Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 6 of 6 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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great zest and satisfaction . The solemn strains of the harmonium now gave way to the more lively tones of the piano . Toast and song alternated rapidly ; beautiful glees were judiciously introduced , and excellent songs were sung . Bro . Charles Sloman sang one well timed on the treachery of the sepoys ; and lest that subject should press too heavily on the feelings at such a meeting , Bro . Caldwell followed with the laughable song of the . " Shovel and Broom . " To add still further to the attractiveness of the entertainment , Bro . Bradley played Be
Beriot ' s concerto on the violin , accompanied on the piano by Bro . Hart . The meeting was most harmonious ; one Brother was so impatient to he admitted as a joinging member , that he wanted to break through our Masonic rules , and be elected there and then . He has , however , but a short time to wait before he will be enrolled on the books . We conclude our report by giving a list of the visitors , viz . — -Bros . Frazer , No . 3 ; Panchand , No . 7 , and J . W . No . 778 ; W . Watsoo , P . M . No . 23 ; John Dyte , P . M . No . 25 : Fielding , No . 25 ; Fryer , No . 25 ;
Sloman , No . 25 ; H . Hales , No . 53 ; Codner , No . 53 Jones , No . 106 , and S . D . No . 76 ; G . W . Bower , I . G . No . 108 ; Handover , No . 168 ; Waitt , P . M . No . 168 ; Hart , No . 169 ; Lyne , No . 185 ; Ford , No . 202 ; T . A . Adams , P . M . No . 206 ; Brett , W . M . No . 206 ; Olver , S . D . No . 209 ; G . Thorns , No . 219 ; Grdles , P . M . No . 219 ; S . V . Abraham , No . 223 ; S . Abraham , No . 223 ; John Solomon , No . 223 ; Foster , No . 276 ; H . S . Cooper , No . 752 , and P . M . No . 276 ; Allen , P . M . No . 276 ; D . B . Adams , No . 3 ? 6 ; Wille , No . 634 ; Duby , No . 752 ; Welsford , No . 805 ; Gobey , No . 955 ; Willis , No . 955 ; T . Williams , and Bradley .
INSTBTJCTION . Percy Lodge ( No . 234 ) . —This old-established Lodge of Instruction , which formerly met at Down-street , Piccadilly , has been removed to Bro . Painter ' s , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , where the mother Lodge is held ; and has changed its night of meeting . It will now assemble on Saturday evenings , at seven o ' clock . Its opening under the new arrangements took place on Saturday last , when there was a very large attendance . Bro . J . B . Warren , No . 745 , occupied the chair . The ceremony of initiation and all the sections of the 1 st
Lecture were ably worked . Bros . Farmer , Thomas , Brett , Somers , Braham , Hay don , Barnett , Prince , Piatt , Solomon , Kerr , Isaacs , Moss , Bower , Hodson , Donohue , Hart , Mayer , Vanderlyn , and Painter , were elected joining members . Bro . W . Charnock was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Burrell , W . M . of the mother Lodge , expressed his delight at seeing so great a muster , and said it was no doubt attributable to the energy of Bros . Warren and Charnock , under whose care he had no doubt the Lodge , both for instruction and numbers , would
shortly he second to none . The Brethren then saluted Bro . Warren with honours . It was resolved that the annual festival should take place on the 6 th March , on which occasion the ceremony of installation will be worked by Bro . Thomas , the -veteran P . M . No . 745 ; and we understand that Bro . Lambert , P . M . No . 234 , will be requested to preside at the banquet . We believe this Lodge was established by Peter Gilkes ; and the 100-guinea jewel which was presented to him is now the proportv of Bro . Key , one of the members .
BEDFORDSHIRE . 0 * Bedfohd . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 7 ' 87 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge held their regular monthly meeting in the 3 ' jodge-room , George Hotel , on Wednesday , Jan . 27 , Bro . J . B . Bull , W . M .., presiding . The Lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed : the audit com-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
great zest and satisfaction . The solemn strains of the harmonium now gave way to the more lively tones of the piano . Toast and song alternated rapidly ; beautiful glees were judiciously introduced , and excellent songs were sung . Bro . Charles Sloman sang one well timed on the treachery of the sepoys ; and lest that subject should press too heavily on the feelings at such a meeting , Bro . Caldwell followed with the laughable song of the . " Shovel and Broom . " To add still further to the attractiveness of the entertainment , Bro . Bradley played Be
Beriot ' s concerto on the violin , accompanied on the piano by Bro . Hart . The meeting was most harmonious ; one Brother was so impatient to he admitted as a joinging member , that he wanted to break through our Masonic rules , and be elected there and then . He has , however , but a short time to wait before he will be enrolled on the books . We conclude our report by giving a list of the visitors , viz . — -Bros . Frazer , No . 3 ; Panchand , No . 7 , and J . W . No . 778 ; W . Watsoo , P . M . No . 23 ; John Dyte , P . M . No . 25 : Fielding , No . 25 ; Fryer , No . 25 ;
Sloman , No . 25 ; H . Hales , No . 53 ; Codner , No . 53 Jones , No . 106 , and S . D . No . 76 ; G . W . Bower , I . G . No . 108 ; Handover , No . 168 ; Waitt , P . M . No . 168 ; Hart , No . 169 ; Lyne , No . 185 ; Ford , No . 202 ; T . A . Adams , P . M . No . 206 ; Brett , W . M . No . 206 ; Olver , S . D . No . 209 ; G . Thorns , No . 219 ; Grdles , P . M . No . 219 ; S . V . Abraham , No . 223 ; S . Abraham , No . 223 ; John Solomon , No . 223 ; Foster , No . 276 ; H . S . Cooper , No . 752 , and P . M . No . 276 ; Allen , P . M . No . 276 ; D . B . Adams , No . 3 ? 6 ; Wille , No . 634 ; Duby , No . 752 ; Welsford , No . 805 ; Gobey , No . 955 ; Willis , No . 955 ; T . Williams , and Bradley .
INSTBTJCTION . Percy Lodge ( No . 234 ) . —This old-established Lodge of Instruction , which formerly met at Down-street , Piccadilly , has been removed to Bro . Painter ' s , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , where the mother Lodge is held ; and has changed its night of meeting . It will now assemble on Saturday evenings , at seven o ' clock . Its opening under the new arrangements took place on Saturday last , when there was a very large attendance . Bro . J . B . Warren , No . 745 , occupied the chair . The ceremony of initiation and all the sections of the 1 st
Lecture were ably worked . Bros . Farmer , Thomas , Brett , Somers , Braham , Hay don , Barnett , Prince , Piatt , Solomon , Kerr , Isaacs , Moss , Bower , Hodson , Donohue , Hart , Mayer , Vanderlyn , and Painter , were elected joining members . Bro . W . Charnock was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Burrell , W . M . of the mother Lodge , expressed his delight at seeing so great a muster , and said it was no doubt attributable to the energy of Bros . Warren and Charnock , under whose care he had no doubt the Lodge , both for instruction and numbers , would
shortly he second to none . The Brethren then saluted Bro . Warren with honours . It was resolved that the annual festival should take place on the 6 th March , on which occasion the ceremony of installation will be worked by Bro . Thomas , the -veteran P . M . No . 745 ; and we understand that Bro . Lambert , P . M . No . 234 , will be requested to preside at the banquet . We believe this Lodge was established by Peter Gilkes ; and the 100-guinea jewel which was presented to him is now the proportv of Bro . Key , one of the members .
BEDFORDSHIRE . 0 * Bedfohd . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 7 ' 87 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge held their regular monthly meeting in the 3 ' jodge-room , George Hotel , on Wednesday , Jan . 27 , Bro . J . B . Bull , W . M .., presiding . The Lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed : the audit com-