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on the 3 rd of March , when the ceremonies of consecration and installation were ably worked by Bro . W . Watson , P . M ., in the presence of a large number of the Brethren ; Bro . Watson was assisted by the veteran Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson as S . W ., and Bro , Garfod , W . M . ( No . 206 ) , as J . W . The music was chanted by the Bros . C . Hart and James Wilder Adams , accompanied by Bro . E . Hart on the harmonium . At the close of business , the Brethren retired to a cold collation , amply supplied by Bro . Morbey . The loyal and Masonic toasts were enlivened
by the vocal talents of the Brethren , varied with selections from several eminent composers , performed by an Italian band , engaged by Bro . Morbey , stationed in the anteroom , thus closing a delightful evening , replete with instruction , finishing with harmony , brotherly love , and friendship . We strongly recommend this Lodge of Instruction to Brethren who are desirous to work and improve themselves in the Craft , it being conductedby Brethren eminent in the Order as Masters and Past Masters . The accommodation is most excellent .
Prospeeit y Lodge ( No . 78 ) . - —The above Lodge of Instruction , tinder the direction of Bro . H . A . Isaacs , Hon . Lecture Master , holds its meetings on Thursday evenings ( at the White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate-street ) instead of Monday , as heretofore . We can confidently recommend this Lodge to our Brethren in the east .
St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) . —This ; excellent working Lodge , which meets at the Holly-bush Tavern , Hamp stead , has changed its meeting from Wednesday to Thursday , at seven . It has been unanimously resolved to subscribe £ 1 . Is . annually to the old men ' s and widows' funds of the Benevolent Institution .
Manchester Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —This well-known working' Lodge having granted permission for a Lodge of Instruction , to be held at Bro . John Gurton ' s , 10 , Old Bond-street , the first meeting took place on Thursday , March 12 ; Bro . Morris Levinson , W ; M . of the Manchester , working two Degrees , and Bro . Isidor Levinson , W . M . Boyal York , working a third . The arrangements were of that nature to ensure , not only good information , but a degree of comfort most desirable .
FiiOWERT Field , Hyde . —Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 623 ) . —The members held then * usual monthly meeting at the White Hart Inn , on Saturday , the 14 th March . After the transaction of the usual routine business , Bro . B . M . Eichholz initiated Mr . Henry Frankan into the secrets and mysteries of the Order ; after which Bro . John Yarker , W . M ., initiated Mr , Frederick Riley , and passed two Brethren to the 2 nd Degree . The business of the evening being concluded and the Lodge being closed , about twenty of the Brethren partook of supper , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , and appropriately responded to . Bros . Bell , Harrison , and several other Brethren of various Lodges , were present as
visitors . DEVONSHIRE . Exmouth . —Sun Lodge ( No . 128 ) . — On Monday , March 8 , the Brethren of the Sun Lodge held their monthly meeting , when they presented Bro . George William Turner , of Exeter , with a very handsome silver salver , together with the splendid
regalia of n , Bast Principal Z . of the Chapter . The silver salver , value 25 guineas , was of a chaste and elegant design , and beautifully engraved in the centre with the following inscription : —" Presented to Bro . George William Turner , with a Koyal Arch Itegalia of a P . Z ., by the Members of the Sun Lodge and Chapter \ % \ , Exmoutl ) , as a token of their personal regard , and acknowledgment of his valuable services to their . Lodge and Chapter , March 9 , 1857 . " The Lodge was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
on the 3 rd of March , when the ceremonies of consecration and installation were ably worked by Bro . W . Watson , P . M ., in the presence of a large number of the Brethren ; Bro . Watson was assisted by the veteran Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson as S . W ., and Bro , Garfod , W . M . ( No . 206 ) , as J . W . The music was chanted by the Bros . C . Hart and James Wilder Adams , accompanied by Bro . E . Hart on the harmonium . At the close of business , the Brethren retired to a cold collation , amply supplied by Bro . Morbey . The loyal and Masonic toasts were enlivened
by the vocal talents of the Brethren , varied with selections from several eminent composers , performed by an Italian band , engaged by Bro . Morbey , stationed in the anteroom , thus closing a delightful evening , replete with instruction , finishing with harmony , brotherly love , and friendship . We strongly recommend this Lodge of Instruction to Brethren who are desirous to work and improve themselves in the Craft , it being conductedby Brethren eminent in the Order as Masters and Past Masters . The accommodation is most excellent .
Prospeeit y Lodge ( No . 78 ) . - —The above Lodge of Instruction , tinder the direction of Bro . H . A . Isaacs , Hon . Lecture Master , holds its meetings on Thursday evenings ( at the White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate-street ) instead of Monday , as heretofore . We can confidently recommend this Lodge to our Brethren in the east .
St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) . —This ; excellent working Lodge , which meets at the Holly-bush Tavern , Hamp stead , has changed its meeting from Wednesday to Thursday , at seven . It has been unanimously resolved to subscribe £ 1 . Is . annually to the old men ' s and widows' funds of the Benevolent Institution .
Manchester Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —This well-known working' Lodge having granted permission for a Lodge of Instruction , to be held at Bro . John Gurton ' s , 10 , Old Bond-street , the first meeting took place on Thursday , March 12 ; Bro . Morris Levinson , W ; M . of the Manchester , working two Degrees , and Bro . Isidor Levinson , W . M . Boyal York , working a third . The arrangements were of that nature to ensure , not only good information , but a degree of comfort most desirable .
FiiOWERT Field , Hyde . —Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 623 ) . —The members held then * usual monthly meeting at the White Hart Inn , on Saturday , the 14 th March . After the transaction of the usual routine business , Bro . B . M . Eichholz initiated Mr . Henry Frankan into the secrets and mysteries of the Order ; after which Bro . John Yarker , W . M ., initiated Mr , Frederick Riley , and passed two Brethren to the 2 nd Degree . The business of the evening being concluded and the Lodge being closed , about twenty of the Brethren partook of supper , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk , and appropriately responded to . Bros . Bell , Harrison , and several other Brethren of various Lodges , were present as
visitors . DEVONSHIRE . Exmouth . —Sun Lodge ( No . 128 ) . — On Monday , March 8 , the Brethren of the Sun Lodge held their monthly meeting , when they presented Bro . George William Turner , of Exeter , with a very handsome silver salver , together with the splendid
regalia of n , Bast Principal Z . of the Chapter . The silver salver , value 25 guineas , was of a chaste and elegant design , and beautifully engraved in the centre with the following inscription : —" Presented to Bro . George William Turner , with a Koyal Arch Itegalia of a P . Z ., by the Members of the Sun Lodge and Chapter \ % \ , Exmoutl ) , as a token of their personal regard , and acknowledgment of his valuable services to their . Lodge and Chapter , March 9 , 1857 . " The Lodge was