Article THE MASONIC MIIROR, ← Page 12 of 13 →
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The Masonic Miiror,
THE COLONIAL COMMITTEE , A . discussion then arose on the insertion of Bro . Aria ' s name in the list of members of the Colonial Board . It was argued that before long the election would take place , and that the motion was therefore unnecessary . It was
negatived . ¦ : . : \ .::. / - ' : ¦¦ -: " . - ¦¦ ' ¦ ' : ¦ ¦¦ . A large number of Brethren now left Grand Lodge , and considerable amusement was Caused by the Grand Master ordering the Brethren to take their seats , and the doors to be locked . One Brother was particularly irate at this , and appealed to the Grand Master , who showed his authority from the Book of Constitutions ; but , after a few- moments , during which the greatest merriment prevailed , he said he had also undoubtedly power to permit , any Brother to leave , and he accordingly allowed , the Brother in question to do so . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and with solemn prayer .
NOTICES OF MOTION FOB GEAND mT >& f t . —March A . By Bro . Henry George Warren , B > M . No . 202 . " That in future no person not being a member of the Craft be allowed to dine at any of the Masonic Festivals . " Ci That henceforth the use of the Temple be granted to the Stewards of the four Masonic Festivals for a Music-room at the conclusion of such Festivals . u That in future Reports , Communications , or Documents approved or rejected at one meeting of G-rand Lodge be not read in extenso , with the Minutes at the next Grand Lodge , excepting when called for by any Brother with a view of founding some motion thereon . ''
: " ' That from the date of the resignation or voidance of Office from ; any cause whatever of the M . W . Grand Master the Bight Honourable the Earl of Zetland and the B . W . D . G . Master the Bight Honourable the Earl of Yarborough , no Brother ( excepting he be a prince of the reigning family of Great Britain ) be eligible to be elected or appointed as Grand Master , Prov . Grand Master , or 33 ep . Grand Master , for more than live years in succession ; but any Brother who has once served either of those Offices shall be eligible for further re-election or appointment at anytime after the expiration of twelve months from the date at which he retires from office . "
Bro . W . Portal , W . M . No . 10 . " That no Brother , with the exception of the M . W . G . M . and the proposer , be allowed to speak to any motion for any greater length of time than five minutes . " Bro . Bev . G . H . Bortal , P . M . No . 10 . " That an addition be made in the Book of Constitutions , at page 10 , sec . 7 , to the effect , 'That it shall be lawful for a number of a Brethren to request the G . M . to summon a special Grand Lodge to transact any business which want of time may have caused to remain unfinished '"
Bros . B . H . Townend , B . M . Neptune Lodge ; C . II . Gregory ; Wm . Harwood ; Jno . Kirby , Bro v . J . W ., Bristol . Notice of motion from each of the above , ct That the interests and well-being of the Craft imperatively demand the resignation of the G . S ., and the substitution of a Brother younger , more vigorous , and whose energies are better calculated to conduct with satisfaction the increasing business of the office ; and that , duly acknowledging the great services rendered by Bro . White , a retiring pension equal to the full amount of his present salary be granted to him . "
Bro . F . Binckes , B . M . No . 11 . " That it is not consistent with the principles of Masonry as laid down in the Book of Constitutions , that the M . W . G . M . should hold that office simultaneously with that of Brov . Grand Master . " " For an additional grant of £ 500 to the Widows' Bund , " Bro . H . G . Warren , P . M ., No . 202 . "That the M . W . G . M . he requested to determine the form of the clasp to be worn on the ribbon of . the jewel granted as a distinction to those Brethren who have served the atewardship of two of the charities , and who shall serve as stewards for the third charity . " Bro . B . I . Spiers , P . G . S ., No . 13 . " That with a view to economize the time of Grand Lodge , the regulations for business of G-raml Lodge be no longer read
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Miiror,
THE COLONIAL COMMITTEE , A . discussion then arose on the insertion of Bro . Aria ' s name in the list of members of the Colonial Board . It was argued that before long the election would take place , and that the motion was therefore unnecessary . It was
negatived . ¦ : . : \ .::. / - ' : ¦¦ -: " . - ¦¦ ' ¦ ' : ¦ ¦¦ . A large number of Brethren now left Grand Lodge , and considerable amusement was Caused by the Grand Master ordering the Brethren to take their seats , and the doors to be locked . One Brother was particularly irate at this , and appealed to the Grand Master , who showed his authority from the Book of Constitutions ; but , after a few- moments , during which the greatest merriment prevailed , he said he had also undoubtedly power to permit , any Brother to leave , and he accordingly allowed , the Brother in question to do so . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and with solemn prayer .
NOTICES OF MOTION FOB GEAND mT >& f t . —March A . By Bro . Henry George Warren , B > M . No . 202 . " That in future no person not being a member of the Craft be allowed to dine at any of the Masonic Festivals . " Ci That henceforth the use of the Temple be granted to the Stewards of the four Masonic Festivals for a Music-room at the conclusion of such Festivals . u That in future Reports , Communications , or Documents approved or rejected at one meeting of G-rand Lodge be not read in extenso , with the Minutes at the next Grand Lodge , excepting when called for by any Brother with a view of founding some motion thereon . ''
: " ' That from the date of the resignation or voidance of Office from ; any cause whatever of the M . W . Grand Master the Bight Honourable the Earl of Zetland and the B . W . D . G . Master the Bight Honourable the Earl of Yarborough , no Brother ( excepting he be a prince of the reigning family of Great Britain ) be eligible to be elected or appointed as Grand Master , Prov . Grand Master , or 33 ep . Grand Master , for more than live years in succession ; but any Brother who has once served either of those Offices shall be eligible for further re-election or appointment at anytime after the expiration of twelve months from the date at which he retires from office . "
Bro . W . Portal , W . M . No . 10 . " That no Brother , with the exception of the M . W . G . M . and the proposer , be allowed to speak to any motion for any greater length of time than five minutes . " Bro . Bev . G . H . Bortal , P . M . No . 10 . " That an addition be made in the Book of Constitutions , at page 10 , sec . 7 , to the effect , 'That it shall be lawful for a number of a Brethren to request the G . M . to summon a special Grand Lodge to transact any business which want of time may have caused to remain unfinished '"
Bros . B . H . Townend , B . M . Neptune Lodge ; C . II . Gregory ; Wm . Harwood ; Jno . Kirby , Bro v . J . W ., Bristol . Notice of motion from each of the above , ct That the interests and well-being of the Craft imperatively demand the resignation of the G . S ., and the substitution of a Brother younger , more vigorous , and whose energies are better calculated to conduct with satisfaction the increasing business of the office ; and that , duly acknowledging the great services rendered by Bro . White , a retiring pension equal to the full amount of his present salary be granted to him . "
Bro . F . Binckes , B . M . No . 11 . " That it is not consistent with the principles of Masonry as laid down in the Book of Constitutions , that the M . W . G . M . should hold that office simultaneously with that of Brov . Grand Master . " " For an additional grant of £ 500 to the Widows' Bund , " Bro . H . G . Warren , P . M ., No . 202 . "That the M . W . G . M . he requested to determine the form of the clasp to be worn on the ribbon of . the jewel granted as a distinction to those Brethren who have served the atewardship of two of the charities , and who shall serve as stewards for the third charity . " Bro . B . I . Spiers , P . G . S ., No . 13 . " That with a view to economize the time of Grand Lodge , the regulations for business of G-raml Lodge be no longer read