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Masonic Festivities.
lence and in solitude to meditate upon the public advantages and disadvantages likely to arise from the royal marriage , and not having time to bring their meditations to a close . The poor received no kindly acknowledgments , nor was there any manifestation of public feeling by the general body of the inhabitants ; but several members of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , No . 52 % including the W . M . Prov . G . Sec .,, endeavoured to get tip a Masonic Ball , and so well were their
endeavours supported , that one of the largest private balls that ever took place at Ipswich was given by the Stewards to their numerous friends and Brethren on this festive occasion : upwards of 170 persons were present . Over the grand entrance to the Assembly-rooms were placed the flags of Sweden and Norway , fancifully decorated with evergreens , with a gas illumination , consisting of a crown , a star , P . E ., and the double triangle , which had a very brilliant effect ; and as it was announced that the Brethren would appear . in full Masonic costume , there was a great crowd around the entrance . On entering , the eye was
gratified by the appearance of a guard of honour , composed of Teterans of the 33 rd Regiment , under the command of a Crimean hero , Lieutenant Owens ( who was wounded by the same shot that struck off the feet of Sir T . Trowbridge ) . Advancing up the grand staircase , the company were received by several of the Stewards , who politely handed the ladies to the ball-room , the general appearance of which was very pleasing . It was tastefully decorated , and with the banners of England and Prussia , suspended from the cornice around the room , were arranged also the elegant private banners of the Knights Templar , the several banners of
the Royal Arch , and most conspicuous was the banner of the Perfect Friendship Juodge , the members of which had taken such a prominent part in the present proceedings . The peculiar dress of the Knights Templar , in the full costume of the Order , viz ., a white camlet cloak and scarlet hood , the glittering of the gold lace and jewels of the Provincial Grand Officers , the blue aprons of the Craft Masons , together with the elegant dresses of the ladies , proved a tout ensemble which must have been seen to be fully appreciated . A happier , more numerous , and more delighted party never assembled in this town under the banner of the
compass , the square , and the level . Too much praise cannot be given to the Stewards , viz ., Bros . Lieut . Owens , 33 rd Regiment ; W . P . Mills , Prov . S . G . W . ; E . Dorling , Prov . G . S ; J . K . Sedgwick , Prov . G . Reg , ; W . Ellistou , Prov . G . Treas . ; S . Freeman , P . Prov . G . Beg . ; A . Bowler , Prov . G . Org . ; G . Turner , W . M . ; R . S . Jennings , P . M . ; G . Freeman , R . Taylor , and G . Wade : there was on their part a complete abnegation of self , and an anxious wish that every one should feel that whilst all there present had met on the level , still all the etiquette , courtesies , and usages of society should be strictly observed . We were
much pleased to observe that J . C . Cobbold , Esq ., one of the members for the borough , was present , and contributed , with his usual kindness and condescension , to keep up that peace and harmony characteristic of Masonic assemblies . The Ball terminated about 4 a . m ., few if any of the company leaving until the signal was given by the band playing " God save the Queen ; " all expressing the
unalloyed pleasure they had received from the loyalty of the Masons of Ipswich ^ so ably displayed to do honour to the marriage of their Bro . H . R . fJ . Prince Frederick William of Prussia with the eldest daughter of the Queen of England . Wo would add that an elegant supper and other refreshments were provided by Bro . Guiver , of the White Horse Hotel .
The Week.
When this reaches the hands of our readers the rejoicings for the late royal wedding will have been brought to an end , and the royal pair have duly made their entrance into Berlin , the capital of the bridegroom ' s native country . Great dissatisfaction was expressed at Gravesend , on the occasion of the departure of the royal pair , by the Brethren , that an opportunity was not afforded to the Masons of Kent to present his Royal Highness with a congratulatory address prior to his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
lence and in solitude to meditate upon the public advantages and disadvantages likely to arise from the royal marriage , and not having time to bring their meditations to a close . The poor received no kindly acknowledgments , nor was there any manifestation of public feeling by the general body of the inhabitants ; but several members of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , No . 52 % including the W . M . Prov . G . Sec .,, endeavoured to get tip a Masonic Ball , and so well were their
endeavours supported , that one of the largest private balls that ever took place at Ipswich was given by the Stewards to their numerous friends and Brethren on this festive occasion : upwards of 170 persons were present . Over the grand entrance to the Assembly-rooms were placed the flags of Sweden and Norway , fancifully decorated with evergreens , with a gas illumination , consisting of a crown , a star , P . E ., and the double triangle , which had a very brilliant effect ; and as it was announced that the Brethren would appear . in full Masonic costume , there was a great crowd around the entrance . On entering , the eye was
gratified by the appearance of a guard of honour , composed of Teterans of the 33 rd Regiment , under the command of a Crimean hero , Lieutenant Owens ( who was wounded by the same shot that struck off the feet of Sir T . Trowbridge ) . Advancing up the grand staircase , the company were received by several of the Stewards , who politely handed the ladies to the ball-room , the general appearance of which was very pleasing . It was tastefully decorated , and with the banners of England and Prussia , suspended from the cornice around the room , were arranged also the elegant private banners of the Knights Templar , the several banners of
the Royal Arch , and most conspicuous was the banner of the Perfect Friendship Juodge , the members of which had taken such a prominent part in the present proceedings . The peculiar dress of the Knights Templar , in the full costume of the Order , viz ., a white camlet cloak and scarlet hood , the glittering of the gold lace and jewels of the Provincial Grand Officers , the blue aprons of the Craft Masons , together with the elegant dresses of the ladies , proved a tout ensemble which must have been seen to be fully appreciated . A happier , more numerous , and more delighted party never assembled in this town under the banner of the
compass , the square , and the level . Too much praise cannot be given to the Stewards , viz ., Bros . Lieut . Owens , 33 rd Regiment ; W . P . Mills , Prov . S . G . W . ; E . Dorling , Prov . G . S ; J . K . Sedgwick , Prov . G . Reg , ; W . Ellistou , Prov . G . Treas . ; S . Freeman , P . Prov . G . Beg . ; A . Bowler , Prov . G . Org . ; G . Turner , W . M . ; R . S . Jennings , P . M . ; G . Freeman , R . Taylor , and G . Wade : there was on their part a complete abnegation of self , and an anxious wish that every one should feel that whilst all there present had met on the level , still all the etiquette , courtesies , and usages of society should be strictly observed . We were
much pleased to observe that J . C . Cobbold , Esq ., one of the members for the borough , was present , and contributed , with his usual kindness and condescension , to keep up that peace and harmony characteristic of Masonic assemblies . The Ball terminated about 4 a . m ., few if any of the company leaving until the signal was given by the band playing " God save the Queen ; " all expressing the
unalloyed pleasure they had received from the loyalty of the Masons of Ipswich ^ so ably displayed to do honour to the marriage of their Bro . H . R . fJ . Prince Frederick William of Prussia with the eldest daughter of the Queen of England . Wo would add that an elegant supper and other refreshments were provided by Bro . Guiver , of the White Horse Hotel .
The Week.
When this reaches the hands of our readers the rejoicings for the late royal wedding will have been brought to an end , and the royal pair have duly made their entrance into Berlin , the capital of the bridegroom ' s native country . Great dissatisfaction was expressed at Gravesend , on the occasion of the departure of the royal pair , by the Brethren , that an opportunity was not afforded to the Masons of Kent to present his Royal Highness with a congratulatory address prior to his