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of a banquet prepared by Bro . George Painter , in his usual excellent style . The visitors included Bro . B . Jones , No . 25 ; Knowles , and Price . London Lodge ( No . 125 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled together at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday , March 7 th , when the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Bowman , very ably initiated a gentleman into Freemasonry , and advanced a Brother to a further Degree , both ceremonies being creditably performed .
Lod & e of G-ood Befoet ( No , 158 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at Badley ' s Hotel , on Thursday , 5 th of March , when * tliree Brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons . The Lodge was visited by Bro . Byron , of Lodge No . 57 . St . Thomas ' s Lodge ( No . 166 ) . — The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday , the 7 th of March , Bro . James Batsford , W . M ., in the chair , who most efficiently raised a duly qualified Brother to the Master Mason ' s Degree , and initiated a gentleman into the Order , assisted by Bro . Brampton , P . M ., there being several visiting Brethren present .
Lodge of Pkxjdent Brethken ( No . 169 ) . — This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , 24 th March , there being a goodly assemblage of Brethren . Bro . Blackburn , the W . M ., presided with great ability , initiating into the Order Messrs . Henry Muller andWilliam Greygoose , advancing Bros . Holt , Jones , and Hammond to the 2 nd Degree ^ and conferring the Master Mason ' s Degree upon Bro . Sharpe ; all of which duties were performed in a manner to give the highest satisfaction .
Cadogan LODaE ( No . 188 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , March 17 th , for the installation of the W . M ., and other business . The retiring W . M .,, Bro . Hall , initiated Mr . William John Leach into the mysteries of the Order , and raised Bro . Henry Kirkman to the 3 rd Degree in a very able and impressive manner . The W . M . then resigned his chair to Bro . William Hardman , P . M ., and Sec . of the Lodge , who proceeded to install the W . M . elect , Bro . Edmund Bead , he having been unanimously elected to fill the office at the previous meeting . The next duty was the
appointment and investiture of the Officers , viz . : —Bros . H , C . Bead , S . W . ; Eichardson , J . W . ; Sandon , P . M ., Treas . ; Hardman , P . M ., Sec . ; Francis , S . D . ; S . W . Daukes , Grand Supt . of Works , J . D . ; Hall , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; Meuseh , I . G . The proceedings were conducted in a manner reflecting the highest credit on all the Brethren , and after partaking of an excellent banquet , and spending a most delightful evening , which was much enhanced by some admirable singing , the Brethren separated with the greatest harmony and cordiality . Among the visitors present were , Bros . Smith , Quebec , Canada , No . 214 , and Greville , No . 212 , Universal .
Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . —The members of this still increasing Lodge assembled at the Preemasons * Tavern , for the despatch of Masonic matters , on Tuesday , March 3 rd , Bro . Jeffries , W . M ., in the chair . The business was of a most voluminous character , comprising three initiations ( Messrs . William Jackson , J . Corben , and W . Davis ) , one passing ( Bro . Potts ) , and the conferring the third Degree upon Bro . Harvey , the whole of these arduous duties being performed by the W . M . in a highly creditable manner . Lodge having been closed in due
form , the Brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , at the conclusion of which the Master gave " The Queen and Craft , " which was received with that true loyalty for which the brotherhood are famous , the national anthem being beautifully rendered by Bros . Emmens , P . M ., and Secretary , Henry Taylor , and Webb . Bro . G . P . Taylor presided at the pianoforte . The usual toasts to the G . M . and
D . G . M ., the Earls of Zetland and Yarborough , followed , after which the W . M " . proposed the health of Bro . Laughlin , the chaplain , expressing tho pleasure the Brethren felt in seeing him once more amongst them . Bro . Laughlin , in reply , said , " Worshipful Master , —I have upon this , as upon all other occasions , felt it my duty , as well as my pleasure , to be amongst you . It is at all times a gratification to be present at this delightful Lodge ; and this is the first time I have
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of a banquet prepared by Bro . George Painter , in his usual excellent style . The visitors included Bro . B . Jones , No . 25 ; Knowles , and Price . London Lodge ( No . 125 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled together at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday , March 7 th , when the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Bowman , very ably initiated a gentleman into Freemasonry , and advanced a Brother to a further Degree , both ceremonies being creditably performed .
Lod & e of G-ood Befoet ( No , 158 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at Badley ' s Hotel , on Thursday , 5 th of March , when * tliree Brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons . The Lodge was visited by Bro . Byron , of Lodge No . 57 . St . Thomas ' s Lodge ( No . 166 ) . — The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday , the 7 th of March , Bro . James Batsford , W . M ., in the chair , who most efficiently raised a duly qualified Brother to the Master Mason ' s Degree , and initiated a gentleman into the Order , assisted by Bro . Brampton , P . M ., there being several visiting Brethren present .
Lodge of Pkxjdent Brethken ( No . 169 ) . — This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , 24 th March , there being a goodly assemblage of Brethren . Bro . Blackburn , the W . M ., presided with great ability , initiating into the Order Messrs . Henry Muller andWilliam Greygoose , advancing Bros . Holt , Jones , and Hammond to the 2 nd Degree ^ and conferring the Master Mason ' s Degree upon Bro . Sharpe ; all of which duties were performed in a manner to give the highest satisfaction .
Cadogan LODaE ( No . 188 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , March 17 th , for the installation of the W . M ., and other business . The retiring W . M .,, Bro . Hall , initiated Mr . William John Leach into the mysteries of the Order , and raised Bro . Henry Kirkman to the 3 rd Degree in a very able and impressive manner . The W . M . then resigned his chair to Bro . William Hardman , P . M ., and Sec . of the Lodge , who proceeded to install the W . M . elect , Bro . Edmund Bead , he having been unanimously elected to fill the office at the previous meeting . The next duty was the
appointment and investiture of the Officers , viz . : —Bros . H , C . Bead , S . W . ; Eichardson , J . W . ; Sandon , P . M ., Treas . ; Hardman , P . M ., Sec . ; Francis , S . D . ; S . W . Daukes , Grand Supt . of Works , J . D . ; Hall , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; Meuseh , I . G . The proceedings were conducted in a manner reflecting the highest credit on all the Brethren , and after partaking of an excellent banquet , and spending a most delightful evening , which was much enhanced by some admirable singing , the Brethren separated with the greatest harmony and cordiality . Among the visitors present were , Bros . Smith , Quebec , Canada , No . 214 , and Greville , No . 212 , Universal .
Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . —The members of this still increasing Lodge assembled at the Preemasons * Tavern , for the despatch of Masonic matters , on Tuesday , March 3 rd , Bro . Jeffries , W . M ., in the chair . The business was of a most voluminous character , comprising three initiations ( Messrs . William Jackson , J . Corben , and W . Davis ) , one passing ( Bro . Potts ) , and the conferring the third Degree upon Bro . Harvey , the whole of these arduous duties being performed by the W . M . in a highly creditable manner . Lodge having been closed in due
form , the Brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , at the conclusion of which the Master gave " The Queen and Craft , " which was received with that true loyalty for which the brotherhood are famous , the national anthem being beautifully rendered by Bros . Emmens , P . M ., and Secretary , Henry Taylor , and Webb . Bro . G . P . Taylor presided at the pianoforte . The usual toasts to the G . M . and
D . G . M ., the Earls of Zetland and Yarborough , followed , after which the W . M " . proposed the health of Bro . Laughlin , the chaplain , expressing tho pleasure the Brethren felt in seeing him once more amongst them . Bro . Laughlin , in reply , said , " Worshipful Master , —I have upon this , as upon all other occasions , felt it my duty , as well as my pleasure , to be amongst you . It is at all times a gratification to be present at this delightful Lodge ; and this is the first time I have