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Notice Of Grand Lodge Buisness.
¦ SO ^
;; WE ^ regret ^ tlib , t--tlie motion carried by the Earl of Carnarvon some time ago , for having the business to be brought before Grand Dodge printed in time to be circulated amongst the Country
Dodges , by providing that the Board of Masters should be held a month earlier than at present , has been got rid of by a side wind , and referred back to the Board of General Purposes to consider what effect it will have on the constitutions generally . Such reference is unnecessary in an assembly like Grand Dodge , where the effect of every alteration of a comma or letter is most thoroughly sifted by our legal Brethren . All the alterations required could of
have been made in five minutes , and ^ the spirit the constitutions in no wise injured . The argument that it would deprive the Brethren of five weeks out of thirteen during which to consider their notices , is perfectly puerile , as it could have that effect only upon the occasion of the first change ; and the loss of the one five weeks could be of little consequence , seeing that , at the
rate at which business is generally conducted in Grand Lodge , there is already sufficient before it to last to the end of 1860 , even with the assistance of two or three Dodges of Emergency . Whilst on the subject of printing the notices of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge , we must protest against the publication of the names of parties recommended by the Board of Benevolence
for relief . It would be sufficient to put the names in blank , thus , " Bro .- — - —— , of No . ( say ) -1119 , " . leaving , them only to transpire in the discussion upon the grant . Though charity be twice blessed , half the blessing is destroyed if , excepting under very peculiar circumstances , the name of the recipient be made more public than absolutely necessary , and we at least , in our reporting , have always acted here upon the principle of suppression .
The Canadian Movement.
The interest which necessarily attaches to the views entertained by the American Dodges upon the recent movements in Canada , induces us to place before our readers the following important document , extracted from the Canadian Masonic Pioneer . The name alone of Bro . Tucker , the Grand Master of the Grand Dodge of Yermont , suffices to enhance its value , whose knowledge of the history , usages , and principles of Freemasonry is justly said to be unsurpassed by that of any living man : —
" My Brethren , —During the past year the important question relating to the Grand Lodge of Canada—and which this Grand Lodge passed upon , to its own entire satisfaction , at its last annual communication—has been a ^ itatecj in other Grand
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notice Of Grand Lodge Buisness.
¦ SO ^
;; WE ^ regret ^ tlib , t--tlie motion carried by the Earl of Carnarvon some time ago , for having the business to be brought before Grand Dodge printed in time to be circulated amongst the Country
Dodges , by providing that the Board of Masters should be held a month earlier than at present , has been got rid of by a side wind , and referred back to the Board of General Purposes to consider what effect it will have on the constitutions generally . Such reference is unnecessary in an assembly like Grand Dodge , where the effect of every alteration of a comma or letter is most thoroughly sifted by our legal Brethren . All the alterations required could of
have been made in five minutes , and ^ the spirit the constitutions in no wise injured . The argument that it would deprive the Brethren of five weeks out of thirteen during which to consider their notices , is perfectly puerile , as it could have that effect only upon the occasion of the first change ; and the loss of the one five weeks could be of little consequence , seeing that , at the
rate at which business is generally conducted in Grand Lodge , there is already sufficient before it to last to the end of 1860 , even with the assistance of two or three Dodges of Emergency . Whilst on the subject of printing the notices of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge , we must protest against the publication of the names of parties recommended by the Board of Benevolence
for relief . It would be sufficient to put the names in blank , thus , " Bro .- — - —— , of No . ( say ) -1119 , " . leaving , them only to transpire in the discussion upon the grant . Though charity be twice blessed , half the blessing is destroyed if , excepting under very peculiar circumstances , the name of the recipient be made more public than absolutely necessary , and we at least , in our reporting , have always acted here upon the principle of suppression .
The Canadian Movement.
The interest which necessarily attaches to the views entertained by the American Dodges upon the recent movements in Canada , induces us to place before our readers the following important document , extracted from the Canadian Masonic Pioneer . The name alone of Bro . Tucker , the Grand Master of the Grand Dodge of Yermont , suffices to enhance its value , whose knowledge of the history , usages , and principles of Freemasonry is justly said to be unsurpassed by that of any living man : —
" My Brethren , —During the past year the important question relating to the Grand Lodge of Canada—and which this Grand Lodge passed upon , to its own entire satisfaction , at its last annual communication—has been a ^ itatecj in other Grand