Article THE MASONIC MIIROR, ← Page 13 of 13 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 14 →
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The Masonic Miiror,
at the Quarterly Communications , and that any orders to that effect at present contained in the Book of Constitutions be expunged . '' Bro . Louis Aria , F . M . No . 291 . " To submit certain resolutions touching the exclusion of Brethren of the Jewish persuasion from Lodges in Hanover . " ; Bro . Jno . Symonds , P . M . No . 275 . " That the G . S . ' s office he closed at two o ' clock on Saturdays , unless in cases of emergency . "
Bro . m G . Warren , on behalf of Bro . Wigginton , P . M . No . 313 . " That in future the addresses of W . Ms , of country Lodges be entered on the books at GK'S . ' s office , to which addresses all communications shall be forwarded . " Bro . F . Binckes , . 'P .. Mi No . 11 . " That a document purporting to be a copy of a Memorial from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Canada West , —the original of which has been forwarded to Bro , Bev . G . B . Portal—having been transmitted
to the G . S ., such memorial be received and considered by this Grand Lodge . " Bro . H , G . Warren , P . M :. No . 202 . — " That any notice of motion , the discussion of which time may not permit , shall not require renewal , but shall take precedence , at any ensuing Grand Lodge , of all notices of motion subsequently given . "' ' . ¦' / :.. '''¦;; : ^ ¦' :: ¦> : ''' - ' / : '•"¦ ¦ ' ¦ ''¦; -. ';; V . - : ' - ¦ '¦¦ '
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Grand Steward ' s Lodge . —At a meeting / . of this Lodge on the 18 th of February Bro . Johnston was installed W . M . for the year , when he appointed Bros * Stohwasser , S . W . ; Cotterelh J ; W . ^ Hewlett , S . B . ; Warren , J . D , ; Watson , Bee . ; Bro . Giraud continues Treasurer of tfie Lodge , which much requires an infusion of new blood . Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —This Lodge held its first meeting since Christmas on the 11 th of February , the occasion being that of installing the W . M , elect , Bro . Gillespie . A large number of Brethren were present , who expressed
themselves highly gratified with the excellent ceremony of installation , performed by Bro . Grant , P . M . The W . M . being duly installed , appointed his Officers as follows : —Bros . Wotton , S . W . ; Wenham , J . W . ; Best , S . D . ; OlifT , J . D . ; Berry , I . G . ; Bros . Williams and Squires , P . Ms ., were re-elected treasurer and Secretary . Messrs . Neville , Farrant , Finley , and Smith , were initiated ; Bros . Phillip and Odell passed ; and Bros . Arthur , McNamara , Hardy , and B . Phillips , raised to the Degree of Master Mason . These ceremonies were performed by the retiring Master , Bro , Shackelton , in his usual excellent style , and , on
leaving the chair , he received the thanks of the Brethren for the kindness and urbanity he had shown during his Mastership ; in fact , he has endeared himself to the Brethren by that brotherly love which is so characteristic of the genuine Mason . AH Lodge business being ended , the Brethren adjourned to the diningroom , where a most sumptuous banquet was laid out . The W . M . most elegantly introduced the various toasts , and they were tastefully responded to . The evening ' s entertainment was much enhanced by some excellent singing from Bros . Phillips ( a son of the celebrated vocalist of that name ) , Becket , Kincaid , G . F . Baylor , and Lawler .
St . George and Corner Stone ( No . 5 ) . —A very numerous gathering of this excellent Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , February 10 , when Bro . P . M . Havers efficiently installed the S . W , Bro . A . Perkins , into the chair , who ' afterwards appointed as his Officers , Bro . Fenwick , S . W ., and Bro . Stone , J . W . ; the names of the other officers did not transpire . All Masonic business being brought to an end , and the Lodge closed in due form , the Brethren
adjourned to a splendid banquet , consisting of all the delicacies of the season ; the table was beautifully adorned with plateaus and epergnes , which presented a magnificent appearance . The visitors were twenty in number , among whom we observed the following : —Bros . Keightley , P . S . G . B . ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Hervey , P . S . G . IX ; and Henderson , P . Q . ll .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Miiror,
at the Quarterly Communications , and that any orders to that effect at present contained in the Book of Constitutions be expunged . '' Bro . Louis Aria , F . M . No . 291 . " To submit certain resolutions touching the exclusion of Brethren of the Jewish persuasion from Lodges in Hanover . " ; Bro . Jno . Symonds , P . M . No . 275 . " That the G . S . ' s office he closed at two o ' clock on Saturdays , unless in cases of emergency . "
Bro . m G . Warren , on behalf of Bro . Wigginton , P . M . No . 313 . " That in future the addresses of W . Ms , of country Lodges be entered on the books at GK'S . ' s office , to which addresses all communications shall be forwarded . " Bro . F . Binckes , . 'P .. Mi No . 11 . " That a document purporting to be a copy of a Memorial from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Canada West , —the original of which has been forwarded to Bro , Bev . G . B . Portal—having been transmitted
to the G . S ., such memorial be received and considered by this Grand Lodge . " Bro . H , G . Warren , P . M :. No . 202 . — " That any notice of motion , the discussion of which time may not permit , shall not require renewal , but shall take precedence , at any ensuing Grand Lodge , of all notices of motion subsequently given . "' ' . ¦' / :.. '''¦;; : ^ ¦' :: ¦> : ''' - ' / : '•"¦ ¦ ' ¦ ''¦; -. ';; V . - : ' - ¦ '¦¦ '
at E ^
Grand Steward ' s Lodge . —At a meeting / . of this Lodge on the 18 th of February Bro . Johnston was installed W . M . for the year , when he appointed Bros * Stohwasser , S . W . ; Cotterelh J ; W . ^ Hewlett , S . B . ; Warren , J . D , ; Watson , Bee . ; Bro . Giraud continues Treasurer of tfie Lodge , which much requires an infusion of new blood . Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —This Lodge held its first meeting since Christmas on the 11 th of February , the occasion being that of installing the W . M , elect , Bro . Gillespie . A large number of Brethren were present , who expressed
themselves highly gratified with the excellent ceremony of installation , performed by Bro . Grant , P . M . The W . M . being duly installed , appointed his Officers as follows : —Bros . Wotton , S . W . ; Wenham , J . W . ; Best , S . D . ; OlifT , J . D . ; Berry , I . G . ; Bros . Williams and Squires , P . Ms ., were re-elected treasurer and Secretary . Messrs . Neville , Farrant , Finley , and Smith , were initiated ; Bros . Phillip and Odell passed ; and Bros . Arthur , McNamara , Hardy , and B . Phillips , raised to the Degree of Master Mason . These ceremonies were performed by the retiring Master , Bro , Shackelton , in his usual excellent style , and , on
leaving the chair , he received the thanks of the Brethren for the kindness and urbanity he had shown during his Mastership ; in fact , he has endeared himself to the Brethren by that brotherly love which is so characteristic of the genuine Mason . AH Lodge business being ended , the Brethren adjourned to the diningroom , where a most sumptuous banquet was laid out . The W . M . most elegantly introduced the various toasts , and they were tastefully responded to . The evening ' s entertainment was much enhanced by some excellent singing from Bros . Phillips ( a son of the celebrated vocalist of that name ) , Becket , Kincaid , G . F . Baylor , and Lawler .
St . George and Corner Stone ( No . 5 ) . —A very numerous gathering of this excellent Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , February 10 , when Bro . P . M . Havers efficiently installed the S . W , Bro . A . Perkins , into the chair , who ' afterwards appointed as his Officers , Bro . Fenwick , S . W ., and Bro . Stone , J . W . ; the names of the other officers did not transpire . All Masonic business being brought to an end , and the Lodge closed in due form , the Brethren
adjourned to a splendid banquet , consisting of all the delicacies of the season ; the table was beautifully adorned with plateaus and epergnes , which presented a magnificent appearance . The visitors were twenty in number , among whom we observed the following : —Bros . Keightley , P . S . G . B . ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Hervey , P . S . G . IX ; and Henderson , P . Q . ll .