . u Glory be to God " was the appropriate theme wnich ushered in the constitution , and the 122 nd Psalm , and a solemn prayer , appropriately closed the interesting ceremony . The installation followed ,
in which Bro . Adams ably discharged his duties , and placed Bro . A . D . Loe wenstark , P . M . No . 805 , in the chair , as first Master of the Westbourne Lodge , Bro . Loewenstark appointed the following Brethren as his Officers : —Bros . A . 0 . Cottebrune , S . W . No , 206 ; H . A . Stacey , J . W . No . 211 ; B . Eussen , S . D . No . 206 ; F . A . Dietrich , J . D . No . 206 ; W . Harrison , LG . No . 211 ; J . Caldwell , Nos . 25 and 276 , was elected Treas . ; Cottebrune , Sec . pro tern . ; and Badley , Tyler . A dispensation from the M . W . G-. M . was-then read , in which , in consideration of the auspicious circumstances under which the Westbourne
Lodge was commencing its career , he empowered the W . M . elect to initiate eight candidates into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . The whole of the candidates were in attendance , balloted for , and unanimously approved . The W . M . now commenced his task , and in a clear and impressive manner initiated each of the candidates separately . Again we would call attention to the agreeable relief which the charms of music add to such ceremonies . The following were the initiates , —Samuel Bailey , the worthy host of the Manor-house ; Johann J . F . lienner , Anton Midler , David Little , James Bichards , Henry Solomon , Henry
( lovier , Gustave Neimke . The following Brethren were admitted as joining members , —Angelo Badini , No . 85 ; Bernard Lippmann , No . 218 ; H . M . Arliss , P . M . No . 237 . Several candidates for initiation and others as joining members are already proposed . The Westbourne having -thus in a few hours increased its members to a goodly number , began to use its influence . The first proposition was from the S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., that Bro . W . Watson be elected as an
honorary member . The next was from the . S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., that Bro . T . A . Adams bo elected to the same honourable distinction ; and then a similar compliment proposed by the S . W ., and seconded by Bro . Stacey , was paid to Bro . Hart . An excellent banquet had in the meantime been prepared by Bro . Bailey , who had the honour of being one of the eight newly initiated Brethren . After so much labour , the Brethren enjoyed the refreshment with
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
supped together , and the pleasures of the hour were increased by the imitative and vocal talent of Bro . Douglas Thompson . Bros . Eglese , How , Norris , and Courtena ^ were visitors . Westbotjene Lodge ( No . 1035 ) . — The consecration of this Lodge was solemnized at the Manor House Tavern , Westbonrne Terrace North , Harrow Boad , Paddington , on the 4 th inst , under most favourable auspices . As a large amount of business had to be gone through , the necessary preliminaries were commenced
punctually at the appointed time , three o clock . Before entering on our report of the proceedings , we should state that the arrangements for rendering this consecration befitting such an important occasion , were upon a grand scale . Bro . W . Watson undertook to consecrate the Lodge , and Bro . T . A . Adams to instal the first W . M . These ceremonies are always impressive when such zealous and highly-gifted Masons as Bros . Watson and Adams conduct them ; but it too often happens that the absence of musical accompaniments renders the proceedings less solemn than it is intended they should be . On this occasion , however , we are
happy to say that the Brethren of the Westbourne Lodge well knew how to inaugurate its opening in the most creditable manner . Bros . Hart , Fielding , Ford , andT . Williams , were engaged as musical Brethren , assisted by Bros . Bradley and Bower ;> twelve-stop harmonium , and an excellent piano being provided for them . After opening the Lodge with solemn prayer , an ode Ci Let there be Light , ' was admirably sung . The Brethren of the new Lodge were then presented , and the Charter or Warrant from Grand Lodge read . Another prayer , and the royal salute followed , when Bro . Watson delivered the Dedication Prayer in a very
impressive manner ; after which , the Lodge was unvailed , and the ode- —" Hail Immortal Lord ! " was sung . Again a prayer , followed by the chant \ Glory be to God . " Bro . Hart next played Mendelssohn ' s < f Wedding March , " whilst the Brethren made the usual procession round the Lodge , with corn , wine , and oil , emblematicall y diffusing the blessings of plenty , happiness , and peace upon the Westbourne Lodge amidst a flood of harmony . u Glory be to God " was the appropriate theme wnich ushered in the constitution , and the 122 nd Psalm , and a solemn prayer , appropriately closed the interesting ceremony . The installation followed ,
in which Bro . Adams ably discharged his duties , and placed Bro . A . D . Loe wenstark , P . M . No . 805 , in the chair , as first Master of the Westbourne Lodge , Bro . Loewenstark appointed the following Brethren as his Officers : —Bros . A . 0 . Cottebrune , S . W . No , 206 ; H . A . Stacey , J . W . No . 211 ; B . Eussen , S . D . No . 206 ; F . A . Dietrich , J . D . No . 206 ; W . Harrison , LG . No . 211 ; J . Caldwell , Nos . 25 and 276 , was elected Treas . ; Cottebrune , Sec . pro tern . ; and Badley , Tyler . A dispensation from the M . W . G-. M . was-then read , in which , in consideration of the auspicious circumstances under which the Westbourne
Lodge was commencing its career , he empowered the W . M . elect to initiate eight candidates into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . The whole of the candidates were in attendance , balloted for , and unanimously approved . The W . M . now commenced his task , and in a clear and impressive manner initiated each of the candidates separately . Again we would call attention to the agreeable relief which the charms of music add to such ceremonies . The following were the initiates , —Samuel Bailey , the worthy host of the Manor-house ; Johann J . F . lienner , Anton Midler , David Little , James Bichards , Henry Solomon , Henry
( lovier , Gustave Neimke . The following Brethren were admitted as joining members , —Angelo Badini , No . 85 ; Bernard Lippmann , No . 218 ; H . M . Arliss , P . M . No . 237 . Several candidates for initiation and others as joining members are already proposed . The Westbourne having -thus in a few hours increased its members to a goodly number , began to use its influence . The first proposition was from the S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., that Bro . W . Watson be elected as an
honorary member . The next was from the . S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., that Bro . T . A . Adams bo elected to the same honourable distinction ; and then a similar compliment proposed by the S . W ., and seconded by Bro . Stacey , was paid to Bro . Hart . An excellent banquet had in the meantime been prepared by Bro . Bailey , who had the honour of being one of the eight newly initiated Brethren . After so much labour , the Brethren enjoyed the refreshment with