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that there should be owe authorized reporter present ^ and that no other Brother should be allowed to take notes of the proceedings , and only so much should be published as was authorized by the Grand Master . He must therefore request that , for the future , this regulation might be attended to ; Grand Lodge was then adjourned in due form . ^¦^—i ¦¦¦¦—^ [ Nothing can equal the ingratitude of human nature ! Neither'the . - ills . , done to the Canadas , nor the somewhat dilatory and involuntary remedy at last proposed
for them , would have been known or obtained but for us ; yet here is the Grand Master repudiating the very medium which will carry the tidings of justice to Canada , long before his own officials . Whence did the spirit of improvement , now rife amongst us , first draw breath , we boldly ask , but in the pages of the Freemasons Magazine I America and England , however , both appreciate our efforts , whatever the G . M . may do . His opposition will be the finest stimulus to our circulation , we can assure him , which we could possibly desire , so we do not feaiv but welcome it . ^ ED ^^
FEEEMASONS BOYSSCHOOL . The annual festival of the supporters of this school took place at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 11 th March , and more than ordinary exertions had been made to secure a good attendance , owing to the circumstance of a school-house having just been bought , and which it is designed to open in March next . The chair was taken by the B . W . Bro . Lord Goderich , G . S . W ., who was supported
by Bro . Sir Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . M . of Hampshire ; Bro . Fleming , Prov . G . M . of the Isle of Wight ; Bro . the Bev . J . E . Cox , G . Chap . ; Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., and Dep . Prov , G . M . for Oxfordshire ; Bro . Jno . Hervey , P . G . D . ; Bro . Forstei White , P . G . D . ; Bro . Giraud , P . G . D . ; Bro . Le Veau , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Potter , P . G . S . B . ; and about 250 of the Brethren ranged under the banners of the respective Stewards . At the conclusion of the dinner , which was excellently served ,
The B . W . Chairman rose to propose a toast , which he was sure required no preface— Y < r The Health of Her Majesty the Queen . " On this occasion he was sure they would not only drink the toast with that enthusiasm with which H ' er Majesty ' s name was always received by Englishmen , as a model of a wife , a woman , and a queen , but it would receive additional zest from the interest which Her Majesty had always taken in the prosperity of the institution . He therefore asked them to drink to the " Health of Her Majesty , the patroness of the Freemasons' Boys' School . " ( Cheers . )
The B . W . Chairman next proposed the " Health of H . B . H . Prince Albert , Albert Prince of Wales , and the rest of the royal family . " H . B . H . the Prince of Wales was the son of a Mason ; and he trusted , when he was old enough , His Boyal Highness would come amongst them as one of the Craft . ( Cheers . ) The B . W . Chairman would now call on the Brethren to drink the " Health of the M . W . G . M ., the Bight Hon . the Earl of Zetland . " It would be unnecessary , and indeed almost impertinent , were he to occupy their time at any length in
dilating on the good qualities of the noble earl as a Mason , or his virtues in private life . Those who had had the opportunity of coining in contact with the Grand Master were well acquainted with his zeal for the Order , his urbanity , and the dignity with which he presided over Masonic affairs ( cheers ) ; whilst those who knew him in private life were convinced that kindliness of heart wns the guiding principle of his nature . He begged them to drink to the health of their " Illustrious Grand Master . " ( Loud applause . )
The B . W . Chairman would next call upon them to drink "The Health of the K . W . D . G . M . the Earl of Yarborough , and the rest of the Grand Officers , past and present . " They had again to regret the absence of the Earl of Yarborough in consequence of the state of his health . The noble earl , however , continued to take the liveliest interest in the Boys' School , as was evinced by the handsome donation
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
that there should be owe authorized reporter present ^ and that no other Brother should be allowed to take notes of the proceedings , and only so much should be published as was authorized by the Grand Master . He must therefore request that , for the future , this regulation might be attended to ; Grand Lodge was then adjourned in due form . ^¦^—i ¦¦¦¦—^ [ Nothing can equal the ingratitude of human nature ! Neither'the . - ills . , done to the Canadas , nor the somewhat dilatory and involuntary remedy at last proposed
for them , would have been known or obtained but for us ; yet here is the Grand Master repudiating the very medium which will carry the tidings of justice to Canada , long before his own officials . Whence did the spirit of improvement , now rife amongst us , first draw breath , we boldly ask , but in the pages of the Freemasons Magazine I America and England , however , both appreciate our efforts , whatever the G . M . may do . His opposition will be the finest stimulus to our circulation , we can assure him , which we could possibly desire , so we do not feaiv but welcome it . ^ ED ^^
FEEEMASONS BOYSSCHOOL . The annual festival of the supporters of this school took place at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 11 th March , and more than ordinary exertions had been made to secure a good attendance , owing to the circumstance of a school-house having just been bought , and which it is designed to open in March next . The chair was taken by the B . W . Bro . Lord Goderich , G . S . W ., who was supported
by Bro . Sir Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . M . of Hampshire ; Bro . Fleming , Prov . G . M . of the Isle of Wight ; Bro . the Bev . J . E . Cox , G . Chap . ; Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., and Dep . Prov , G . M . for Oxfordshire ; Bro . Jno . Hervey , P . G . D . ; Bro . Forstei White , P . G . D . ; Bro . Giraud , P . G . D . ; Bro . Le Veau , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Potter , P . G . S . B . ; and about 250 of the Brethren ranged under the banners of the respective Stewards . At the conclusion of the dinner , which was excellently served ,
The B . W . Chairman rose to propose a toast , which he was sure required no preface— Y < r The Health of Her Majesty the Queen . " On this occasion he was sure they would not only drink the toast with that enthusiasm with which H ' er Majesty ' s name was always received by Englishmen , as a model of a wife , a woman , and a queen , but it would receive additional zest from the interest which Her Majesty had always taken in the prosperity of the institution . He therefore asked them to drink to the " Health of Her Majesty , the patroness of the Freemasons' Boys' School . " ( Cheers . )
The B . W . Chairman next proposed the " Health of H . B . H . Prince Albert , Albert Prince of Wales , and the rest of the royal family . " H . B . H . the Prince of Wales was the son of a Mason ; and he trusted , when he was old enough , His Boyal Highness would come amongst them as one of the Craft . ( Cheers . ) The B . W . Chairman would now call on the Brethren to drink the " Health of the M . W . G . M ., the Bight Hon . the Earl of Zetland . " It would be unnecessary , and indeed almost impertinent , were he to occupy their time at any length in
dilating on the good qualities of the noble earl as a Mason , or his virtues in private life . Those who had had the opportunity of coining in contact with the Grand Master were well acquainted with his zeal for the Order , his urbanity , and the dignity with which he presided over Masonic affairs ( cheers ) ; whilst those who knew him in private life were convinced that kindliness of heart wns the guiding principle of his nature . He begged them to drink to the health of their " Illustrious Grand Master . " ( Loud applause . )
The B . W . Chairman would next call upon them to drink "The Health of the K . W . D . G . M . the Earl of Yarborough , and the rest of the Grand Officers , past and present . " They had again to regret the absence of the Earl of Yarborough in consequence of the state of his health . The noble earl , however , continued to take the liveliest interest in the Boys' School , as was evinced by the handsome donation