Article THE MASONIC MIIROR, ← Page 3 of 13 →
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The Masonic Miiror,
I have no indention to cast a slur on any Prov . G . M . whose . Prov . Grand Lodge is presided over by deputy , because then no injury is done to the Craft . The motion was then put and agreed to .
PROV . GKANB LODGES IN ENGLAND . Bro . Portal then moved " That the Board of General Purposes be requested to procure a return of the number of Prov . Grand Lodges held in each province during the last ten years , specifying those at which the Prov . Grand Master has presided in person , and to report the same to Grand Lodge . " Bro . Beadon doubted whether the Book of Constitutions gave them power to do anything of this kind . The return could not pass through the Board of General Purposes . He wished it to be understood that he was not ^ opposirig the return . The
Book of Constitutions gave no power to Grand Lodg-e to order this return , but the Grand Master might order copies of the minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodges so far as they showed how often those Prov . Grand Lodges had been held , and how often theProv . Gr . M . or the D . Prov . G . M . had presided . But it could not be made to the Board of General Purposes ; and yet to put the thing in that order in which it ought really to be , according to the proposal of Bro . Portal , it ought to be made to them . I have not the slightest objection to the return in any way ^ so long as it k made in the proper form , viz . at the request of the M . W . the G . M ., or of the G-rand Lodge , instead of the Board of General Purposes .
Bro . Portal : The whole point between myself arid the Brother who has just addressed you is , whether the Board of General Purposes or the Grand Lodge should get this return . I have said , in order to be more courteous , be requested , " which simply means desired to procure a return , & c , according to the Book of Constitutions , which states that the Board of General Purposes shall conduct all correspondence between Grand Lodge and the subordinate Lodges . ' « tf
Bro . Beadon : That is ^ correspondence , " this is a return , " which is quite a different thing . I shall be happy to move an amendment— " That the Grand Sec . be directed to obtain from the Prov . Grand Lodges a return of the number of Prov . Grand Lodges which have been held during the last ten years , and the names of the presiding officers . " You will find that that will be the best way . Bro . Portal was understood to agree to this , and the motion was passed unanimously . ANTAGONISM OF ROMAN" CATHOLICISM TO FREEMASONEY .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , S . W . No . 10 , moved : "That Grand Lodge , having seen with regret the antagonistic position assumed by the Roman Catholic Church towards Masonry , desires the Board of General Purposes to draw up a statement of the principles of the Order , that the same be sent to the Masters of all Lodges under the Grand Lodge of England in Eonian Catholic countries , to be read by them as they shall think fit . " He said : Most Worshipful Sir and Brethren , I regret that this motion has not fallen into abler hands than mine . As the subject is so
important to the interests of Masonry , not merely in this country , but throughout the world , I regret that such a motion as this should not have been brought forward by . some Worshipful Brother upon the dais . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) His words would have fallen with far greater weight than mine can have ; but , in the absence of any one of them , I have very cheerfully undertaken the task myself . ( Hear . ) It is painful , M . W . Sir , for mo to dwell on the subject of this motionupon the persecutions which so many of our Brethren abroad have suffered . It is still more painful to me to * think that there exists at tins day a Church which
can believe that her faith is upheld , and that the cause of religion is advanced , by placing under the ban of excommunication , and by subjecting to oppressions so undeserved , those members of her communion who differ from her on no article of her faith , refuse assent to no one single dogma , but only claim the right of membership in our ancient , noble , and honourable Order . ( Loud applause . ) . But unhappily such is the case . _ The Roman Catliolic Church now , as in former times , does not hesitate to avow ita intolerance of every study and pursuit which she cannot control ; and , unfortunately , untaught by ' tradition and by the experience of
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The Masonic Miiror,
I have no indention to cast a slur on any Prov . G . M . whose . Prov . Grand Lodge is presided over by deputy , because then no injury is done to the Craft . The motion was then put and agreed to .
PROV . GKANB LODGES IN ENGLAND . Bro . Portal then moved " That the Board of General Purposes be requested to procure a return of the number of Prov . Grand Lodges held in each province during the last ten years , specifying those at which the Prov . Grand Master has presided in person , and to report the same to Grand Lodge . " Bro . Beadon doubted whether the Book of Constitutions gave them power to do anything of this kind . The return could not pass through the Board of General Purposes . He wished it to be understood that he was not ^ opposirig the return . The
Book of Constitutions gave no power to Grand Lodg-e to order this return , but the Grand Master might order copies of the minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodges so far as they showed how often those Prov . Grand Lodges had been held , and how often theProv . Gr . M . or the D . Prov . G . M . had presided . But it could not be made to the Board of General Purposes ; and yet to put the thing in that order in which it ought really to be , according to the proposal of Bro . Portal , it ought to be made to them . I have not the slightest objection to the return in any way ^ so long as it k made in the proper form , viz . at the request of the M . W . the G . M ., or of the G-rand Lodge , instead of the Board of General Purposes .
Bro . Portal : The whole point between myself arid the Brother who has just addressed you is , whether the Board of General Purposes or the Grand Lodge should get this return . I have said , in order to be more courteous , be requested , " which simply means desired to procure a return , & c , according to the Book of Constitutions , which states that the Board of General Purposes shall conduct all correspondence between Grand Lodge and the subordinate Lodges . ' « tf
Bro . Beadon : That is ^ correspondence , " this is a return , " which is quite a different thing . I shall be happy to move an amendment— " That the Grand Sec . be directed to obtain from the Prov . Grand Lodges a return of the number of Prov . Grand Lodges which have been held during the last ten years , and the names of the presiding officers . " You will find that that will be the best way . Bro . Portal was understood to agree to this , and the motion was passed unanimously . ANTAGONISM OF ROMAN" CATHOLICISM TO FREEMASONEY .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , S . W . No . 10 , moved : "That Grand Lodge , having seen with regret the antagonistic position assumed by the Roman Catholic Church towards Masonry , desires the Board of General Purposes to draw up a statement of the principles of the Order , that the same be sent to the Masters of all Lodges under the Grand Lodge of England in Eonian Catholic countries , to be read by them as they shall think fit . " He said : Most Worshipful Sir and Brethren , I regret that this motion has not fallen into abler hands than mine . As the subject is so
important to the interests of Masonry , not merely in this country , but throughout the world , I regret that such a motion as this should not have been brought forward by . some Worshipful Brother upon the dais . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) His words would have fallen with far greater weight than mine can have ; but , in the absence of any one of them , I have very cheerfully undertaken the task myself . ( Hear . ) It is painful , M . W . Sir , for mo to dwell on the subject of this motionupon the persecutions which so many of our Brethren abroad have suffered . It is still more painful to me to * think that there exists at tins day a Church which
can believe that her faith is upheld , and that the cause of religion is advanced , by placing under the ban of excommunication , and by subjecting to oppressions so undeserved , those members of her communion who differ from her on no article of her faith , refuse assent to no one single dogma , but only claim the right of membership in our ancient , noble , and honourable Order . ( Loud applause . ) . But unhappily such is the case . _ The Roman Catliolic Church now , as in former times , does not hesitate to avow ita intolerance of every study and pursuit which she cannot control ; and , unfortunately , untaught by ' tradition and by the experience of