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Degree ; and Bro . Purkiss raised to the 3 rd . At the close of the business the Brethren adjoui'ried to a very elegant supper , and in the course of the evening ~ tke ~ W ; M . in the name of the Lodge , presented Bro . Morbey , the P . M ., with a P . M . ' s Jewel , in token of their esteem for him as a Brother Mason , and their acknowledgment of his valuable services whilst in the chair . Bro . Morbey briefly and appropriately acknowledged the compliment ; and the evening was spent in the utmost harmony .
Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) .- —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge took place at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday , February 3 rd , for the first time under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . Jeffries , who began the business of the evening by passing Bros . Harvey and Guddeford to the Degree of Fellow Crafts , and raising Bros . Croft , Blundell , Minnis , and Clayton to the Degree of Master Masons , which ceremonies were performed in a most able and masterly manner . It was then stated by the Secretary , Bro . Emmens , that their annual ball had taken place since the last time they had met , and he : was delighted
to say was highly successful ; so much so , that he was able to tell them , after all expenses being paid , there was still a surplus of thirty-five guineas , which , in the names of the Stewards , he had to present to the Benevolent Fund ' of the Lodge , and he was also happy to add ^ , this thirty-five guineas made their Benevolent Fund amount to nearly £ 100 . It was unanimously agreed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the Lodge minutes to the Ball Stewards , for the handsome sum presented . It was also announced that Bro . G-. M . Grixrton , P . M , would represent this Lodge by serving as Steward at the forthcoming festivals of the Boys' and Girls' School , and the sum of five guineas was unanimously voted from the funds of this Lodge to be subscribed to each ; of the above charities .
Phcenix Lodge ( No . 202 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this flourishing Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 14 th February , when the W . M ., Bro . Burton , very ably initiated three gentlemen into the mysteries of the Order . Before the Lodge was closed , the W . M . announced his intention of serving as Steward for the Boys' School , and Bro . Armstrong , D . C ., consented to fill the same Office at the Girls' Festival . The Brethren afterwards supped
together , and spent a most agreeable evening ; the advocacy of the Masonic charities , in a great measure , taking the place of the vocal harmony for which this Lodge is celebrated . There were several visitors present . On the 26 th an Emergency meeting was held , when Mr . Pigott . who is about to proceed forthwith to Malta , and Mr . Arnold , who sails next month for Canada , were duly initiated into the Order .
Domatic Lodge ( No . 206 ) . —The Lodge met numerously on Monday , the 9 th February , Bro . Garrod , W . M ., presiding . Mr . H . W ilson was initiated ; Bro . Longe was passed , and Bros . Bishop , Bodrigues , Ellis , and Needle were raised . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren sat down to one of Bro . Ireland ' s well-provided banquets , and spent a very pleasant evening . The visitors present were Bro . Emile Brngeille , Ch . B . Etoile du Progres , Bordeaux ; and Bros . liegis , Zeles , Philanthrope , Paris ; and Bros . Erwood , Earon , Salmon , and'Charnock , of various London Lodges .
Manchester Lodge ( No . 209 ) . —On Thursday , January the 19 th , this Lodge held its regular meeting , and has fully sustained its renown for perfect working , which contributes not a little to its popularity , as is shown by the many visitors who expressly attend to watch the ceremonies , which are emphatically informed by the W . M ., Bro . Livinson , and his Officers . The business consisted of a passing and two initiations . A now feature , worthy of general imitation , was introduced in this Lodge in having solemn music to accompany a portion of the
ceremony . A P . M . s Jewel was voted by the Brethren to Bro . Collard , whose Masonic worth is well known and fully deserves this tribute of respect . Amongst the visitors present were Bros . Tull , B . G . O . for Berkshire ; Grosjean , W . M . 108 , and G . St . ; Busher , P . M . 79 ; Odell , W . M . ; Couehman , ' P . M . 165 ; Gurton , W . M . 211 ; Birt , ' 25 ; Bobinson , 237 ; & c . Great cordiality reigns in this Lodge , which augurs well for its prosperity ,.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At E^
Degree ; and Bro . Purkiss raised to the 3 rd . At the close of the business the Brethren adjoui'ried to a very elegant supper , and in the course of the evening ~ tke ~ W ; M . in the name of the Lodge , presented Bro . Morbey , the P . M ., with a P . M . ' s Jewel , in token of their esteem for him as a Brother Mason , and their acknowledgment of his valuable services whilst in the chair . Bro . Morbey briefly and appropriately acknowledged the compliment ; and the evening was spent in the utmost harmony .
Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) .- —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge took place at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday , February 3 rd , for the first time under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . Jeffries , who began the business of the evening by passing Bros . Harvey and Guddeford to the Degree of Fellow Crafts , and raising Bros . Croft , Blundell , Minnis , and Clayton to the Degree of Master Masons , which ceremonies were performed in a most able and masterly manner . It was then stated by the Secretary , Bro . Emmens , that their annual ball had taken place since the last time they had met , and he : was delighted
to say was highly successful ; so much so , that he was able to tell them , after all expenses being paid , there was still a surplus of thirty-five guineas , which , in the names of the Stewards , he had to present to the Benevolent Fund ' of the Lodge , and he was also happy to add ^ , this thirty-five guineas made their Benevolent Fund amount to nearly £ 100 . It was unanimously agreed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the Lodge minutes to the Ball Stewards , for the handsome sum presented . It was also announced that Bro . G-. M . Grixrton , P . M , would represent this Lodge by serving as Steward at the forthcoming festivals of the Boys' and Girls' School , and the sum of five guineas was unanimously voted from the funds of this Lodge to be subscribed to each ; of the above charities .
Phcenix Lodge ( No . 202 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this flourishing Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 14 th February , when the W . M ., Bro . Burton , very ably initiated three gentlemen into the mysteries of the Order . Before the Lodge was closed , the W . M . announced his intention of serving as Steward for the Boys' School , and Bro . Armstrong , D . C ., consented to fill the same Office at the Girls' Festival . The Brethren afterwards supped
together , and spent a most agreeable evening ; the advocacy of the Masonic charities , in a great measure , taking the place of the vocal harmony for which this Lodge is celebrated . There were several visitors present . On the 26 th an Emergency meeting was held , when Mr . Pigott . who is about to proceed forthwith to Malta , and Mr . Arnold , who sails next month for Canada , were duly initiated into the Order .
Domatic Lodge ( No . 206 ) . —The Lodge met numerously on Monday , the 9 th February , Bro . Garrod , W . M ., presiding . Mr . H . W ilson was initiated ; Bro . Longe was passed , and Bros . Bishop , Bodrigues , Ellis , and Needle were raised . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren sat down to one of Bro . Ireland ' s well-provided banquets , and spent a very pleasant evening . The visitors present were Bro . Emile Brngeille , Ch . B . Etoile du Progres , Bordeaux ; and Bros . liegis , Zeles , Philanthrope , Paris ; and Bros . Erwood , Earon , Salmon , and'Charnock , of various London Lodges .
Manchester Lodge ( No . 209 ) . —On Thursday , January the 19 th , this Lodge held its regular meeting , and has fully sustained its renown for perfect working , which contributes not a little to its popularity , as is shown by the many visitors who expressly attend to watch the ceremonies , which are emphatically informed by the W . M ., Bro . Livinson , and his Officers . The business consisted of a passing and two initiations . A now feature , worthy of general imitation , was introduced in this Lodge in having solemn music to accompany a portion of the
ceremony . A P . M . s Jewel was voted by the Brethren to Bro . Collard , whose Masonic worth is well known and fully deserves this tribute of respect . Amongst the visitors present were Bros . Tull , B . G . O . for Berkshire ; Grosjean , W . M . 108 , and G . St . ; Busher , P . M . 79 ; Odell , W . M . ; Couehman , ' P . M . 165 ; Gurton , W . M . 211 ; Birt , ' 25 ; Bobinson , 237 ; & c . Great cordiality reigns in this Lodge , which augurs well for its prosperity ,.