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tinned prosperity of the Lodge , "whose success hitherto has exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the office-bearers , for during the last two years she has increased her strength by the admission of 167 members . The Lodge having been called to refreshment , Bro . Clark gave a most interesting c < Sketch of his Personal Adventures in Europe and America , " eliciting great applause from the
Brethren , which was much increased by a . promise on the part of Bro . Clark to amplify this sketch with more minute details on a future occasion . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and responded to , enlivened with song and sentiment , the Lodge was , at high twelve , called back to labour , and thereafter closed in due form .
ROYAL ARCH . Glasgow .- — -Glasgow Chapter ( No . 50 ) . — -An emergency meeting of this Chapter was held on Friday , the 29 th ult ., for the purpose of admitting into the Mark and Past Degrees , Bro . Charles Brown , M . M . of the Lodge St . Mark , preparatory to his exaltation at the regular monthly meeting on Friday the 5 th inst . The
Office-bearers on the occasion were Bro . Donald Campbell , R . W . M . ; F . A . Barrow , S . W . ; and John Werge , J . W . ; and a number of the members . The Chapter was on this occasion graced by the presence of the Grand First Principal for Scotland , and several of the Office-bearers of the Prov . Grand Chapter for the Western District of Scotland .
TASMANIA . We have received copies of a long correspondence on which the following memorial is founded , and , after carefully perusing the various documents , have come to the conclusion that the Brethren of Lodge No . 781 , have good ground to complain of the conduct of the Prov . G . M ., who appears to have inaugurated his entrance upon office in a very arbitrary and un-Masonic manner . If all we have heard be true , we have further reason to believe that the appointment of Bro .
Ewing as Prov . G . M . was made without the M . W . G . M . being in full possession of the position held in the colony by the Rev . Bro ., a difficulty which we regret to say the M . W . G . M . too often labours under in the appointment of Brethren to the position of Prov . G . M . in the colonies ; though we believe this is the first instance in which the appointment has been so directly challenged . We shall probably recur to this subject prior to the next meeting of Grand Lodge .
TO THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OP FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . The Memorial of the undersigned Members of the Antient and Honourable Order of Free and Accepted Masons residing in and near Ilobart Toion , in the Island of Tasmania ,
Most Respectfully Sheweth , That in December , 1856 , the Most Worshipful the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England was pleased , by virtue of the prerogative vested in him by the Book of Constitutions , to issue a patent appointing the Rev . R . K . Ewing to be the R . W . Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Tasmania , during his pleasure : And whereas we the undersigned consider that such prerogative has been used without due enquiry as to " eminence and ability in the Craft " of the Brother
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tinned prosperity of the Lodge , "whose success hitherto has exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the office-bearers , for during the last two years she has increased her strength by the admission of 167 members . The Lodge having been called to refreshment , Bro . Clark gave a most interesting c < Sketch of his Personal Adventures in Europe and America , " eliciting great applause from the
Brethren , which was much increased by a . promise on the part of Bro . Clark to amplify this sketch with more minute details on a future occasion . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and responded to , enlivened with song and sentiment , the Lodge was , at high twelve , called back to labour , and thereafter closed in due form .
ROYAL ARCH . Glasgow .- — -Glasgow Chapter ( No . 50 ) . — -An emergency meeting of this Chapter was held on Friday , the 29 th ult ., for the purpose of admitting into the Mark and Past Degrees , Bro . Charles Brown , M . M . of the Lodge St . Mark , preparatory to his exaltation at the regular monthly meeting on Friday the 5 th inst . The
Office-bearers on the occasion were Bro . Donald Campbell , R . W . M . ; F . A . Barrow , S . W . ; and John Werge , J . W . ; and a number of the members . The Chapter was on this occasion graced by the presence of the Grand First Principal for Scotland , and several of the Office-bearers of the Prov . Grand Chapter for the Western District of Scotland .
TASMANIA . We have received copies of a long correspondence on which the following memorial is founded , and , after carefully perusing the various documents , have come to the conclusion that the Brethren of Lodge No . 781 , have good ground to complain of the conduct of the Prov . G . M ., who appears to have inaugurated his entrance upon office in a very arbitrary and un-Masonic manner . If all we have heard be true , we have further reason to believe that the appointment of Bro .
Ewing as Prov . G . M . was made without the M . W . G . M . being in full possession of the position held in the colony by the Rev . Bro ., a difficulty which we regret to say the M . W . G . M . too often labours under in the appointment of Brethren to the position of Prov . G . M . in the colonies ; though we believe this is the first instance in which the appointment has been so directly challenged . We shall probably recur to this subject prior to the next meeting of Grand Lodge .
TO THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OP FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . The Memorial of the undersigned Members of the Antient and Honourable Order of Free and Accepted Masons residing in and near Ilobart Toion , in the Island of Tasmania ,
Most Respectfully Sheweth , That in December , 1856 , the Most Worshipful the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England was pleased , by virtue of the prerogative vested in him by the Book of Constitutions , to issue a patent appointing the Rev . R . K . Ewing to be the R . W . Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Tasmania , during his pleasure : And whereas we the undersigned consider that such prerogative has been used without due enquiry as to " eminence and ability in the Craft " of the Brother